The consent submitted will only be used for data processing originating from this website. It is prized for its delicate and delicious meat. You simply cannot turn your eyes back from their legs. Nowadays, said trait is a prized and vital component of the breeds standard rather than a one-off fluke of nature. Great post! In fact, the carelessness and clumsiness of the breed makes them notorious for destroying their own eggs. The breed can grow into its full form within 28 weeks at most. These include feeding them a diet full of natural bran and raising them in clean, free-range, temperature-controlled conditions to prevent damage to their legs and feet. Dong Tao chicken eggs for sale. Once a particular climate pattern, such as snow or cold weather, settles in, they will adjust very well. We and our partners use data for Personalised ads and content, ad and content measurement, audience insights and product development. The weight of the egg and the weight of the yolk are also eye-catching. The structure of their large legs creates difficulties for hatching the eggs. Dong tao chicken for sale. This breed can usually only be purchased from Vietnam and a pair of adult Dong Tao chickens will cost $2500 - about $1250 per chicken. The chicken is tough to breed too. Hens often break the eggs with their bulky legs, thus eggs are usually kept in an incubator. Sure, Dong Tao chickens can be used for eggs, but they are rarely seen as productive. [1][2][3], Dong Tao chickens are valued as a delicacy in Vietnam, and they were once bred exclusively to be served to the royal family and mandarins. Dong Tao chickens possess different phenotypes as they vary from one color to another. A couple of pounds of Dong Tao Chicken meat can fetch $17-19. Its simply how the breed has been designed to look. Chicks and pullets are typically not available due to their rarity. The bizarre legs of Dong Tao chickens will undoubtedly catch your attention from afar. They become sensitive when the climate changes. Dong Tao Chickens (ga Dong Taoin Vietnamese) are raised for meat, for eggs, and also as pets. You should check them for these parasites and treat them from time to time. However, beyond the size, it doesnt look any different from a standard chicken. In Vietnam, the delicacy of the Dong Tao chickens is valuable. The Leghorn chicken has a high egg production compared to other breeds, making it advantageous for commercial producers. Categories Chicken Breeds, Chicken Questions, Raising Chickens, Considering Sapphire Gem Chicken Breed? It has big sized legs, with feathers of five varying colours (two for males and three . or Best Offer +$12.55 shipping Obviously, the Dragon chicken breed isnt a chicken that is ever going to be raised commercially for meat. Dong Tao chicken, also called Dragon Chicken, is a Vietnamese chicken breed with enlarged feet, which originates from the village of Dong Tao near Hanoi. I am interested to buy Dong tao aka dragon chicken. You can ship Dong Tao eggs from different parts of the world to incubate. They are clumsier than smaller chickens because of the size of their legs. The price of Dong Tao chickens hatching eggs is $50 to $55 per half dozen in the United States. This article about Vietnamese cuisine is a stub. If you consider the number of eggs they lay and how delicate they are, you can see why human help is important for the successful hatching of chicks. Dong Tao chicken is a common delicacy in several luxury restaurants. These docile birds do not lay many eggs, only two or three a week, and only a third to half of the year. However, they are known for being very sensitive to changes in weather. Color, Size, Appearance Characteristic of Dong Tao Chicken, Great Option for Making Your Meal Delicious, Dragon Feet the Center of Attraction of Dong Tao Chickens, Do Not Perform Well Against Climate Change. Blue Scale Quail Eggs. Liege Fighter 2. However, you will have to be aware of the rules of restrictions that apply to every country when shipping. Quick Answer / By James Core. What is the reason? Unfortunately, due to its rarity and limited availability, the Dong Tao Chicken can be quite expensive to purchase. These massive leg flocks may take six months to 1 year to turn into a fully-grown chicken with a weight of five to six kilograms. Brahma is arguably the most popular chicken breed among the most expensive chicken breeds. We do know it likely goes back hundreds of years and was named after the Dong Tao village in Hanoi, where it originated. We sell dong tao chicks of 4 -5 months old. The Dong Tao chicken does lay eggs. Many chicken breeders want to add this breed to their coop, and the pricing for this breed has risen nowadays. The size of Dong Tao chickens was large, the body weight and all body measurements of the cocks were greater than those of hens (P < 0.001). About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright . Additionally, Dong Tao birds grow and mature more slowly than most other breeds. Everything You Need To Know! Backyard chickens are common sights on small homesteads and farms. Dong Tao chickens must live in a free-range setting and eat a specific, highly nutritious diet with lots of natural bran to keep their legs healthy and strong. Our hens lay jumbo eggs now and they love this feed! Therefore, breeders keep their eggs in an incubator. Their reproductive performances were low but egg weight, yolk weight and the maximum breakage strength were higher compared to other chickens breeds. The trait for their enlarged, red legs likely originated with a genetic mutation, then reproduced in future generations via selective breeding and raising the birds in particular conditions. In spite of their tremendous bulk and size, Dong Tao Chickens can fly too, but not higher than 3-1/4 feet (1 meter). Several compulsory rituals were required during the Vietnam festivals. They may give you a headache with different weathers. We are breeders of dongtao chicken in USA. The results are not that great; however, the size of the egg makes a difference from the other breeds. History of origin The breed of elephant chickens is the rarest today. [4] They are difficult to breed as their large legs make hatching difficult, and they are also sensitive to changes in temperature. As hens, they're not great egg layers, producing around 1 - 2 eggs per week. By all accounts, the Dong Tao chicken is one of the best-tasting chicken breeds in the world. We have gathered a list of 11 of the most expensive chicken breeds in the world. The average weight of Dong Tao Chickens from Vietnam. The objective of this work was the evaluation of the meat production and laying performances, and the meat and egg quality of two breeds of Vietnamese broiler chickens, Ho and Dong Tao, fed on a commercial diet. You may see a single comb in a few hybrid Dragon Chickens. ranks Dong Tao Chickens as the rarest in a top 7 list of rare chicken breeds, not just in Vietnam, but in the world, including countries such as Poland, Germany, Japan and the US. Coops for Dong Tao chickens from 1- to 2-month . A pair of Dong Tao chickens can cost up to $2.500. Explores the world of chickens from raising chicks to collecting eggs, Learn about different chicken breeds and discover the happy raising chicken tips. The Dong Tao chicken is large and robust, with a healthy physique and reddish-scaled legs. An adult Dong Tao chicken can grow up to weigh three to six kilograms, with legs as thick as a human's wrist. Breeders may find it difficult to raise them. Dong Tao Chickens Okay, these avians aren't far removed from dinosaurs and have a face only a mother could love. By far the largest of all chicken breeds out there. Joseph Hudson has been raising chickens for over 15 years. [emailprotected] Egg size large and medium. This is considered less intensive when compared to hens that are raised for commercial egg production. My name is Khoa. Because Sundheim chickens are popular for their egg-laying and meat production, and because of their endangered ranking, a Sunheim chicken will cost you $100. Many restaurant owners are keeping their contact with the breeders of Dong Tao chickens for the supply of their meat. Sometimes, you will notice their cuteness at the time of their play. It's easy to think these chickens are suffering from some deformity from their appearance. The maintenance cost is too high, as this breed will require enough care and medication for living. They also enjoy a good amount of sunlight and fresh air. The Dong Tao chickens were among the many integral parts of the rituals, especially during New Years family reunions. Dong Tao chickens are widely known because of their amazing appearance. This breed is prevalent in the Dong Tao community. The hens of this breed are not fond of different climate changes. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Chicken Scratch is the ultimate destination for you to learn about chicken breeds and improve your chicken farming skills. Hi Rich It can lay 60 eggs per year. This is because the Dong Tao is not a broody chicken at all. Keep reading to learn more about this wonderful breed of chicken, its royal background, and why its so special (and expensive)! of years. Dong tao chicken for sale at a moderate price Dong Tao chicken and fertile eggs for sale Dong Tao hens can lay 10 to 15 eggs for about two weeks rest for a few weeks before they start to lay eggs again. While the origin of this rare chicken breed is not known, a majority of the birds are exclusively grown in the Khoai Chau District on the outskirts of Hanoi. This breed can usually only be purchased from Vietnam and a pair of adult Dong Tao chickens will cost $2500 - about $1250 per chicken. Be the first to review Buy Dong Tao chicken For Sale. Compared to most other chicken breeds, they take less time to attain maturity. Can you give us your contact? They were named after the Dong Tao village in which the breed was first developed and continues to thrive to this day. Traditions and festivalsincluded thousands of people, many gods and offerings to gods, and drums, gongs and firecrackers. Dong Tao hens are good mothers, are attentive to their eggs and sit on their brood much like other mother chickens normally do. Feeds Dong Tao Chickens rice and corn if you want them to produce eggs. Current breeders dont need to share much because they are the only breeders. 4++ Crested Cream Legbars- True Cream Autosexing Breed that lays Blue Eggs!! Brand New. The content on this blog is for educational and entertainment purposes and does not substitute for any veterinary advice or business advice. So, you can say that the Dong Tao chickens are good with children. You can prepare wonderful meals from Dong Tao chickens. Though this price sounds absurd, it's justified. Compared to other large chicken breeds, Dongtao chickens have a good life expectancy. The cocks have multicolored feathers, while the hens are typically white. This is a hefty chicken breed. This means that if you did try to breed it, the eggs would have to be removed almost instantly and stored in an incubator. You can become a steward of these rare chicken breeds and join in the . Since this is such a rare breed of chicken, there isnt actually that much information out there about raising this breed. It would seem that chickens outwardly can differ from each other only in size and plumage. The legs of Dong Tao Chickens grow as thick as a humans wrist. These ingredients include corn, rice bran, fish flour, bone flour, and a premix of vitamins and minerals. In fact, even to this day, the Dong Tao chicken can mostly be found in Vietnam. Most chickens usually do this in search of food and will eventually return to their coop after finding it. It also doesnt do well in countries outside of Vietnam. Chicks and pullets are typically not available due to their rarity. Dong Tao chickens are a healthy breed and are recognized as a royal chicken breed in Vietnam. This is not the case when it comes to Dong Tao chickens. We can supply 5000 Kilogram/Kilograms per Week of Dong Tao chicken meat best wholesale prices. However, with their large legs and feet, Dong Tao hens sitting on their brood can be a bit dangerous. The Dong Tao chicken also known as the Dragon Chicken is a domestic chicken breed in Vietnam. Many chickens of different breeds have tiny and thin feet. I also need dongtao cheken or fertilized eggs. This is because it is exceedingly rare and, when you can find it, it is incredibly expensive. You can feed your hens on corn and rice to increase their egg production. Read more about our shipping rates (https://www.meyerhatchery. Hens only lay about 60 eggs each year, which is why they're normally produced for only meat. As we touched on earlier, this is also part of why breeding additional Dong Tao birds is so difficult. This breeds chickens are quite large, and the appearance of their feathers, comb, and legs make them special among other breeds. You should check them for these parasites and treat them from time to time. The problem is that it can only lay those 60 eggs per year in very, very specific conditions. If there is even the slightest change in temperature, the Dong Tao chicken stops laying eggs. Where can I purchase Dong Tao chickens in the United States? I am Bijaya Kumar and I have been raising chickens for the last 10 years. This breed is a rare Vietnamese chicken. They would probably go for the Dong Tao chicken. They can grow into their full form by the time they reach 27 weeks. The breeding stocks cost around VND 100,000 to 120,000 (per chicken). The following points will show you how this breed may cause problems for your coop: The breed of Dong Tao chickens does not show a great response against the weather change. You can easily distinguish between a hen or a rooster. The size of their eggs is decent. Compared to most other chicken breeds, they take less time to attain maturity. The male chickens have a large crest on ther head, while the females have a smaller one. Raising these chickens comes with several benefits. You will find enlarged-leg Dong Tao chickens that come from the village ng To in the District of Khoi Chu. Dong Tao chickens are normally good in growth. This is why the breed really has not been successful outside of Vietnam, and it is why the price is so high. Hi! Their diet should mainly comprise rice bran, borne flour, fish flour, corn, and a premix of minerals and vitamins. They are large birds that can be wider than a human holding one. Unfortunately, we dont have a lot of details about the Dong Tao breeds lengthy history. Please email me with your request (how many/when) and I will return with information on Dong Tao Chicks. Its unknown how long the birds have been around, but they were initially only made available to Vietnams wealthy royal family. Dong Tao chickens are normally good in growth. Each one can take years of raising and special care, and the best are even entered into beauty competitions. Your email address will not be published. An example of data being processed may be a unique identifier stored in a cookie. [emailprotected], Do you sell dong tao fertile eggs and chicks? Raising any chicken breed comes with various challenges at some point, and Dong Tao is not an exception. Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for Assorted chicken hatching eggs 10 eggs Possible Ga Dong Tao eggs at the best online prices at eBay! The Dong Tao breed hails from the rural Dong Tao village in the Khoai Chau district, just outside Hanoi, Vietnam. The name Dong Tao was given to this breed by the mandarins as they served them for many years. First bred in Germany in the 1800s, the Langshan is capable of laying about 200 eggs yearly and is docile in nature. The hens are friendly and the roosters are somehow a little aggressive when they feel any change in behavior of the breeder. The hens themselves tend to go broody, but their big feet make the incubation process even more difficult, and that's why . These chickens were once bred for their mandarins (bureaucrats) and for royalty or for ritual purposes. Sussex 7. At first, it was bred exclusively to serve the royal family and was called " the offering of Kings.". A Dong Tao is one of the most expensive chicken breeds in the world, after a pure-bred Ayam Cemani, which can cost up to $2500. There are various rare breeds, such as the Dong Tao chicken breed, that are surprisingly extensive. Generally, you will find it challenging to raise your birds in different weathers. 2,498.02 SEK 435.80 SEK shipping Only 1 left! I've mostly seen them called only "Dong Tao". This Galliformes article is a stub. Kadaknath 4. Hello khadim Hussain I want to buy fertilized eggs! The price of a Dong Tao chicken can go up to $2000; that's how rare and popular they are. Female Dong Tao Chickenfeathers are a beautiful all-white, or white mixed with light brown, while roosters are multi-colored in auburn and red, grey, white and black. Dong Tao chicken is a common delicacy in several luxury restaurants. They are generally heavy and huge; thus, a single chicken can supply enough meat for several people. With scientific methodology, 70 eggs per year may be possible. If youve never seen a Dong Tao chicken before, youd be forgiven for thinking its massive legs were some type of painful deformity or perhaps even caused by a rare illness. We are not liable for any harm or losses caused because of our content. Dong Tao chicken, often known as dragon chickens, can sell for over $2,000. On average, its common for a single fully-grown Dong Tao chicken to cost upwards of $1,000. We occasionally link to goods offered by vendors to help the reader find relevant products. In large operations, breeders typically use incubators. The Australorp is recognizable by its black . is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to I live in Holland. Breeders are taking care of their shelter during the winter. The breeders should provide enough shelter with definite items to make the winter comfortable for Dong Tao chickens. This species is larger than normal chickens, with giant legs, giving soft and sweet meat that can be processed into numerous delicious dishes. Meyer Hatchery can ship as few as 3 chicks during the months of April thru November and 8 December thru March. Dragon chickens, usually served in restaurants that cater for the wealthy, are native to the Dong Tao commune in Khoai Chau district, about 20 miles from Hanoi. Many breeders have tried their best to give enough nutrition for enhancing the egg-laying capacity of the Dong Tao hens, but it does not work because hens are not that good for egg-laying performance. $2.29. This is less intensive than hens that are raised commercially for egg production, producing 180-300 eggs per year depending on climate. Im interested in buying fertile hatching eggs of the Dong Tao chicken or newly hatched chicks. Dong Tao Chicken, a breed from Vietnam, will surprise you with its different attire. The Dong Tao roosters can easily reach 13lb (6kg) in weight, and hens tend to cap out at 10lb (4.5kg). Manage Settings . In general, its not unusual for chickens to occasionally fly over fences, as high as 4 to 6 feetand sometimes even more. However, you will have to monitor them closely and treat any common poultry diseases that may come along. That is why breeders looking for a good egg-laying option as their top priority should not go for this breed. If you would like to change your settings or withdraw consent at any time, the link to do so is in our privacy policy accessible from our home page.. Vietnamese believe that Dong Tao chickens serve the mandarins and the royal family with their delicious meat. Since they are highly susceptible to climate changes, they will require good maintenance and care. Hatching eggs can be found for about $8 each if you are lucky. We raise multiple chicken breeds in their backyard. The Dong Tao chicken is also known as the "Dragon Chicken," making it among the most unusual chicken breeds on the globe. Many chefs from different restaurants prepare delicious meals such as firm and crisp sweetmeat, delicious thigh meat, and pink brisket recipe from Dong Tao chickens. From there, birds with larger legs were bred with each other, gradually producing birds with larger and larger legs and feet over the next few hundred years or so. Dong Tao chickens are expensive due to their massive legs and how challenging and time-consuming they are to raise. The attribute of Dong Tao chickens is friendly. Many years of careful, repeated selective breeding have produced unique chicken breeds, such as birds with vibrantly colored plumage, funky hairdos, and even feathered feet! Raising Dong Tao chickens for egg production comes with several challenges, unlike raising them for meat production. if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[320,100],'chickenmag_com-box-3','ezslot_12',127,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-chickenmag_com-box-3-0');The Dragon chicken originates from Vietnam. Because of their ugly massive bulky legs, they are a unique large chicken breed. 5 Ways to Keep Raccoons Away From Chickens, 5 Common Chicken Usage Categories (Meat, Egg, Dual-Purpose, Show, Bantam). The change in weather has a huge impact on their egg-laying performance. Dong Tao Vietnamese chickens LipsChicks Jan 21, 2015 1 2 Next Sort by date Sort by reaction score Jan 21, 2015 #1 LipsChicks Songster 5 Years Dec 31, 2014 181 45 111 North Dakota Does anyone know where I can find the dong Tao Vietnamese chickens? While its name sounds like a German metal band, the deathlayer is in fact an ancient German chicken, whose origins date back at least 400 years. Shop Ornamental Chickens Stromberg's Perfect Flock | Live Poultry, Eggs, and Supplies - Shipping In 24-48 Hours! They are a rare breed of chicken from the Dong Tao region of Vietnam and can weigh as much as 12 pounds. They lay tinted white eggs. Male adult Dong Tao chickens have developed legs the thickness of a human wrist and can weigh up to 6 kilos. Today, Dong Tao chicken legs and feet are still a costly delicacy, and they are primarily sold at restaurants and markets aimed at wealthy elites. Dong Tao chickens in Vietnam, people also name this breed Dragon Chicken. #3 - Kadaknath. And kindly share your location. Dongtao and other chicken vreeds poultry farm in USA Dong tao chicken for sale usa | Archer Lodge NC Basically, if you had a Dragon chicken chicken in the United States, it would probably never lay an egg.if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[320,50],'chickenmag_com-large-mobile-banner-2','ezslot_14',135,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-chickenmag_com-large-mobile-banner-2-0');if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[320,50],'chickenmag_com-large-mobile-banner-2','ezslot_15',135,'0','1'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-chickenmag_com-large-mobile-banner-2-0_1');.large-mobile-banner-2-multi-135{border:none!important;display:block!important;float:none!important;line-height:0;margin-bottom:7px!important;margin-left:auto!important;margin-right:auto!important;margin-top:7px!important;max-width:100%!important;min-height:50px;padding:0;text-align:center!important}. 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