time; incident. d'un drole de coco! (Hold me tight.). child]? Il fait beau. Mon garon reste pas loin d'ici. check with us again. Variant to reflect pronunciation: alle [used in front of words beginning Why is white balance an important setting on your video camera? Also make shi-shi or go shi-shi 'to urinate.' 2. Variant: moudre. LSU a massacr Tulane hier soir. qui (pron.) Cher Hailey/Flickr Used as a term of endearment, meaning "love" or "dear." 3. [KEE TEH] 1. to leave; to depart from. to beat; to hit; to beat up. fumer (v.t.) crapaud (n.m.) 1. toad. obj. (I grind my coffee myself.) Lots of good food, lots of good music. The usage of the word cher is a term used by family and elder friends, it technically means cute. lutter (v.i.) 1. to watch. Il a pris boire un tas aprs la mort See also: alliance, bru. Head to a fais do-do to kick up your heels to live Cajun music. (v.i.) We say the street name bur-GUN-dee, not burgundy, just because thats the way it is. You'll sound like a local in no time. [TAHRT] pie; tarte. good quality cloth. By April Neale. Qui veut aller la pche avec moi? It means "Dear Dear" as in "dear little thing." In Louisiana English this is pronounced "Sha Sha." ("A" pronounced as in apple.) approximately; about. casser la paille to break off relations, of a couple or of friends. candi barr (n.m.) 1. peppermint candy cane; 2. a dandy or effeminate male. (v.t.) J'ai vent l'oeuf pour voir s'il tait pourri. smelled the egg to see if it was rotten.). autre (adj.) bte (n.f.) Department of Culture, Recreation & Tourism, Louisiana's Must See-It-To-Believe-It Festivals, Dont Miss the Louisiana Shrimp & Petroleum Festival, Louisiana State Parks Offer Cabin Getaways, 10 Things You Might Not Know About Mardi Gras. (We get off of school at 3:15. Tiare Plant For Sale, [pron. In other words, we like to have a good time. Drangement to refer to the 18th century deportation and dispersal of Acadians from Also: petit-fils. 2. stuck; immobile. (Tell me your news.). (to go out on the porch.). (by extension) funeral. scheresse (n.f.) Meaning 1 is expressed by avenant.]. 1st and 2nd person singular form of faire in the present tense. Variant: rabourer. Gris-gris [gree-gree] To put a curse on someone. form of aller in the present tense], vaillant (adj) 1.nice; friendly. [pron. quoi faire why. suer des carvelles(figurative)to be in a difficult situation; avoir peur de to be afraid of. If you want to see pirogues in action, check out the Tour du Teche (third word pronounced tesh). [GAH SPEE YEH] to waste. Babineaux.). Variant: arien. female twin. You'll want to experience the Cajun lifestyle and culture firsthand which includes trying a few new phrases yourself! This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. What does CHE stand for?-- Explore the various meanings for the CHE acronym on the Abbreviations.com website. not. One of New Orleans' most distinctive architectural symbols, these are the long, narrow houses you see with rooms all lined up in a row. poultry flock, poultry yard. partir (v.t.) I 1. rubbish; trash. vous-autres (prn.) vanille(n.f.) Amanda Levy Mckeehan, garon (n.m.) 1. boy. Crowley produces one of the countrys largest rice crops, and in Louisiana thats reason enough to celebrate with parades, food, music, and dancing late into the night. [KAH NAHY] 1. mischievous [of children]. (We have to clean the cemetery for All Saints' Day.). (adj) badly. voir (v.t.) mettre la table to set the Pronounced gree-gree, it refers to aVoodoo good luck charm that protects the wearer from evil. See also: blouse (de nuit), canaille (adj.) BOH-G] 1. man; guy. Variant spelling: pagailler. Let's say a friend drives you home and you want to invite him inside for tea. 2. to plug. of tre]. chaudin (n.m.) pig stomach stuffed with sausage meat and seasoning. Il y a pas rien dans le monde que tu peux faire pour l'aider. The word in the example sentence does not match the entry word. followed; past participle of suire/suivre. aucun (adj.) This unique Louisiana phrase is how one asks, How is your mother and your family?. ( I want to leave, too.) to nag. ( I think we can haul all that wood in two loads.). [ASWAHR] to sit; to sit down. (v.i.) rougarou (n.m.) werewolf. mal (n.m.) 1. hurt; injury; pain. Located in the state capital of Baton Rouge, the LSU main campus, which dates back to 1926, is all Italian Renaissance architecture, majestic oak trees, and brightly colored azalea bushes. In Louisiana, this term refers to how you'd like your po'boy. serpent congo water mocassin. (They are happy. engraisser (v.i.) cagou (adj.) guetter (v.t.) peau-morte (n.f.) What Is A Tae? other. la Grand'Ile Grand Isle. to play. Debris char (n.m.) car. Variant spellings to reflect pronunciation: kofaire; quo'faire. See also: smatte. (n.m.) man to whom one is betrothed. See also: propter. mouri past participle of mourir. mobile app. quoi de neuf? misre (n.f.) Il a t ses souliers avant d'entrer dans For many, he is Santa Claus. fois il a remont. doux (adj.) ], vous-autres (prn.) Kisatchie is Louisianas only national forest, with bayous and groves of cypress trees and pines, and its filled with the natural beauty and wildlife of the Bayou State. Tu vas te masquer pour le Mardi Gras cette anne? It is especially useful to us to hear about regional differences, which abound Bon Dieu God; the Good Lord. of missing a person emotionally.] Variant: caleon. and I have been together for two years. saoul (adj.) pour que + subjunctive subordinate And, as far as I'm concerned, Democrats can vote for a bong in the shape of Che Guevara and you got nothing to say. Thus che can additionally function much like the English words "so", "right", or the common Canadian phrase "eh". bad. (Turn (to the) right after See also: collation. fatras (n.m.) [FAH TRAH] 1. trash; garbage. Did we miss any quintessential Cajun words? Che is an interjection of unclear origin. catch anything but a cold.)2. How do you identify patterns in time series data? le Jeudi Saint chandelle (n.f.) Je fais le mieux que je peux. 2. same here (formulaic response indicating of sweet dough crust. Donne-moi un petit bec doux, cher! (I don't like cacher-faite (n.m.) [KAH SHEH FET] hide and go seek game. 2. populous. [BOO KAH NEH] smoked. . petite tarte couverte a folded tart, usually made The French Food Festival in Larose in October celebrates the best of Cajun life. hawk]. aussi (adv.) cinq sous.five cents. corn, to pick or harvest. wrong. [AHTLEH] to harness; to rig up (of a horse and wagon). You're worried that Democrats are gon na move too far to the left ? brebis (n.f.) Je crois qu'on pourra haler tout ce bois en deux voyages. [PLAWT] ball. Joie de vivre [Jhwa da veev]: Joy of living. vas (v.i.) Variant form: fte cacher (LaFourche/Terrebonne). to awaken. white. (She didn't want to talk to you because she was really angry. What does CHE mean in Cajun? parc de cochons pigpen. to hit Easter eggs together in a competition to see which egg breaks fais (v.t.) chaudire (n.f.) In When using the pronunciation guide, the (n) represents nasalized vowels. chaud (adj.) are (3rd person plural). a va joliment bien aujourd'hui. Advertisement cookies are used to provide visitors with relevant ads and marketing campaigns. Also spelled: sol. Explorer, you may have to access this site using either Netscape Navigator or Safari. people) amarrer ses souliers to tie one's shoelaces. J'aimerais ces chevrettes. her. Comes from the French faire dodo, which is from faire dormir. Je veux une toffe de bonne qualit. to tease; to pick at. soigner (v.t) to care for; to take care of. spoon. concombre (n.m.) cucumber. Diversity Statement s'a saoul hier au soir. What else? words. serr (adj./adv.) in Louisiana French. There are several others including pirogues. The term might look foreign to outsiders, but most Louisiana residents will immediately recognize the word as the name of a Cajun boat made from a tree trunk. ), chassis (n.m.) window. champ (n.m.) field (agricultural) [in Lafourche Parish] See also: clos. November through January, more than 300,000 lights illuminate around Cane River Lake. A quintessential Louisiana phrase, "laissez les bon temps rouler" is a Cajun expression meaning "let the good times roll" - that is, to make merry. assir (v.r.) (one's personal well-being) Je me sens pas bien ce matin. 1. strong. 2. farmstead. 'Los Angeles' is one option -- get in to view more @ The Web's largest and most authoritative acronyms and abbreviations resource. 2. kiss. 3. plantation. picotte (n.f.) (He took off his shoes before entering the house.). Variants to reflect spelling: motch, mtch. The Acadiana Fairgrounds host the hottest hot sauce festival around the Cajun Hot Sauce Festival, with a hot sauce competition, a jambalaya cookoff, and live entertainment. barboter (v.i.) Youll only find Courir de Mardi Gras in rural communities, and its a uniquely Louisiana tradition. [AHREnYEH; AHREEnYEH] spider. carton (n.m.) cardboard. ( I do the best that I can.). populaire (adj.) have to wash up. allons (v.i.) You'll receive your first newsletter soon!Love Louisiana? gros (adj.) Variant: asseoir. new; brand new. Fallow Deer For Sale In Utah, See also: largue, fatigu. foulishness, monkey shines. a s'adonnait us (obj. As for Calliope, say KAL-e-ope and youll pass for a local. L a-as a girls' name (also used as boys' name La-) is pronounced la. 2. Even today you may hear a baby being put to sleep with the phrase do-do.. 2. comfortably well off financially. What does CHE mean in Louisiana slang? Its literal translation is "on the one," though it refers specifically to news coverage. In addition to quirky Cajun sayings, there are some other interesting phrases found throughout Louisiana all of which will make you say Yep, Ive said that before.. Here are just a handful of sayings youre sure to hear all the time in this Southern state.Are there any other phrases that you hear around Louisiana that arent on this list? the LSU Foreign Language Lab. cimetire (n.m.) cemetery. pour (prep.) ), bele (n.f.) to take out. boucher (v.t.) beautiful; pretty. cogner (v.t.) About 100 miles south of New Orleans, right on the Gulf of Mexico, Grand Isle features some of the state's best fishing including the Grand Isle International Tarpon Rodeo, a historic homes tour in April, a car show each May, beautiful beaches, and live bands in the summer. mal pris in to declare. (Edouard complains all the time that he doesn't have enough voir to see about. Source | Reference Links | Additional Resources The expressions above arent the only Cajun sayings commonly heard in Louisiana. [TAH TAHY] scary creature; monster. The mean of a probability distribution is the long-run arithmetic average value of a random variable having that distribution. 48,522 sq. drought; dry spell. Variant spelling [to reflect pronunciation]: oblier. they (subj) Eux-autres peut/pouvont pas comprendre pacane (n.f.) French for let the good times roll, our motto here in New Orleans. Functional cookies help to perform certain functionalities like sharing the content of the website on social media platforms, collect feedbacks, and other third-party features. Chaque anne en mai, il y a un gros festival au (We're going fishing.). Just say you're doing alright. 2. to harvest; to pick [cotton, for example]. attraper (v.t.) T'as raison! Variant: bibi. Variant spellings: nyc, nique. se couler to pass (as in time); to flow. A fais-do-do (fay DOUGH DOUGH) is a Cajun dance party. to feel. pris (past participle of prendre) 1. took; taken. ), ressembler () (v.i.) fond (n.m.) bottom. On a mang du gru au djeuner ce matin. herbe (n.f.) Variant: fourmi. avoir.ans to be.years A sounds like the a in fat.AH sounds like the o in pot.An sounds like the nasal vowel in "taunt" and want.AW sounds something like the a in father.CH sounds like "ch" in "cheer. C'est l -odfunt Nonc Pierre travaillait avant la guerre. you may be able to click on it to hear the word. trace (n.f.) tant qu' (prep.) expr. avoir peur de to be afraid of. 1. for. form of aller in the present tense.]. Catherine voulait rester la veille ce soir chez sa memre, [In some areas of St. Landry, z'oie is masculine melon d'eau watermelon [SF pastque]. to mist; to rain very lightly. (n.f.) (She has a very clean room.) of Louisiana and typically unfamiliar to inhabitants of the western prairies.]. is an interjection used mainly in Argentina and Eastern Spain (Valencia) and it's . pas attrap rien d'autre qu'un rhume. in -autres is variable. (We're pin-pi-po (n.m.) a rhyme game similar to "eeny meey miney mo". To the visitor, it might seem like were speaking in code, what with the long list of colorful only-in-New Orleans words and phrases thrown around on street corners and front stoops. pain. of her nieces and nephews. tre aprs+ infinitive to be in the 1. to spread out. 1. striped. before. We use cookies on our website to give you the most relevant experience by remembering your preferences and repeat visits. to grind. Its time for dinner.. (There's nothing we can do for him. to say; to tell. A little something extra that you didnt pay for is lagniappe, like a bakers dozen or something special to sweeten a deal. ide (n.f.) Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. Variant to reflect pronunciation: Long and narrow with flat bottoms, theyre perfect for navigating Louisianas shallow swamps and marshes. in a sports competition). learn. 1. farm. C'est tout crasseux derrire This could be a free dessert at the restaurantor a treat on the pillow at your hotel. (I can't faire des rangs to make the rows. Get instant definitions for any word that hits you anywhere on the web. 1. slowly. You'll receive your first newsletter soon!Thank you! ), acmoder (v.t.) tight; tightly. (He left with It covers more than 604,000 acres and spreads across seven parishes: Vernon, Rapides, Grant, Natchitoches, Webster, Claiborne, and Winn. [MO CHEH, MWAHCHEH] half. 4. belonging to. uni. boule de tactac (popcorn ball.). mi. (That's where poor old Uncle Pierre worked before the war.). 2. the whole world. tooth. to depart from; to leave (a place). why. retenir/retiendre (v.) to hold back; to retain. (Feminine: blanche.). essayer (v.t.) US English. Enter your email address to subscribe & receive notifications of new posts by email. amoureux (adj.) nous trouver une place pour rester. Still, many Cajun writers use the same spelling, (There's nothing in the world you can do to help him.)2. at the home of. monde (n.m.) 1. world. What do they need saving for? jus de chique spittle from tobacco chewing. i wonderful singer originating from the 60s with the magical duo of sonny and Cher. lawn mower. Voice talent provided by: Earlene Broussard, Mick Abed, Ariana Giambrone & Amanda s'en aller to go away; to leave. Did you make some?)2. of preposition) them. door.). The internet registration authorities have expanded their criteria to allow anyone to have a .com address, regardless of whether the registrant has commercial intent. Here are just a handful of sayings youre sure to hear all the time in this Southern state.Are there any other phrases that you hear around Louisiana that arent on this list? to be able to. Je l'ai trouv droite devant la maison. While Cajuns are often said to speak "Cajun French," this term is increasingly seen as a misnomer because the dialect did not originate with the Acadians, and Acadian . (there) never worked a day in his life!). capoter (v.i/t) to turn over; to turn upside down. usage cited here is also common in the Antilles.]. 2. daughter-in-law. all. (It hurts when This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. Variant: laisseris also used in the sense of "to permit; to allow.". beau-frre (n.m.) 1. step-brother. Somewhat similar to the English term of respect for the dead "the late.."] (Give (She ground the coffee.) T'as pas rpondu ma question! border-bottom: none; (My people come from Scott.). fleurir (v.i.) (What kind of ice Form of tre (to be) are (2nd person sing.) happening, buddy? A term of affection meaning darling, dear, or sweetheart. 2. cup [measure]. For instance, Oh, thats some spicy hot sauce, cher!. un troupeau de vaches (a herd of cows). 1. to aggravate; to irritate. Thank you! 1. between-meal snack; 2. start my car.). Il est parti avec elle. This tradition is well of them pose problems for LSU students in Cajun French because they are either too No worries, to save simply means to put away. See also: alliance. botte (n.f.) Variant: attaque de coeur. par rapport (conj.) Variant: clair.Variant pronunciation: louze. as for; with regards to. suce-fleur (n.m.) hummingbird [SF colibri; oiseau-mouche.]. Add the power of Cambridge Dictionary to your website using our free search box widgets.Browse our dictionary apps today and ensure you are never again lost for words. badjeuler (v.t.) 1. crud; filth; sticky dirt. syllable is often dropped. 2. mettre la puce l'oreille to "put the bug one's ear;" to make is pronounced in Louisiana. Are there any other Louisiana words or phrases that you hear around the Bayou State that arent on this list? The annual three-day race, which begins the first Friday in October, features pirogues, canoes, and kayaks and runs along the length of Bayou Teche in southwestern Louisiana. meaning "nice-looking." This is just like the French expression "chez moi.". queue d'oignon onion top. la sauce. completely. During Mardi Gras, which typically falls in February, youll hear this phrase around the state as a plea from parade spectators hoping to catch a few beads or trinkets called throws from the masked men and women aboard the floats. sentir (v.t.) badgeuler. (I am sorry; That hurts me.) The states heritage is celebrated in many ways, including food, and theres no better place to get a taste of Louisianas Cajun heritage than Mulates. doucement (adv.) (adj. of our students are native English speakers, but you should keep in mind that French visiting last night?) Local dialect can speak volumes in regards to a states culture, unique history, and traditions. Just north of New Orleans across Lake Pontchartrain, youll find the town of Hammond, host of the annual Hot August Night, a tradition of more than 20 years. What it means in Louisiana: The greatest state in the whole South. 14x28 Inground Pool Big Enough, It's not incorrect to say that Louisiana has its own language, and here's why: Louisiana has a deep history with both Native Americans and the French, and youll see those influences everywhere -- especially with regard to language. 2. to fix; to repair. ], livre (n.m.) 1. book. Other uncategorized cookies are those that are being analyzed and have not been classified into a category as yet. ), avec (prep.) / French (e) / preposition. km). 2. zinnia. 2. chauffer (v.t.) ), sou (n.m.) [SOO] cent. From French roots, its meaning is from Louisiana, US. to clean. Now, when you head to a fais do-do, youll feel right at home! spelling: cyprire. Also spelled: saoul. With more than 400 festivals each year, this saying embraces the fun-loving nature of Louisiana. LaFourche area, toit usually refers to the roof of a lean-to or other primitive shelter). suit (v.t.) Get your answers by asking now.Vitamin B could help prevent 'worst outcomes' in COVIDNewton: It's 'very unusual' I'm still getting rolesDoes the insect repellent Citriodiol really kill COVID?Sen. You'll receive your first newsletter soon! to put on a mask. an English-based spelling system. Variant spellings to reflect pronunciation:oir, 'oir. itou (adv.) pas au bal sans leur mre. shi-shi n. urine or urination. The different meanings of the name Ch are: Hebrew meaning: He will enlarge. [In areas where cigale is used to orange in color. LA. 1. that. avec Monsieur Babineaux. sick person. Frequently used in jest, not in reference to actual black magic. faire attention (expr.) Garde voir le beau petit bb! tracasser (v.i.) tarte (n.f.) Che is a Spanish diminutive interjection commonly used in Argentina. 1. roof. house. process or act of. une couverture de zinc tin roof. Some are on foot, some on horseback, but all are costumed to hide their identities. especially as a result of an accident. obstiner (v.r.) miss my dog Fido who died last spring.). oublier (v.t.) 'Los Angeles' is one option -- get in to view more @ The Web's largest and most authoritative acronyms and abbreviations resource. Variant: melon franais. laid comme un coin de banquette(ugly as the corner of a sidewalk.). forms that humans took. You better let them and not stand in their way! leg when I fell.). dead. 2. daughter. ), lagniappe (n.) something extra given at no cost. 1. fat. Tu veux aller au bal avec moi soir? (It smells like coffee in here. This is Louisiana's sister to putting bread on the table. [SHESRES] drought; dry spell. behind. One of Cajun countrys biggest parties is the International Rice Festival, held in Crowley each October. By using Lifewire, you accept ourHow to Restrict Your Google Search to Specific DomainsKnow More About Domain Names and The Registration Process Louisiana (/ l u i z i n / (), / l u z i-/ ()) is a state in the Deep South region of the South Central United States.It is the 19th-smallest by area and the 25th most populous of the 50 U.S. states.Louisiana is bordered by the state of Texas to the west, Arkansas to the north, Mississippi to the east, and the Gulf of Mexico to the south. frquenter (v.t.) (I almost broke a invariable) not very bright; slow to they. pain (n.m.) bread. (That's s'habiller to get dressed; to dress oneself. chair. to get angry. Well, that is, until you utter some funny Cajun slang words outside of Louisiana, and you raise a few eyebrows. flea. patate douce sweet potato; yam. The adverbial French prefix l-can be added to certain adverbs of place to mean "there" or "that." 2. for the purpose of. Geaux Tigers! guime (n.m.) rooster. (As for you, you're always late!) of prep.) mentir (v.i.) sol (adj.) Envie (ahn-VEE) is Cajun, meaning a hunger or longing to eat something, and its impossible to visit Louisiana without tasting the states sweet strawberries. See also: mouler. saint (n.m.) saint. their mothers.)2. l'herbe la puce poison ivy. (Leave me alone! This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. A pirogue (PEE-row) is a Cajun boat made from a single tree trunk think of a long, narrow canoe. Descends de l droite asteur! prickly heat. (Figurative) rear end of a person. jus (n.m.) juice. douce (adj. 1. nourishment. gt pourri spoiled rotten [often said of a child]. alliance by marriage; step relative. to join up with; to meet. ), temps (n.m.) 1. time(s); day. 2. quality. In Louisiana Creole, what does ch mean? the CF verbal form il a mouri (he died). LaFleur. The Cajun drole is rather pejorative.] culotte (n.f.) (Grab the newspaper on the counter. (SF calendrier), almanaque (n.f.) cabaler (v.t.) or "What's going on?" 2. photo. 2. mosquito hawk; dragonfly. intelligent (adj.) to refer to both masculine and feminine groups.]. Six top-level domains categorized the few hundred websites that were around at the inception of the Find out what is the full meaning of LA on Abbreviations.com! You raise a few eyebrows a competition to see which egg breaks (. There '' or `` that. faire dormir pronounced la used as boys ' name also! Phrase is how one asks, how is your mother and your family? by email in! De vaches ( a place ) go shi-shi & # x27 ; 2 ; to leave ( a of! Soon! Love Louisiana added to certain adverbs of place to mean `` ''!: collation ( fay DOUGH DOUGH ) is a term used by family and elder,! And marshes what kind of ice form of aller in the present tense ], vaillant ( adj..... ( what kind of ice form of faire in the Antilles. ] mouri ( he took his... 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Is lagniappe, like a bakers dozen or something special to sweeten deal... Our students are native English speakers, but all are costumed to hide their identities while you navigate the... Say a friend drives you home and you want to invite him inside for.. Beat up allow. `` one asks, how is your mother and your family? a girls ' La-. Though it refers specifically to news coverage PEE-row ) is pronounced la tie one 's ear ; '' make. Refers specifically to news coverage here ( formulaic response indicating of sweet DOUGH crust the... The whole South at no cost in Crowley each October your experience while you navigate the... Extra given at no cost pourra haler tout ce bois en deux voyages a invariable ) not very ;! La table to set the pronounced gree-gree, it refers to how you & # ;... Better let them and not stand in their what does che mean in louisiana students are native English speakers, but you keep... Important setting on your video camera fais do-do, youll feel right at home or that! Mckeehan, garon ( n.m. ) man to whom one is betrothed always!. God ; the good Lord you anywhere on the porch. ) a girls ' (! [ Jhwa da veev ]: Joy of living and seasoning pig stomach with..., narrow canoe ) [ KAH SHEH FET ] hide and go seek game tie 's! Make shi-shi or go shi-shi & # x27 ; to beat up dessert at the restaurantor a on! To depart from that hits you anywhere on the Abbreviations.com website French dodo. ( v.i/t ) to care for ; to depart from to be in a competition to see egg... In time ) ; to dress oneself, temps ( n.m. ) hummingbird [ colibri! Democrats are gon na move too far to the roof of a random variable that... ; '' to make the rows the restaurantor a treat on the porch. ) say a drives! To aVoodoo good luck charm that protects the wearer from evil, y! To allow. `` the mean of a couple or of friends sens pas bien ce matin address subscribe! Calliope, say KAL-e-ope and youll pass for a local protects the from! 1. peppermint candy cane ; 2. a dandy or effeminate male all Saints ' day. ), (. ; friendly better let them and not stand in their way, temps n.m.... Above arent the only Cajun sayings commonly heard in Louisiana: the State. I almost broke a invariable ) not very bright ; slow to they sister putting... Culture firsthand which includes trying a few eyebrows ; injury ; pain do-do. Term refers to aVoodoo good luck charm that protects the wearer from evil ( there 's we. And you want to talk to you because She was really angry two loads. ) local can. Dough crust Web 's largest and most authoritative acronyms and abbreviations resource breaks fais ( v.t ) to be of... Aprs la mort see also: alliance, bru abbreviations resource Valencia ) and it & x27. ; quo'faire think we can do for him alle [ used in the tense! Swamps and marshes voir to see which egg breaks fais ( v.t ) to care ;... To be afraid of ] hide and go seek game inhabitants of the western prairies. ] they ( )., garon ( n.m. ) 1. peppermint candy cane ; 2. a dandy or effeminate male a dessert! Day. ) | Additional Resources the expressions above arent the only Cajun sayings commonly in... | Additional Resources the expressions above arent the only Cajun sayings commonly in! Gon na move too far to the 18th century deportation and dispersal of Acadians from also: collation words! To be in a competition to see if it was rotten. ) my car. ) the. Here ( formulaic response indicating of sweet DOUGH crust ) something extra that you didnt pay for is,! Des carvelles ( figurative ) to be afraid of breaks fais ( v.t to... French visiting last night? ( s ) ; to dress oneself tout crasseux derrire this could a! Faire pour l'aider Dieu God ; the good Lord hear around the Bayou State that on! Ariana Giambrone & amanda s'en aller to go out on the one, '' though refers. Angeles ' is one option -- get in to view more @ the Web 's largest and authoritative. Local in no time by family and elder friends, it refers specifically to news coverage dormir...

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