he said, Look at the earthquakes over here in California. Before we learn of the extent of this impending judgment, let us return a few years back to where the prophet of God first spoke of such things. Lay your hand over on him. The song was a tremendous blessing, and the congregation was deeply moved. Thank you My lord JESUS CHRIST for sending this message of unimaginable value GOD bless you and please continue sharing more. Chemicals are also injected by syringe into other areas of the body. 4 Footnotes. As my husband and I could not go along with any of the strange doctrines we of course were pushed out from participating in the money that was so generously given to the members of the family as well as for mission purposes. He is the Healer, isnt He? Brother Branham had predicted this atomic holocaust in 1959 in a message entitled The Great Harlot when he said, Thus saith the Lord, someday Russia will drop an atomic bomb on the Vatican and in one hour she will be destroyed! Here, in the Scriptures, it is proved (to those who have eyes to see) that it is so. When I was about to give birth to another child I asked my brother Joseph to give me 1,500 dollars to cover the hospital expenses, his reply was: Where do you think I can get this money from? I went to Rev. Now the earth is cracked all the way around.. You have confirmed the Word with signs following. I am my tradition. Anybody got a special request? But I know that You are standing near. More shall come to feast upon the ungodly. The Bible only spoke of one major Prophet for our age, Malachi 4:5-6. Father, realizing that I be afraid to step into this realm now, without You would hold my hand Now, my mind is going back to around two years ago, when in the room that night, that Angel of God came walking in there and said, You arebeen borned in this world to take a gift of Divine healing to the people. After the sermon a prayer line was called and I was in that prayer line. Billy Paul is president of the . He said, The same Angel of the Lord that told me that Los Angeles would sink and slide into the Pacific Ocean as the result of an earthquake., To return now to the state of unrest that Brother Billy Paul found himself in concerning the conflicting prophecy over Sister Shakarian on that day when the message in tongues had gone forth and Brother Branham had preached Choosing Of A Bride. That never will be accepted by the true bride of Jesus Christ. Thankyou And God Bless you amen. Jesus Christ? Have faith in God. Irmos vamos seguir em frente e permanecermos firmes e um dia estaremos todos reunidos juntamente com o Senhor Jesus. Wish I could've just paid for it myself, but I--I can't do that. Best stick with some of these newfangled Sherman tanks we've got, you're gunna love 'em! i thank God for bringing this wonderful message to zimbabwe. Brother Branham was given the . Nevile at the Tabernacle. I may This is done to slow down the process of decay. It was him that said, Come out of her, speaking of coming out of the systems, the denominations, the Roman plague, the daughters of the harlot, and everything else that would blind the eyes. Ifif thats what its taken. Billy Paul, in these last 25 years I have not left my wife for some other woman, though some have said that I did. I was two months in the hospital. SHOULD A MESSAGE MINISTER MARRY UNBELIEVERS or DIVORCED PEOPLE? So that she and her family can spend a little of their time, while left here, living at least a life of peace and comfort. He is survived by : his daughters, Stephine Bishop, Stacy Felix, Susan Winters, Sheryl Branham and Nineteen; and his grandchild Fifteen. Pearry Green of Tucson presenting himself nicely as the pastor of the Branham family suggested that I give him 50,000 which he would invest into a travel agency. When he was two years old, both his mother and baby sister, Sharon Rose, died of tuberculosis, just five days apart. That night when he finished his sermon, he did something that none of us who followed him closely had ever seen or heard him do before. Repent Los Angeles! I have a filing cabinet full of some of the things they have preached and propogated. I grow everyday .. food in due season. military forces, slave . Paul's manager told NBC10 that he died at his home in Blackwood, New Jersey, after being diagnosed with cancer. And the grave is not its goal; Family and friends can send flowers and/or light a candle as a loving gesture for their loved one. As Brother Branham and Brother Woods walked along that day, suddenly the Spirit of the Lord spoke to him and told him to pick up a stone and cast it into the air. Your great honeycomb under you right now, the wrath of God is belching right beneath you. http://www.cuttingedge.org/news/n2104.cfm Sharon Rose (Burial: Walnut Ridge Cemetery, Jeffersonville, Clark, IN) . Pearry Green who promised to take him as a co-pastor and accommodate him in Tucson. The Lord through him, though he is gone, is still speaking to His Bride. Please give your life to the Lord. God is ever merciful,we return all the glory to Him. The information was confirmed by the secretariat of . There is another internationally-known evangelist who writes in his paper concerning these predictions of earthquakes that he didnt find such things in the Scripture and that he believed that these were just occurances which would continue, but which have absolutely no significance to the people of God. Let me say when we see this things we must be more dedicated.Saints of let us run the race that was set before us with patients.SHALOM!! .They send me to penitentiary for preaching the Gospel taking a few dollars out here to--to preach the Gospel, that people give me to preach the Gospel with. Elsie on 2 Jan 1968 Temple Hill Cemetery, Castlewood VA. . This man also proves himself ignorant of the Scriptures, because he does not recall Daniel 12:1 which sayd that the great archangel shall stand upon the earth and that there shall be destruction such as never been known since there was a nation, but they are Not to fear in that hour whose names are written in the Book of Life. He must also be ignorant of Revelation 6:12 which states that at the opening of the Sixth Seal there shall be a great earthquake. They had the following children: 411: M: i: . You sure have been doing it for the past 25 years. It seems that I cannot live with it no more and I am sure I couldnt die with it. The next prophetic link was forged as he said to the people of Los Angeles, You dont know what time that this city one day is going to be lying out there at the bottom of this ocean. I was there when the call went through and the answer was given us that she had died at 2:45 a.m. Now, were the tongues and interpretation from God, or were they a result of someones own zealousness? Stay In Line! I am going to send you a tract, telling what the Lord showed me back in 1988. Amen. [At Thy Word, Lord Phoenix, AZ 48-0305]. Funeral arrangement under the care ofBoyd Funeral Home. The statement was simple, but profound, Sin has heaped up so high that someday the ocean will weep its way to the desert.. All right. (At this he goes to the Scripture, proving that he is a Word prophet, and quotes Zechariah who is prophesying of the coming of Christ in the last days.) If so, then you are just using the financial condition as a leverage on her. The Anointed Ones at the End Time (65-0725M). Only God knows all the facts, but after I saw the document dated the 26th day of October, 1965, I began to wonder even more. Very soon I hope things will come to light which were done wrong including with all the pastors in the message who take the tenth (tithes) from the people and treat the large sums of money as their private income. Revelation 18:4 says Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues. As I read these words, the full realization struck me that this was Brother Branhams message. Read our privacy notice. On December 18, 1965, William Branham and his son Billy Paul Branham were traveling in two separate cars to Tucson when a drunk driver hit Brother Branhams car. The brethren who present themselves pius before the believers have also finished my husband Eddy who is an ordained minister having a diploma of the Tucson University. Junior Jackson) wrote the below letter to Billy Paul Branham out of concern for Sarah Branham De Corado. I'm telling you that for almost 25 years, you have played both ends against the middle, hoping to come out the winner. A nice little picture room and house up there and I thought, Thats beautiful. And II said, I dont deserve that, Lord. And I turned it over to the Tabernacle. I believed You. He told Demos that she would not die then, but that she would die before the coming of the Lord, that it would happen between 2 and 3 oclock some morning, and that he had seen her lying in state.) (79 years old). When mother found out she begged Billy not to do it. Billy Paul photographed in 1970. We're just trying to do the best we can. Repent the rest of you and turn to God; the hour of His wrath is upon the earth. [The Second Miracle, Erie, PA 51-0729E]. Was not spoken of the soul. (Henry Longfellow). It begins by examining copies of letters and dates sent to Billy Paul Branham and how Billy Paul responded. Brrothers and Sisters, Us who know the word of God, This man was truly sent by God. But yet they want to send me to the penitentiary, hold me two years, and got a trial coming soon. i am a message believer right here in Malawi am so blessed with this testimony i say Glory be to God the scoffers were there and are there,will be there Christ our lord set as an example, the pharisees so religious called him a devil yet He was Emanuel Joh:7:19: Did not Moses give you the law, and yet none of you keepeth the law? So I looked around and there was a sign on the building, said, "The May Company." I said, "We are standing in front of The May Company, and Reo Grand." He said, "You remember this. God bless you. For myself, I wait for that day, for I believe that it is the day that shall bring forth the resurrection of those who sleep in Christ Jesus. Incisions and holes made in the body are sewn closed or filled with buttons. The body is then washed, dried and put into cold storage. Thank you God for such a hope-giving testimony.It makes me feel so privileged to have believed the Message Of The Hour. No explanation was forthcoming at this time and Brother Branham went on to deliver his message Choosing Of A Bride. See the predictions of them? Brother Branham was taken to a hospital . But far be it from me to ever take the Gospel of Jesus Christ to commercialize it. I saw him as he walked off the edge of the platform with Billy, pull away from Billy, step back on the platform, and while they sang the song, he waved good-bye. For myself, I keep nothing. Suddenly he turned to Brother Roy Roberson, standing near him, and quickly told him to take cover. The singer had . My Prophet is still living via tapes. I dont know how many times my mother told me: Take it with you to the grave. What she meant by that I have to tell you now. Most of them have used the tithes of the people to buy real estate and investments, travel agencies. Amen. No, sir. He was hospitalized a week ago at Temple . I wont name him, but I sincerely hope that he reads this book because he must be made to understand that he stands in dire need of repentance. I am only 15 years old but may God help us to stay in line with his word and not fall. He was a member of, and had served as pastor of the Powell Valley Church of God Mountain Assembly for over 50 years. Anyone know of believers of this message in north idaho, eastern washington area? I want people to be able to enjoy the fellowship of each other no matter what their financial status may be. . If you would like a copy mailed to you, please send your mailing address, the quantity of books you would . He lived for six days after the crash, dying on December 24, 1965 at 5:49 PM. Something changed there, didnt it? All Rights Reserved. In the words of his father, "God honored Billy Paul.". I come poor; I will return poor. He was 32 years old and she was twenty-two. Inn when Brother Carl Williams received a long distance call from Los Angeles informing him that Sister Florence had died the night before. Also I would like to mention something that happened after the accident that always bothered mother and me. When this shakes it causes these earthquakes weve been having for years on the west coast. At the end of her song, Brother Branham, sitting on the platform next to Brother Carl Williams, nudged Brother Carl and said, Do you hear that? Brother Carl asked him what he meant, and Brother Branham replied, Shes walking up the Golden Stairs, cant you hear her?. To you people, I want you to know, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that God has already told you to, You were told when God sent a prophet to this generation who said, Thus saith the Lord, the city of Los Angeles, as the result of an earthquake, will break off and slide off into the Pacific Ocean. If you are spiritual and you hear and believe that this man was the fulfillment of Malachi 4, a forerunner of the second coming of the Lord Jesus Christ, and you live on the west coast, youll get out as quickly as possible, for God has indeed spoken. This is the way that things are started.. Brother Branham was taken to a hospital in Amarillo, Texas. It won't work. His house in Tucson is empty and I have no place to stay. How do we know if we have the Holy Ghost? I'll have to answer for your tithing, the people that give it to me. The Faith of Abraham (59-0424A). All insiders know about the 65,000 dollars Brother Sidney Jackson gave to Rev. I predict that, before the coming of the Lord Jesus, that God will sink that place. Billy Paul, you have a nice personality, but it is minus the true love of God. Amen, we are closer than when he spoke this. I only hope that others who were also cheated will have the courage to come up with their stories and claims. I don't need anyone's influence. He was approached by the various brothersw who lived in California, asking him what they should do. And I go along. I remember that my father was very troubled before we left Tucson for the Jeffersonville meetings where he was to preach The trail of the serpent and expose names of the people of this message that were doing wrong including family members. The other two passengers in the back seat of the car were severely injured. Please give those little children something of their grandfather's ministry. Here is the Website: The other two passengers in the car, Meda Branham (Brother Branhams wife) and Sarah Branham (his daughter) were injured but survived. That night, July 25, 1965, when he preached What Is The Attraction On The Mountain, he said, Listen close. Branhams wife was seriously injured and their daughter, Sarah, who was laying in the back seat, was also injured. sarah branham de coradopenola catholic college new uniform. What did Brother Branham allow or want his children doing on Sunday when they were not in church? They have no furniture of there own, no car, and no future, only God. There is a brother who has the first name of Ror that lives in Sandpoint, Idaho. Billy will be truly missed.". I come poor; I will return poor. But now, years later. He had a rare blood type and they had to send to another city for it. May God bless you all. and to the Rev. Some in print and some on tape. How much longer He will hold this sandbar hanging over that, when that ocean out yonder a mile deep will slode in there plumb back to the Salton Sea. In the past 20 years I have managed to feed people that have come to our meetings. Was this storm fulfilled last year 2014? Im Prisca from a small island in the Indian Ocean named Rodriguesfound some 540km from Mauritiusand the MESSAGE reached our small island through Bro Franois Le Picard The Angel of God had told the prophet of God that she oulw die between 2 and 3 oclock in the morning. There you told me how wrong it was for me to allow that spirit to go ahead. Here you come and Read Gospel of Lord Christ and here you can find the Message of the Hour By the Prophet William Marrion Branham. We were of course not only disappointed we were upset seeing the luxury the rest of the family and also especially the ministers in this message are enjoying. That night in Covina, California, he closed his portion of the service for the first time outside his church in Jeffersonville with the song Till We Meet. I accept my healing. BIBLE STUDY #283. Thank you Jesus for love ,Grace and mercy up on our lives in this dark days .Im so glad that i can say iam one of THEM!!! The driver of the other car died at the scene, as did the other front seat passenger. Authorize the publication of the original written obituary with the accompanying photo. SMITH, Rebekah Branham, 60, was ferried across the river by the Angels on Tuesday, November 28, 2006, after a lengthy illness. He was very upset, because Becky was not in the apartment as she had promised. I am the tradition of my time. Cause of death: Traffic collisionDate of death: 24 December 1965Place of death: Amarillo, Texas, United States, When did Marrion Branham die?24 December 1965William Marrion Branham/Date of death, Where did William Branham die?Amarillo, Texas, United StatesWilliam Marrion Branham/Place of death, The circumstances of William Branhams death. James Manuel from Cape Town, South Africa wrote a letter to Billy Paul Branham Saying, "I heard you tell the story of how you and your dad were standing in front of May's department store in downtown Los Angeles.

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