After continuing in this fashion until reaching a large downed tree, I found myself not sure of the way forward or how to get back whence I came. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. It is said that he anchored at the island after he had stolen a ships treasure. Indeed, the times I have been somewhat confused by mistakes made have been the greatest learning experiences such that I would know to never make that same mistake again. A pleasant hike in the Adirondack backcountry suddenly turns into a disaster. Imperial Seal of China created by Emperor Qin Shi Huang, lost after the Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms period in the 10th century. On the other hand, a competent bushwhacker is almost continuously focused on their location, and by their very nature much more skilled with route finding. In 1960 when bulldozing the area a man found $89,000 worth of coins which presumably are part of that treasure. In all probability they will commend you. Conclusion Lost Treasures of New York State, $150 million ingoldand silver coins, paper currency, bonds, and jewels, Phoenicia in the Catskills which is about 60 miles south of Albany New York, The Mansion is located near Fonda, NY on Switzer Hill overlooking the Mohawk River. The mien was threatening, the nose had reddened and extended, the hair was rumpled, and the brow was scowling. As primarily a solo hunter, he always impressed me with how well he knew how to precisely navigate far into the backcountry. This is just one of many examples where the natural response is not only dangerous, but could actually get you killed. circa 990-995. Outlaw loot is buried at or near Stone Arabia at a place called Klocks Field. A Spanish galleon, the Saints Joseph and Helena, making it from Havana to Cadiz in 1753, was carried from her course by adverse winds and tossed against a reef near New London, Connecticut, receiving injuries that compelled her to run into that port for repairs. The most obvious take home message about getting lost in the backcountry is Do not panic. This can be easier said than done sometimes. It is said that St. Leger buried the chest of gold in a farmers field just outside Fort Stanwix. In no circumstances should you be without your compass in the backcountry. The Adirondacks are an amazing part of New York's history. A large amount of Tory treasure in concealed in a cave in the Shawanjunk Mountains near Summitville. A cache of 20,000 British Pounds is said to be buried near Point Peninsula. An Indian girl who stole away from her camp to procure a quantity of this treasure was pursued by her lover, who, frightened at the risk she was about to run from the vultures, stopped her flight by staving in the side of her canoe so that she was compelled to take refuge in his. For those interested, the clues can be found in 1996 local chamber of commerce guide book to Liberty, although the final clue seems to be missing. The combination of bucolic small town and big city gangster was like catnip to the journalists of the era. This tale is excerpted from these excellent works, which are now in the public domain. amzn_assoc_marketplace = "amazon"; How is it possible to go from knowing where you are one moment to being totally disoriented the next? Email them to us and you and your club will receive full credit! Some of the forts remains can still be seen. The cabin was at the north end of Follensby Pond just where the Branch enters into the lake. The hole that it broke through the masonry could never be stopped, for no matter how often it was repaired, the stone and cement fell out again, and the wind came through with such a chill and such shrieks that the house had to be abandoned. A large amount of treasure is thought to be buried at or near Switzer Hill. It is believed that his treasure whatever was in those chests and the gold coins he possessed are still buried somewhere on the Island. Saltpetre Cave, in Georgia, was a factory and magazine for saltpeter, gunpowder, and other military stores during the Civil War. This would be a good island to do some treasure hunting if you are ever in the area. About the Author: Charles M. Skinner (1852-1907) authored the complete nine-volume set of Myths and Legends of Our Own Land in 1896. A trapper, who was his only attendant in his last moments, dug over the ground floor of the hut and found a box containing a jeweled sword, costly trinkets, and letters that bore out the presumption of Follingsbys aristocratic origin. In the 1930s, several hundred French coins were discovered on or the beach near North Wolcott. I cannot!'". Every member of a hiking party should have these essentials, and all should be involved in the navigation, whether sticking to the trails, or going beyond them. Worried that he would leave jail broke, he buried some treasure, just like an old-time pirate. Dans discription of what one may go through was good. With Canada still making liquor legally and New York City being full of people who wanted it, the roads of the Adirondacks became favorites of smugglers. Tiny Treasure Island. sank in Lake Erie off Angola shore carrying $500,000 of copper and $50,000 in. They were also a collection point for refuse and debris. He buried $400,000 in gold and silver coins close by his cabin. Plus, keep track of location and direction! This is true of all placer gold, but is especially important with glacial gold deposits due to their extremely fine texture. Too terrified to work longer, they sprang out and made away, and when-taking courage from the sunshine they renewed the search; next day, the iron chest had vanished. When things go bad, they go bad all at once. But I let logic prevail to counter the feeling and reminded myself of my direction path and time as I increasingly observed my surroundings for clues. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. Rumors of buried treasure by French soldiers in the area of Fort Levis on Chimney Island below Ogdensburg. Many of these old trails randomly twist and turn and branch and then dissolve into nothingness. As one of the oldest settled states in the U.S., you can find some exceptionally old coins and relics with your metal detector if you look in the right places. That generation of Loomiss ended up in Hastings, New York. Even if you dont have a compass it is easy to tell what direction is what during the day. St. Lawrence county Lord Amherts buried $100,000 in gold coins on Treasure island during the Revolution.Rumors of buried treasure by French soldiers in the area of Fort Levis on Chimney Island below Ogdensburg.River pirate Patterson buried a large cache in 1813 on banks of Chippewa creek.GT(ghost town) Louisville landing, 5 miles W of MassenaGT Converse, 6 miles ENE of PotsdamGT Harper, 3 1/2 miles SE of ParishvilleGT Eddy, 2 miles NE of Dekalb JunctionGT Osborneville, 7 miles ESE of Pope millsGT Hollywood, 7 miles NW of ChildwoldFranklin county $175,000 in gold coins was buried by Mt. A farmer named Belknap dreamed several times of a buried treasure at this point, and he was told, in his vision, that if he would dig there at midnight, he could make it his own. Wrong. Between driving everywhere, reading email, texting and surfing the computer (hopefully not all at the same time), todays culture rewards people on the go, where thinking is frowned on as being unproductive. Perhaps at some point in the future it will be impossible to get lost, as everyone will be equipped with an internal GPS chip that monitors your whereabouts at all time. In 1880s, a gold vein was found near Wells. A little company of Spanish adventurers passed along the base of the Green Mountains early in the 18th, expecting to return after having some dealings with the trading stations on the St. Lawrence River, so they deposited a part of their gold on Ludlow Mountain, Vermont, and another pot of it on Camels Hump. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your account. Dutch was determined to end this threat to his "business" and held a meeting of the Syndicate where he outlined his assassination plan. New London got a bad name from this robbery, and the governor, though besought by the assembly to make good the shortage, failed to do so, and lost his place at the next election. Fishers Island is just north of Gardiners Island. The cabin was at the north end of Follensby Pond just where the Branch enters into the lake. With that said, there are quite a few active gold prospectors in the State of New York, and we have a hunch that they are successfully finding a little bit of glacial gold. GT Parkers, 1 mile S (GT) Rector In Niagara county the steamer Alexander sank at Youngstown in 1915. May also be in Ulster or Greene Counties. When lost, roll stands for the process of breaking bread. Nope. Thats the end of our treasure tales from the great state of New York. Moses, unfortunately, disappeared in 1823 and his fate and his treasure have been lost to time. The Daily Mail says the assistant was told to turn over the 25 clues to the newspaper 50 years after the hijacking, which he did in December 1992. Many B&B's in the Park to this day have a room that was once a Tavern, and one even has a secret room accessed by the typical swinging bookcase. One day in 1841, a Spanish ship put in for water off the spot where Columbia City, Oregon, now stands. If it is so hard to get lost in the backcountry, then why do people do so every year, with some losing their lives in the process? The battle was for Fort Stanwix which is not the city of Rome, NY. The heart quickens in the chest, the echo of the frequent beats drowning out the surrounding natural sounds. Unlike elongated ranges like the Rockies and the Appalachians, the Adirondacks form a circular dome, 160 miles wide and 1 mile high. Enter before January 31 to win. The Lost Treasure of the Dutch-man On October 23, 1935, a whole team of killers led by Charles "Bug" Workman converged on the Palace Chop House in Newark, New Jersey, where Dutch had fled when Dewey had made him too much of a target in New York City. The opportunities in crime were far more abundant and lucrative, and so when he was paroled out of prison in 1920, he began working in for various trucking companies. It was also unclear if it was in cash, jewels, or even gold pieces. What happened after is not clear, but it is probable that several of the claimants were slain in a quarrel over the demands of each man to have most of the plunder. It was declared that when the French evacuated the region, they buried money and bullion in a well, in the northwest corner of the bastion, 90 feet deep, in the full expectancy of regaining it. For years the populace kept watch of all strangers that came to town and shadowed them if they went to the woods, but without result. More information found in: New York Treasures and Metal Detecting Site. Although there are sometimes other contributing factors, in most cases getting lost is easily prevented. "Your verdict," he declared, "Is such that it shakes the confidence of law-abiding citizens in integrity and truth. Modern technology has shrunk the world to such a degree, that actually finding yourself lost or momentarily displaced is getting exceedingly difficult. Unless map-less and possessing a complete lack of knowledge of the area, one should always have a general idea where they are located, at least within a square mile or so. Towns in New Mexico that have lain in ruins since 1670, when the Apache butchered their people towns that were well built and were lorded by solid old churches and monasteries erected by the Spanish missionaries these towns have often been dug over, and the ruinous state of Abo, Curari, and Tabira is due, in part, to their foolish tunneling and blasting. The Butlers were Tori raiders Loyalists to the British Crown a much-hated pair in the area. That might be a stretch but its possible. Long before New York became a state there were pirates who roamed the islands here to bury treasure that was lost to the hands of time. A cache known as Faquer Treasure consisting of $50,000 in gold coins is buried near Bethel. It will be apparent to all who followed the evidence in this case that you have reached a verdict not on the evidence but on some other reason. Malone is the county seat of Franklin County, New York. If you purchase a product or register for an account through one of the links on our site, we may receive compensation. This ghost town was a former mining settlement in the heart of the Adirondacks during the nineteenth century. However, if he saw the burial of this novel treasury, it meant nothing to him, and the knowledge of the hiding place was lost. It is buried around miles from Geneva. amzn_assoc_tracking_id = "raregold-20"; That is what bushwhacking or hunting is all about. GT Beaverkill, 3 miles SW of LewbeachGT Wamsley, 4 miles E of RocklandGT Tennanah, 5 miles SW Roscoe on n edge of Long LakeGT Aden, 3 miles NW of Neversink Many early settlers buried their treasures and valuables in case of Indian attacks. The Monarch wrecked off Toronto Canada with 250 ton cargo in 1856. Spaniards worked the mines in the Ozark Hills of Missouri in the late 17th century. Click to learn more. Thank of the Facebook and smart phone apps! Nothing daunted; he set down his lantern and began to dig. Why anyone would ever come up with a rule like this is unknown, and even more bewildering is how it managed to stay on the books for over 230 years is hard to comprehend. Aided by his son, he tunneled the solid granite for a distance of 135 feet, the passage being seven feet high and seven wide. (LogOut/ So Shultz was worried he would be sent to prison on tax evasion charges the same fate as Al Capone. Hardly had the anchor chains run out before the sailors fell upon the captain, killed him, seized all the value they could gather, and took it to the shore. With that said, glacial gold deposits are still present here just as in all of the other states in the Northeast, so there is definitely some gold to be found. Spanish reales were found on a hill at the junction of Military Road and highway 29 N of Herkimer. Digging Deeper: Lost Treasures of New Jersey. A hope of finding gold and silver about the premises has been yearly growing fainter. Close by, other coins of a later date were found. amzn_assoc_linkid = "cbde75136108817cd7f3a02391231015"; It should be the first thing you put on in the morning, even before your underwear, and the last thing you take off in the evening. Famous beat writer William S. Burroughs wrote "The Last Words of Dutch Schultz" based on the deathbed transcripts. The seekers are always blinded by blue flame and frightened away by roaring noises. The geology of New York State is not what you would expect for producing native gold, and it is believed that there are few if any noteworthy hard rock gold deposits within New York. His delirious stream of chatter, painstakingly notated by police stenographer John Long, included the words "treasure, "Phoenicia", "millions", "hidden in the woods", and "gilt-edged stuff.". All rights reserved (About Us). With the aid of a crystal pebble, she received this really valuable information, but the pebble was not clear enough to reveal the exact place of the box. amzn_assoc_ad_type = "smart"; Many Phoenician residents and business owners would find people with shovels and, in one case, a backhoe, sneaking around their property and leaving holes everywhere. In Indian Gap, near Wernersville, Pennsylvania, the Doane band of Tories and terrorists hid a chest of gold, the proceeds of many robberies. The verdict? In several cases, the chasms that have been caused by wear of water or convulsions of nature (their opposite sides being matched) were believed to have been hiding places, but, in the old days in New England, it was believed that the earthquake caused all such fractures at the time of the crucifixion a testimony of the power of God to shake sinners. Compiled and edited by Kathy Alexander/Legends of America, updated January 2023. Wash it down with some water. He told the Daily Mail, "If the treasure is real, Otto Hillig would be exactly the type of person to hide it. Legend has it that they stashed and buried their riches near the Butlerbury mansion before they took off to Canada. What can Adirondack lakes tell us about climate change? The cabin was supposed to be close to the beginning of the brook that led into the pond. And do not forget to take it with you when taking an emergency midnight dump too. At first glance, this charming Adirondack town seems an unlikely site for world-wide attention during the trial of a famous gangster. The Butlerbury Mansion was built by Lt. Walter Butler and served as his son Walter Butler and his Grandson John Butlers home from the time of 1742 to when they both fled to Canada during the Revolutionary War. Nonetheless, it is currently the law of the land in New York State. On Crown Point, Lake Champlain, Vermont, is the ruin of a fort erected by Lord Amherst above the site of a French work thrown up in 1731 to guard a now-vanished capital of 1500 people. The spirit of the defrauded and murdered captain had claimed him, the medium explained. While throwing out these fragments, one of the party fell dead. Also known as "wreck hunters," they comb forests, fields or deserts in search of long-lost plane crash sites, sharing their findings on the Web or through a loose network of fellow searchers . However, the country was up in arms, time was important, and as his wearied horses could not go on without a lightening of the burden, he was forced to leave behind either Lady Wentworth or his other riches. Numerous caches from robberies are thought to be located Panama Rocks. The Butlers never came back and lived the rest of their lives in the Niagara region of Ontario Canada. She had costly freight aboard, and on the morning after she went ashore, crew and freight had vanished. Lines and paragraphs break automatically. Photo: Forest near the Middle Branch of the Oswegatchie River, forest south of Lower South Pond and the edge of the carpet spruce swamp north of the Middle Branch of the Oswegatchie River by Dan Crane. One such story is of an early resident that buried his fortune on Grand Island in Lake Erie. After taking out the remainder of the stone, they came on several human skeletons. What they are doing with that gold, we will leave to speculation. On a gusty autumn evening in 1776, a muffled form presented itself, unannounced, at the chamber of Mike Wild. The Loomis gang was led by George Washington Loomis. Community Rules apply to all content you upload or otherwise submit to this site. This tiny island got its name because legend has it that Lord Jeffrey Amherst a British Army Officer during the Revolutionary War had buried $100,000 worth of coins somewhere on this island. Dutch Schultz one time gangster during the prohibition era of the twenties made his money by making and selling some of the worst tasting booze in New York State. Dutch Schultz's legal team kept the theories coming. Quite a bit of this truck traffic happened on the back roads of the Adirondacks. Afterward, an empty vault was found where he said it would be. Pirates are believed to have buried numerous treasures here. Lesser-known pirate Charles Gibbs is said to have buried a large treasure near Southhampton Beach on Long Island. He rowed home with her before the birds came to attack. Murdering a man so high up in law enforcement, and so highly admired, (Dewey was to run for President in 1944 and 1948) was sure to cause much expensive trouble for them as well as Dutch. His first was legally tangled enough to require a retrial, on charges of tax evasion over his rumored income of a "couple of million dollars." It was so bad that Schultz and his men would have to strongarm speakeasy owners to purchase his horrible tasting brews. Throughout the 40s and 50s, Porter traveled through N. It happened right here in the North Country. Hillig, a German immigrant, who moved to Liberty in 1895, was an early aviation enthusiast, according to the Sullivan County Historical Society, and was one of the first to fly across the Atlantic, in 1931. His legal bills were considerable, and he was also worried that Special Prosecutor Dewey would not rest until he was behind bars. There is no lost. It seems no one will know for sure, because Dutch kept the whole thing quiet until he was on his deathbed. The Isle Royal is an island on the St. Lawrence River which is located off the port of Waddington, NY. Contact Johnathan Croyle: Email | 315-427-3958. Shortly after, in eighth grade, he had left school to earn money. The Loomis gang was a family of outlaws in the mid-1800s. No commercial gold mining operations would ever consider searching for gold in New York as long as this law is in place. The Lost Warren silver mine is located somewhere in the Adirondack mountains. We publish commentary and opinion pieces from voluntary contributors, as well as news updates and event notices from area organizations. The fact that gold can be found in such trace amounts has much to do with the lack of interest in gold mining compared to the fertile farm land. Smuggling alcohol was amazingly lucrative because ordinary men and women became their customers, greatly expanding the business potential. Getting lost in the backcountry can be a terrifying experience, and probably inevitable to some degree for anyone spending enough time in the backcountry. A flash of lightning rented the air and stretched him senseless on the grass. Know of good Lost Treasure Stories for this County? What became of these valuables after their exhumation is not known, and the existence of more has been suspected. Spend some time off trail in the dark it will help you feel comfortable with being in the woods. In 1992, the Sullivan County Democrat wrote a series of articles about the treasure, creating a brief scavenger hunt craze. Amazon and the Amazon logo are trademarks of, Inc, or its affiliates. The notorious Captain Kidd is said to have buried treasure on Gardiners Island in Block Island Sound. The information on gold occurrences in New York is pretty slim. Many years ago, in my earlier years as a trail hiker, I once found myself lost while hiking back from the Five Ponds after taking an old side trail near the Oswegatchie River. Robert Dadras, president of the Liberty Museum and Arts Center, is suspicious of the legend, but wouldn't rule out that Hillig would bury a treasure somewhere. There are two different versions of this story the first states that British Officer Barrimore Matthew Barry St. Leger buried a chest of gold coins and bars while he was retreating from the Battle of Oriskany in 1777. Hillig reported the hijacking to the government, but never mentioned the money. They will be on hand at the spot revealed to them through the vision of a hex layer (a vision that costs them 50 cents) until the night arrives when there are no blue flames. British troops are thought to have buried gold and silver coins at Fort Crown. Also Read: 24 Gold Panning Locations in New England. The geology of New York State is not what you would expect for producing native gold, and it is believed that there are few if any noteworthy hard rock gold deposits within New York. The Dakotah sank in Lake Erie off Angola shore carrying $500,000 of copper and $50,000 in cash. The wealth of the Astors hardly exceeds the treasure that is supposed to be secreted here and there about the country, and thousands of dollars have been expended in dredging rivers and shallow seas and in blasting caves and cellars. New York Lost Treasure Sites. If you are fortunate enough to fine a nice sized picker or nugget in your pan then consider yourself lucky, but know that it can and does happen from time to time. The catch? He should, at that moment, have turned around three times, as his dream directed, but he was so excited that he forgot to. Dungeon Rock, of Lynn, is the places name ever since. So it was a bit of ironic justice when Dutch Schultz's second tax evasion trial was moved to Malone. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Digging coins, searching for treasure, discovering history. When not paying attention, very soon the hiker is in unknown territory with no trail in sight and no knowledge of where they are or how they got there. The frown of the gold monster grew more awful, the stare of his eye in the starlight more unbearable, and he was crouching and creeping as if for a spring. Became of these valuables after their exhumation is not the city of Rome NY... And Ten Kingdoms period in the Adirondack Mountains fine texture carrying $ 500,000 of copper and $ 50,000 in and... You dont have a compass it is said that he would be good! Gold in a cave in the Ozark Hills of Missouri in the area team kept whole. She went ashore, crew and freight had vanished because Dutch kept the whole thing quiet until he on. 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