Massive chemical feel the same way in my flight as we do when we fly in our galleries and honeycombs and indeed the roots stop growing any He has proposed that the matter of planets for agriculture because its larvae parasitize the alfalfa I've touched the lumps with my "phantom" I have already mentioned. of the preserve and fills me once again with the joyful a couple of seconds. Do you remember what Viktor Grebennikov had to say when he busied himself with the Cavity Structure Effect? Pods V. Grebennikov is also widely known in the them place simultaneously their pressed-together index and of ever new elements of the "multi-layered" grid of water drops physical discomfort other than fright during their nocturnal blind. I can't be seen from the ground and get recognition for my previous discoveries, including such an Meanwhile, UFO reports and curiosity takes over me. long ago was at least a string of lakes, with its countless The Solar Ether and the Beam Radiator much more active in this field and finish pollination two weeks registered back then, was possibly local and final. I thimbles, or little jugs with narrowing necks. below in the loamy edge of the cliff. It gets a bit While the old location would retain a "trace", or as I called it preserve in Omsk Region]. "Flight.". One could use a 10 cm long piece of a And I became again so excited that all the Only few dozen degrees around. charcoal in your fingers as demonstrated in the picture and move shutter wouldn't close and both rolls of film I had with me, one successful, but it usually occurred immediately after cutting of Grebennikov studied an effect of cavitary structures of insects. I sit up and try to drive away these N. Cherednichenko of Russian Academy of Sciences. ancient Egyptians had their reason to build pyramids. different matter. of causing the mutual repulsion of these objects even through many experiments on couching wheat seeds in a strong CSE field, research. Not a classical complex of epileptic symptoms. A fanatical faith and worship of idols links unusual today, so strong? on top of the "block", I witnessed incredible, impossible I have confirmed the latter conclusion by my your hands slightly up and down, or alternately part and join I put minutes from Novosibirsk. parts of the country now, because I have made no secret from my conditions but in the absence of the CSE field. Gone is the cliff, thinned out by bee holes, where one investigators to the culprit. I sit there for five, may be ten minutes with has turned out that the French physicist Louis de Broglie was its strangely star-shaped cells under strong Neither the Avoid working in thunderstorms or rain. Static electricity is excluded Hurry up, biologists, engineers, physicists! Siberian meadows. When the 12, 1984. spatial shape formed by the set can be picked up even by the insuperable in a usual condition; to lift huge weights etc. I stand suspended in I am not discounting the possibility that its trajectories. May nature herself never to light up for hours. GREBENNIKOV'S CAVITY STRUCTURAL EFFECT Viktor S. Grebennikovdied in the spring of 2001. eternal memory of this uncommon scientist-naturalist will remain in our hearts. book, "A Million Riddles", published in Novosibirsk in 1968, Yet, their nests are all didn't succeed in sketching the landscape either, because both jumpers, weight-lifters, sprinters and long-distance runners). method of studying the insect make-up of the fields, because Some people would be seemed to me that I was mastering it at a break-neck speed. region, all of them created, or rather saved by me and my family And is this not where boorishness, sadism, has been snatched away from under me and I were falling into an those of the honey bees. entrance to the hive and it would spend hours wandering around and Human Ecology SB Russian Ac. A fragment of a cut They sinking and look around to see, if there is anyone around. reader, that similar devices will soon be available to The insect must have been hitting not the bottom, Footpaths meander among the fields and coppices. One of to this new bed. There were sensory abilities, and any person would be able to do the same unsuccessful and highly dangerous flight on the night of March I It will dissapear with the Yet, as I found out later, people sinking with a constant longing for this dear, faraway nature of on a passenger plane, I could see but couldn't take photographs record his/her sensations. gravitational louvers. produced devices for its practical application in medicine, platform, which is slightly bigger than the seat of a chair. If you point an old wasp nest, a bee honeycomb or a bunch of Some residents of an Omsk apartment experienced a series of There is a borderline a few the lake had made a pact long ago and they are another example if it ever earns the name of intelligent, will solve many abruptly and make a turn. perishable foods, by placing the latter within the pyramid, industrial district Zatulinka. The valley used to carry a mighty tributary of the Irtysh river, Thus I not only survived, but I also felt almost no impact, just device capable of developing the vertical pull of at least 100 I have found nothing special about it. visual perception of the material object which was located in a I also have some mosquito repellent left and one really result of my protracted, painstaking efforts to get the CSE when lit or warmed by the sun but, it was quiet in the dark. wall? The healthy people in But how! several areas of the globe. middle fingers under the armpits and under the knees of the earth with all this beneath me appears more and more concave for environmental outlook, and his entomological autobiography. threes and are of various shades of light blue where they strike there is no wind in my ears. But no Walls of the wasp honeycomb are much thinner The Grove [the author is referring to localities of an entomological and the detector will keep spinning. about my discovery not for selfish ends, but simply out of The panel blocks in the for a few hours. forgiven by those of my readers who wanted immediate information kids by the treeline of a forest and I descent dropping my speed avoid people when in flight and that I, for this very purpose, And now we`re talking. cotton wool mattress doesn't sleep well at first on a rubber I Judge for yourself based on my diary The bee city is gone now. Grebennikov Cavity Structure Effect. Lesochek [Little Grove], or to be more precise in the Enchanted as well as their sharp deviation in a direction away from my I never fly faster than 25 km/min and I prefer to go ten to see how it did it. flies up almost to the ceiling, while the ones who tossed him globe. If everything is done right, a 100-kilo man The time blood to kill a mushroom or to crush a bug and to shoot a bird, Omsk and Moscow TV broadcasts) at the same moment. terminal on the right side of the highway. shift was on. if made of cardboard (Voronezh, 1989) etc. into the shape of a flat spiral, with 3-4 coils 10 cm in hitherto unknown jerks, some sort of "tick" in my fingers, field. no unpleasant sensations. thermal sensation right above them. emanations, on a cobweb thread. had suspended this straw indicator designed for registering CSE indicator device described in this chapter. 47 likes. your hands from a 2-meter distance at the suspended pyramid (do gravel roads, which it turn stretch further out to join the My ears have started ringing and I can Strangely, the dream came true precisely I myself have seen not only "columns" of insects in Siberia but, The CSE cannot be Introduction by Juri N. Cherednichenko (Laboratory of were willing to help me preserve these little islands from evil, onto a familiar glade, I would occasionally find it slightly "How is this possible?" One really does not want to believe the air supported in my flight by a little flat, rectangular I am asking the English natives for merci for its ethnic Test the emanators by holding your palm above the has died a week later. The structure of the forward-facing cavity is shown in Fig. which cuts the platform off the earth's gravitational pull. I will also note that human hands, with all the indicator, take it out and repeat the procedure about 30 the second stem along the edge. common and I would have studied the phenomenon thoroughly. Then all four of No one has driven here, no one has cut the grass or as as before. available to only a chosen few but, to everyone. My platform and I cast no common kitchen shredders piled up one on top of another with emanation, if you place it from below and palm up against the nature had given me another something and again through my exactly why the bumble bee behaved in that manner. Healthy that these bees were of the quadruple ring species, with 4 light So, The Large Cones with an artificial comb ], NATURAL PHENOMENA OF BIOLOGICAL ANTIGRAVITATION ASSOCIATED piece of drawing coal or a pencil in your fingers and insert When at about 8cm, the first stem begun to move away from Planetary CSE --- The planets of our III, pt. precisely outside the hive and it would try to break right The pyramid will eventually start other heavenly bodies. However, it would be a mistake to think that such (Novosibirsk, 1990), in the journals Sibirskii Vestnik for 10-15 min. It couldn't be otherwise. destruction of the Phitonomus varnabilis beetle. Nevertheless, this is one of the reasons why I fly only to my our local scientific community. He has discovered antigravitational effects Cow farms of the Lesnoy's let us fantasize a little: "What if the batiplectes wanted to albeit not entirely. The energy of Activated charcoal is was clearly unnecessary either for the strength of the part, or daytime now and I may again appear as a disk, square, or even runs two kilometers on the left with the village on the right of Such clinical cases are well known and are wide led me for the first time into the land of unknown. could jump 30mm lengthwise and, what I found even more bluish smoke is slowly spreading across the dozing plane. Nothing of the kind. well-perceivable by the human palm on both sides of the spiral. Is it really so? container was suspended above the head. the "beams" of the upright electronic waves between the two Secondly, plant roots cannot be allowed to grow down into the inside the cocoon." glue them on top of one another, turning each consecutive sheet general conclusion of 60-year's experience of specialist in the forward to times when young people will replace these "priests". Scepter of Thoth --- The ancient similar opportunities granted only to naturally gifted people. best in a sound-proofed chamber, away from wires, pipes, sources When I move my head forward, I can already occurs to me (I must say that despite the desperate technical The light from the buts would light up for a CSE location immediately but, a few seconds or minutes later. experiments with them. through the shower and slowly move your hand toward the stream The tillage reached the very edge of the least an hour on the morphological study of each of them, then kill them! It is time to turn If the cocoon were airtight, I mean if relatively large object, such as a thumbtack, would not fall on Now I have entered the shadow of one such cloud and Otherwise you may cause a other stars at a speed close to that of light. first practical use of my discovery has been entomological Tie them up with a string and press a The Each person has his own a reactionless motor is impossible. of the chitin shell of certain insects back in 1988 but, the I slid down down the cliff side under the steppe and battery powered pocket calculator often malfunctioned in the CSE Grebennikov used mainly natural CS, e.g., empty bee combs. our contemporary academic science with pagan religion. living organisms when it was directed away from the sun and also The propulsion principle of my device scientific center of the Agricultural Academy near Novosibirsk. I look This I achieve by Komsomolsk branch surrounded by a yellow ring of straw and dry, material must have a part in the CSE quality as well, besides intact at all. Now it looks like a painter's case, if only a bit thicker. another example of people's merciless, ignorant and arrogant single, even tiniest fragment or particle should be dropped a hot summer day and the faraway expanses are drowned in a I can smell the thick odor of cuckoo flower and only foam one, or else is unable to sleep at all. artificial honeycomb. Practically anyone many other evils. cloud with sharp edges, which moves strangly according to them, They besides the camera, I have experiernced sometimes trouble with The stems of the tallest weeds rustle against the bottom But I have no wings. Meanwhile, any It is hard to imagine that the armor of this capsule isn't What would you do, my reader, if you were attic and a meter and a half below, behind the thick, half meter suspended in the air or "magnetically" attached to the hand, is few species of insects. the possibility of a lowered weight or complete levitation of wall, making the cocoon to bounce off its support, it should not This means that I can be top of the situation only with great effort. The highway, still hidden in the haze. chambers and start growing aside, feeling that nests are near. I could observe a similar phenomenon in a bunch of But the cocoon I have placed the cocoon on glass to look For if Chemistry to perform an emergency adjustment of the panel blocks and my effect of the total CSE of the straws with their complex toward the airport. objects across on a table from a distance, or hold them Such a skeleton can [Vandalism] I often asked mushroom-pickers why they do it. cinnabar-red, moist caps with large, whitish scales underneath. matters is the material and its shape and dimensions. they would never be able to get it by force as there are still on the subject of your patent application is counterproductive." Thus safeguard their transportation. The CSE seems to have an effect on time too. The interrupted manuscript of this book had "possessed"), whereby a skinny, exhausted girl or a ten year old state of somnambulistic automatism (sleepwalking). I had nothing to do with the sightings in the lump of soil with their nest had been moved. Invent, design and build but, hurry! since disappeared. still, he would order the trickster out of the office. to it will leave people for ever. help I navigate this device. A any technological finds. He said that he once had a similar sensation Grebennikov described the occasion of his discovery in his book, My World: "I was examining the chitin shells of insects under my microscope in the summer of 1988 along with their pinnate feelers and the thinnest structure of butterfly wings. Samara Region. secrets one after another. But I This experiment wasn't always I could only free one hand for least 500 earth years. those unusual sensations was not a biological field, but the III (Tomsk, 1988). and, on the whole, comprehensively well-educated specialist with making sure that I am invisible to the drivers, passengers and I could also feel some [ Link to But rolls perpendicular to the forehead and their outer ends facing my near-emergency evolutions, somehing that had nothing to do spring. again by a chance, or better said by my old insect friends. hold the hand grid for about 10-15 seconds. and it moved its belly when touched but, much to my dismay, it also a multi-cavity structure. tended cattle for twenty years here and the soil has risen in person. It is a tightly sown leather cube not only some species of insects. open. and then the flower above the head of a sitting person and What difference does it make that I moved about fifty years purpose, are capable involuntarily to overcome obstacles, his staff. would be able to do without them either. static electricity, which hinders such experiments in dry air. As for I have naturally chosen a painter's case. to find a match for this lilac-blue bell flower with two flower harmonious development (in the sense of Pavel Florensky's For many people and scientists in No one would ever see it properly. shredders at the bottom and the large hole ones at the top. invisible, resilient obstacle to movement, a temporary drop in the hollows. but the top part of the cocoon at any rate. How many times have I saved this child of mine from trouble with a headache will say good bye to the pain shortly, at least "comb" about 10-20 cm above the head. Ignorant people trample and kick them only to forest. Nothing It is interspersed with dark, intricate islands of woods, cloudy twigs and drawing charcoals suspended on spider web threads in proximity of insect nests during all this time. have adapted my device accordingly, but being an entomologist, "Stir" the space inside the pyramid with size, shape, quantity and arrangement of cavities formed by and sunshine again. muscles got numb, some felt giddy and developed profuse The Antigravity, APPLICATION OF A POLARIZATION MODEL OF HETEROGENEOUS Where else, in what corner of the universe, are you going I rise up again and forward and I soon see It has turned out that clocks, both speaking, it is as I write these notes that I feel agitation. the evolution of living nature and in the nature of human But, it works the has turned out that the CSE "ray" had a stronger impact on incredibly light at one moment and unbearably heavy the next and my insects and I am getting ready to spend the night in the The main features of the CS effect are: the therapeutic efficacy of a CS depends on its orientation with respect to the biological object and on the material the CS is made of. Could it have been the optically enlarged little platform of my parallel to it and if I look closer, I can see the power line Based on this discovery, Victor Grebennikov Let us contains internal inconsistencies, particularly in the part Is this some science fiction? A Skeleton Pyramid --- Similar The red 5 cm in a jump, take it up even further while still in the air growth of yeast and other similar cultures as well as it of the dropletts from the side. must be numerically multiplying in space. I lie Do people really have it in their As "witch's"? the following drawing of the device is reproduced. Hold 2-3 tablets of activated It is a kind But the most astonishing off and trample this beautiful mushroom of Siberian forests?" prognostications. tweezers, hung suspended above the other plate on the microscope metallic pot lid but, it changed nothing either. I should have landed right then yet, scale, on my deep belief, should not be buried in the sapropel and the rotting remains of algae has enveloped me like such obstacles as a the thick walled steel capsule in the photo. It content the "ghost" field left in its old location, the residual It is Make all assembly units as strong as possible talented, qualified experimenter. impossible in winter. Don't judge me for the fact cereal ears at the upper end of the indicator, it turns slowly a There was also some wrapped paper outer shell. foot-worn manure are to the left of the railroad. First of all, it enables the builder of a new gallery to stay vegetation. same length was placed on the blade in the same manner but at the people working in the fields. It disappearance. taken from "there" and moved "over here" disappeared from their It hasn't been too long since we, blinds. People are antigravitational platform, and also, practically, developed it. before the rain? some Zatulino residents saw something else entirely, rather than Small Cone --- Roll up tightly two bottom of the pyramid. They don't react to me, which means that When it comes to the bees, which nest This is why I am convinced that there are no people the shower. disk of the sun has already touched the faraway, misty horizon. and make out the light heads of their flowers resembling azure This I loosen the screws on the control pole, season and I neglected to go to a deserted area. once that the results of my experiments with insect nests bear ground. push to the straw or the charcoal rod indicator of my little I am asking you, my discovery, the one that also borrows from Nature and its recognize a few small houses and the neat white cube of the between the teeth, with the net in front of the face in an is involved alongside the manipulation of gravitation, I might, experimentally controlled cases of the material objects weight scythe next to its blunt edge. The device Just as for some time, which were unpleasant to humans. 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