One last example, lets book a holiday on a computer or smartphone. What do they care, theyll be enjoying life as one of the global ultra-elite. You guessed it, Dr. Fauci. In turn, they, themselves are owned by shareholders and the most surprising thing is that they own each other's stocks Together, they form an immense network comparable to a pyramid. Combined, BlackRock and Vanguard own nearly 90% of all S&P 500 firms. It is free to register and only takes a minute or two. Those are owned by even bigger investors. In this way, non-profits keep hundreds of billions of dollars among themselves according to the Australian government, non-profits are an ideal way of financing terrorists and of massive money-laundering. Its almost as if theres been a Cabal of a global crime syndicate of evil elites using their money to buy political leverage to make more money and control people or something? This gives them a complete monopoly. Black The biggest shareholder is Vanguard. That means with 5-20% down they can get mortgages on 130-170k homes every year. The US pulled out of Afghanistan because they didn't need the poppy to make opioids anymore, because fentanyl was invented. They're intentionally provoking outrage, this is not an accident that this is happening in every western country simultaneously. than all other vaccines combined in the last two decades, sales on camping gear that can help you survive. What she uncovers is that the stock of the worlds largest corporations are owned by the same institutional investors. To achieve this, the UN wants taxes from Western countries to be split by the mega corporations of the elite to create a brand new society. Joined 07 Dec '05 Moves 19738. Bitcoin: 3A1ELVhGgrwrypwTJhPwnaTVGmuqyQrMB8. That was after Donald Trump quit USA financial support to the WHO in 2020. That they get to vote? Bravo!! Since GSK has 1553 institutional owners and shareholders, it is not accurate to claim GSK is managed by BlackRock. All told, their platforms juggle $14 trillion - the equivalent of 5 percent of all financials assets worldwide. FLASH SALE happening now at, It behooves patriots to acquire physical gold and silver or make the move to self-directed precious metals IRAs from, NOQ Report Is Moving to, buying up every house they could get their hands on, producing the Pfizer vaccine for BioNTech, their researchers that were the first to get sick, offered to push Faucis fear mongering covid narrative. Speaking of wasting money, lets go over just how much this failed and corrupt company made from American tax payers via their lobbyists and dirty back deals. This has got everyone wondering, what the hell is really going on here? The assets left in their care are worth a staggering 6.3 trillion US dollars - a figure with 12 zeroes. Truth first. The plane we board is, in most cases a Boeing or an Airbus, also owned by the same names. Recover your health by making your immune system clean, resilient, and resistant. They use information and footage from the press agencies, ANP and Reuters. Together, they form an immense network comparable to a pyramid. The stocks of these companies are owned by private funds of three families. They are BlackRock, Vanguard and State Street. Let us know what you think email Alex Steger at They also have nothing to do with index development. And now, theyre openly talking about instilling their own global government via the UN. "You can fool all the people some of the time, and some of the people all the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time." The plan is that Agenda 2030 will be paid by us, the citizens. There's also a shortcut for iOS. The WEF says its necessary for the consumption society the elite forced upon us is not sustainable anymore. If the idea of our government faking an incident to drag the country into war for money seems like too much for you, let me remind you that President Johnson did that exact same thing which we now know from declassified documents when he pulled the United States into the Vietnam War by using the nonexistent Gulf of Tonkin incident to get war powers granted to him by Congress; something I highly doubt President Kennedy would have ever done, which Johnson infamously replaced upon a well known conspiracy theory all its own. Yes, theyre lucrative, but I dont like getting paid by minions of Satan (I dont like Google very much if you couldnt tell). It comes down to this: The UN wants taxes from Western countries to be split by the mega corporations of the elite to create a brand new society. right near Washington DC. Vanguard is also Microsoft's major shareholder at 7.80 per cent; BlackRock second at 4.45 per cent. Our Giving Fuel page makes it easy to donate one-time or monthly. Advertisement. Larry Sanger (co-founder of Wikipedia) recent tweet - Child sex traffickingby elitesis a horrible reality. BlackRock/Vanguard Own the Media. Since were basically asking corrupt politicians to investigate themselves for fraud, we are being ignored and even threatened. The best way you can help us grow and continue to bring proper news and opinions to the people is by donating. Eat organic, freeze-dried, sous vide chicken that you can store for a decade or two if necessary. BlackRock is a big, powerful company that most Americans know little about. Conspiracy Theory Explained 1,677 views Mar 23, 2022 Why does Vanguard own everything? As the world spirals towards The Great Reset, the need for truthful journalism has never been greater. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. The deal required the government to pay for the vaccine even if the drugs werent licensed for use, nine months later BioPort was still struggling to get FDA approval. Reports from Oxfam and Bloomberg say that 1% of the world, together owns more money than the other 99%. But its not only in the food industry that their names come up. Snowden: UFO Balloons 'Engineered Panic' To Distract From Nordstream Revelations - Ron Paul, Heres an expose of just how corrupt Teneo is and how the Clintons used it to gain even more power, influence, and money by a left leaning, anti-Trump website. Vanguard wasnt founded until the 70s so your timeline is shot. Please help keep NOQ Report and the other sites in the network going. May, 2021, for example, was amazing and we almost broke even. BlackRock and Vanguard are taking over centralized food production technologies and will have near-total control over the future food supply in America Many people are still blissfully unaware of what has happened, but the global food supply has been largely taken over by the oligarchs, including financial giants BlackRock and Vanguard. I don't want to get into conspiracy . So what did they do? They are just being silenced. Advertising: Gather personally identifiable information such as name and location, Functionality: Remember social media settingsl Functionality: Remember selected region and country, Advertising: Use information for tailored advertising with third parties, Advertising: Allow you to connect to social sites, Advertising: Identify device you are using, Advertising: Allow you to connect to social sitesl Advertising: Identify device you are using. Notice how the geopolitical goals of freemasonry, Zionism, and Israel align exactly. 01 Mar 2023 14:43:32 Without a bidding war or even shopping around, Emergent was magically bestowed the lucrative contract to be the sole producer of both companys vaccines. I will show you briefly how this works in the Netherlands. To make this site work properly, we sometimes place small data files called cookies on your device. Also, if we look at other big companies in the tech industry that develop and make our computers, TVs, phones and home appliances, we see the same big investors, that together own the majority of the stock. But Wellingtons fees have always been low and are now only 0.17 per cent, according to Morningstar, among the lowest for any actively managed fund. iShares (BlackRock's ETF business) is #1 by AUM, with $2.1 trillion under management. Vanguard Group announced the reopening of the $120.3 billion Vanguard Wellington Fund. Here is TIME magazine openly admitting that a Cabal (their words, not mine) that used their fame, money, and influence to rig (er, I mean fortify) the 2020 election. Lets remember them and look up who owns the most stocks of the Coca-Cola Company, the biggest competitor of Pepsi. Think about who stands to gain the most out of a manufactured pandemic. BlackRock, the largest investment company in the entire world, was buying up every house they could get their hands onat a20-50% markup, which of course artificially raises home values and is already pricing out the working and middle class. The Great Reset you might have heard mentioned before isnt just a conspiracy theory, its an actual thing where the ultra-powerful elites of the world got together and decided how the rest of us should live. The daily news of all these media outlets the diverse news media do not produce news. While donations are the best way to help, you can also support us by buying through our sponsors: We know we could make a lot more money if we sold out like so many conservative publications out there. They own the tobacco companies that produce all the popular tobacco brands but they also own all big pharmaceutical companies and the scientific institutions that produce medicine. How The Massive Money Manager BlackRock Endangers U.S. And BlackRock is buying up houses like crazy. This video does an incredible job of explaining how it is all being done. His Microsoft is owned by Vanguard, BlackRock and Berkshire Hathaway. Below, I outline the case for this claim. I just wish more would do like we have, which is to cut out Big Tech altogether. Funny how all this controlled covid and vaccine fear mongering sounds just like what happened with the 2020 election, and how mainstream media refused to report on any of the visible rampant fraud while social media banned anyone from talking about it. The reluctance of our government officials to answer even the most simple questions about the lack of election integrity coupled with the nonsensical and unreasonable actions of hypocritical politicians over all these ridiculous covid mandates the last year (and are already re-vamping up in states like California and Nevada now for no reason other than to punish people that refuse to take an untested vaccine) have not gone unnoticed by the public. The conspiracies are obviously mad and sort of fun, but the interesting thing is that BlackRock feels the need to respond. Someone like me, who never makes videos can, with an old laptop objectively show that only two companies hold a monopoly in all industries in the world. I will also add that these companies dont do anything interesting. Updated at 3:50 p.m. And it is clear that the pandemic was orchestrated in order to bring this about. But. BlackRock/Vanguard are currently the top two owners of Time Warner, Comcast, Disney (FOX), and News Corp, which are four of the six media companies that control more than 90% of the U.S. media landscape. However, this can result in some functions no longer being available. Then you have Sanofi, which produces the vaccine for Moderna. They had spent four years developing a new anthrax vaccine, but the contract threatened Emergents business. - or before? The new infrastructure, because fossil fuels are gone in 2030. November 21, 2022. Thats the kind of destructive, selfish insanity were dealing with here. Emergent would later go on to buy this new vaccine for themselves after paying lobbyists to trash it. and their global political money laundering scheme that is the Clinton Foundation. Were establishing strong partnerships with like-minded news outlets and courageous journalists. just as the crash was happening? It forms with Facebook and Instagram the top three. But, were not talking about one phone company owning a monopoly this time, were talking about a few elite people and companies owning almost everything valuable in the entire world. Do you see now whats happening in the world and why everything has been so screwed up with our for-sale-to-the-highest-bidder government as of late? Walter Morgan served as Wellingtons Chairman for 42 years before turning the reins over to John C Bogle In his book, The Great Reset, he writes about the plans of his organization. Hestated he knew lockdowns didnt work and asymptomatic people werent contagious, but he forced people to shutter their businesses, miss weddings and funerals, and destroyed the countrys economy over nothing anyway. As both an adviser to central banks and the largest shareholder in the industrial jewels of a nation, BlackRock has begun whispering in the ears of European states. Imagine thinking climate change is more important than individuals losing everything theyve ever worked for, because clearly the real problem with pollution couldnt possibly be all these foreign factories belching out toxins into the air and plastic into our oceans while using slave labor and children to make a profit. Use "NOQ" as the promo code for 10% off! With $10tn of assets under management, why reply at all? The link between all worldwide media outlets when news anchors reap from their autocues [teleprompters], chances are that the text stems from one of these organizations. I dont understand this website. By August 2001, the Pentagon finally publicly stated that they were considering abandoning BioPort for all its failures, but one month later came 9/11 and the infamous Anthrax attacks which as previously stated, saved BioPort and turned 2 prominent members of the company into main suspects. BlackRock. CulturalHusbandry (@APhilosophae) June 9, 2021 Our network is growing. To support this tool, post it on your profile and select 'pin to profile'. BlackRock, Vanguard, and State Street together control 75% of all the money in passive funds, including 82% of ETF assets (ETF: Exchange-Traded Fund). We come to a strange conclusion. This helps to better understand our current situation, that can shed new light on past events. Whether we take the monopolist Netflix and Amazon Prime or enormous concerns that own many daughter companies, like Time-Warner, the Walt Disney Company, Comcast, Fox Corporation, Bertelsmann and Viacom, CBS, we see that the same names own stocks. But were not just trying to get out of the red. thinking, your own intuition and your own connection with Source, Spirit and Natural Laws to help you determine what is true and what is not. These companies control U.S. monetary policy (and world) without any control or "democratic" choice. Oh yeah, thats right, guess whos sitting on Bidens administration in important positions that allow them to make even more ungodly blood money now? Actually, it sounds a lot worse than extreme communism as there wont be any other country to run to since their intention is to make this grey, dystopian future hell global. In 2003 BioPort became a subsidiary of Emergent BioSolutions led by El-Hibri, and by the end of 2003, Emergent signed a new contract with the Pentagon, worth anywhere from $29.7 million to $245 million, depending on how many vaccines they made and sold. Whose largest shareholder is Vanguard. "Vanguard and BlackRock are the top two owners of Time Warner, Comcast, Disney and News Corp, four of the six media companies that control more than 90% of the U.S. media landscape," said Jeannette Copperman in a Common Reader article. Trump beats DeSantis in Fox News Conducted Live in Florida Diner, American Fighting for Ukraine Defects to Russia, Blows Whistle on Nazism, War Crimes, Stew Peters: Kevin McCarthy LIED About Releasing the J6 Tapes, This is a Cover Up, Hunter Bidens Ukraine BioLab Partner Was Partners With Ghislaine Maxwell, Florida County GOPs Ban the Jab Proposal Heads To Ron DeSantis For Major Test of His Political Future, When the Misinformation Authorities at DGI Are Found to Be Trafficking in Misinformation, To Save America From Washington, Congress Needs Spending Reforms, Bret Baier Makes Chris Wray Squirm on 'Dual System' Disparity on Hunter Biden, Trump, Jan. 6, Things Get Tense When CNN 'Fact Checker' Daniel Dale Contacts Marjorie Greene Taylors Office for Comment, Peter Doocy Nails Karine Jean-Pierre After She Calls Biden 'Brave', Oregon Democrats Roll out Plan to Pay Homeless People $1K a Month to Spend on Whatever, Shock Report: FBI Agents Did Not Want to Raid Mar-a-Lago. That is the reason that worldwide media shows synchronicity in their reporting. This means that competing brands, like Coke and Pepsi arent really competitors, at all, since their stock is owned by exactly the same investment companies, investment funds, insurance companies, banks and in some cases, governments. But Bertelsmann is also co-owner of the worlds biggest book publisher, Penguin Random House. The foundations and funds of the families that are the richest stay in the background as much as possible. Our promise is this: We will never sell out America. And the Jesuits and Rothschilds work together to maintain this system. In their world there will be an ultra elite class to rule over all and who make all the decisions, and a serf class of worker bees that will own nothing and be happy. Dont believe me? Since the mid-1970s, two corporations Vanguard and Blackrock have gobbled up most companies in the world, effectively destroying the competitive market on which America's strength has rested, leaving only false appearances behind. Bill Clinton would go on tocontinue the program and it was passed as a soft law that didnt go through Congress like it should have (because it would honestly have never passed and people would have started grabbing pitchforks and torches if they knew what it was really about.). The guys a genius and everything is evidence based. The military industrial complex and the mega asset companies that own them make unbelievable money off unending wars and the deaths of American soldiers, and their lobbyists make damn sure the right political people and the government alphabet agencies are in their pocket to keep that war machine grinding for profit unimpeded. Its CEO, Larry Fink can count on a warm welcome from leaders and politicians. The firm has hired notable policy-makers over the years, and at. As the Insider article notes, this change is due at least in part to the fact that companies like BlackRock now have roles like head of content, and social media accounts. Hes the Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Emergent BioSolutions who also has ties to Osama Bin Laden and only became a US citizen because someone at the Pentagon thought it was a bad look to put a foreign national in charge of our military vaccine stockpiles. Vanguard is Pepsi's major shareholder at 8.44 per cent; BlackRock second at 4.73 per cent. The slogan is now on the lips of all Globalist politicians in the world. Prosperity And National Security. Bill Gates was not a poor computer nerd who miraculously became very rich. My kingdom for them to dig in only to realize that not only does this all go back to Bush, but that the corruption is occurring between Big Pharma, lobbyists, and corrupt politicians on both sides. The media wants us to believe that this is a conspiracy theory, yet it has been talked about by leaders for decades. - Abraham Lincoln. Jerome Hauer also actively participated in the Dark Winter simulation that predicted all this in the first place. Florida's move in divesting from BlackRock is arguably the most mainstream expression so far of a wide-ranging conspiracy theory centering around the World Economic Forum, a global coalition of . Think Im kidding? We are all being played on a scale never seen before. What could go wrong? Explore the latest videos from hashtags: #blackrockchronicles, #blackrockshooterfragment, #blackrockcottage, #conspiracygang, #conspiracy, # . This doesn't seem like a problem to you? To overcome our revenue gap and keep these sites running, our needs fluctuate between $2200-$7800 per month. And look at the European journalism center, itself. They are perfectly happy watching the mega-corporations they own become richer at the cost of pushing out and buying up smaller businesses who cant compete with the forced covid restrictions and long term mandates that politicians on these companys payrolls are unconstitutionally pushing on us. The same social media platforms that have to be sued to remove child porn by the underaged victims themselves, have no problem focusing all their time and manpower on suppressing and removing dissenting political opinions that they disagree with right down to the funny memes. This is done through the World Economic Forum, among others, a very important organization. Did you know you can buy 1000 reddit upvotes for $400?

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