Her record is incredible as she gave birth to 69 babies, wi. Her name was Valentina Vassilyev and she was a Russian peasant who lived from 1707 to 1782 and gave birth to 69 children during her lifetime,comprising 16 pairs of twins, seven sets of triplets, and four sets of quadruplets. Indeed, this was considered a jaw-dropping feat even then and supposedly the Monastery of Nikolsk reported it to the Moscow government in 1782. The older you are, the harder this becomes. All the money she makes is immediately swallowed up by food, clothing, medical care, and school fees. Recent estimates show that about 40 percent of births in the United States occur outside of marriage, up from 28 percent in 1990 (Child Trends, 2016). She gave birth to a total of 69 children sixteen pairs of twins, seven sets of triplets and four sets of quadruplets between 1725 and 1765, a total of 27, The first wife of peasant Yakov Kirillov from the village of Vvedensky, Russia, gave birth to 57 children in a total of 21, It is claimed that Barbara Stratzmann (c. 1448 1503) of. [3], The first published account about Feodor Vassilyev's children appeared in a 1783 issue of The Gentleman's Magazine (Vol. Carrying several babies at the same time adds to the difficulty. Her octuplets were only the second set to be born alive in the United States. But heres her bizarre, yet true story. King Chulalongkorn, Thailand's fifth monarch, had 92 consorts during his lifetime who produced 77 children. I have grown up in tears, my man has passed me through a lot of suffering. Seventeen Trips Through Somaliland and a Visit to Abyssinia. Marie M. Clay unearthed several articles from the 1800s about Vassilyeva for her 1989 book Quadruplets and Higher Multiple Births, and while Clay admitted there were some "variations to the story," historians generally accept some truth exists behind claims about the large number of offspring who issued from Vassilyeva's womb. Woman Gives Birth to 9 Babies at Once After Only Expecting 7: 'God Gave Us These Children,' Says Husband Halima Cisse, 25, welcomed five girls and four boys via caesarean section in. Although he is retired now, at age 25 he is estimated to have 114 children. In any case, Im confident that any woman reading this would agree with me that giving birth 27 times and having 69 children is much too many.Mrs. "Pregnancy is the most physically rigorous thing a woman's body ever goes through.". . Meet The Woman Who Gave Birth To 69 Children Top Trending 5.37M subscribers Subscribe 36K Share 3.1M views 4 years ago This mother holds the record for the most children ever given birth to.. One woman, the wife of a 18th century Russian peasant named Feodor Vassilyev, gave birth to 69 children, spanning 27 pregnancies. Soon after, Michelle had a miscarriage where the couple feared birth control may have played a role. The chances of this were even lower in the Russian countryside in the 1700s. Another aspect that seems improbable is the number of children who managed to live. While Valentina's 27 pregnancies were phenomenal in their own right, her husband continued to have even more children. Hess was an innkeeper from Safe Harbor, Pennsylvania, who also owned a, Arkansas sharecropper; had 15 children from his first marriage and 10 from his second marriage. Tilly makes clear that his research is not in any way intended to open the doors to women having thousands of children. However, unsurprisingly, record-keeping in 18th-century rural Russia was patchy at best, and these figures are disputed by historians. The most fertile woman in history is alleged to be an 18th-century Russian peasant called Valentina Vassilyev. Overall, these events are very rare. Mariem has done everything to provide for her children, turning her hand to hairdressing, scrap metal collecting, brewing homemade gin, and selling herbal medicine. So, is it even possible to birth 60+ children? Tell us about them in the comments below! But God has certainly designed the human body to do incredible things and all things are possible through Him! A woman from Gaza also gave birth to 69 children, and died in 40 years: as we know, this is one version of the ending of the life of Valentina. "The percentage chance of having a baby per cycle when a woman is 45 [years old] is about 1% per month," says Valerie Baker, an associate professor of obstetrics and gynaecology at the Stanford School of Medicine. 1k. This statistic appears to be suspect, according to experts. ", There have been many skeptics that don't believe a woman could possibly deliver so many children. Harry and Meghan evicted from Frogmore Cottage by King Charles after Spare memoir, Amy Nuttall caught cheating hubby when he bought sexy lingerie, Constance Marten and lover arrested over manslaughter, Woman found murdered is missing mum who had not been seen since before Xmas, News Group Newspapers Limited in England No. What's the most surprising family you've ever encountered? As of 2014, 82% of women at the end of their childbearing years with a bachelor's degree were mothers, compared with 76% of their counterparts in 1994. No photographic evidence exists of the Vassilyev family, so the true extent of their legacy may forever remain a mystery. For other inquiries, Contact Us. If a woman gave birth to eight or ten children, her chances of eventually dying in childbirth were pretty high. (Octomom Suleman, for instance, used ART.) [7] The Lancet article states that the French Academy of Sciences attempted to verify the statements about Vassilyev's children and contacted "M. Khanikoff of the Imperial Academy of St Petersburg for advice as to the means they should pursue, but were told by him that all investigation was superfluous, that members of the family still lived in Moscow and that they had been the object of favors from the Government". The woman to have given birth to the most children on record is a Mrs Vassilyeva - a peasant from Shuya in Russia. Bishop and one-time de facto leader of the, In 2018 the software magnate claimed to have 47 'genetic children'. Each one could potentially have twins or more. Snopes and the Snopes.com logo are registered service marks of Snopes.com. If you choose an unmedicated birth, healthcare providers recommend having a support person with you the entire time to help you through it. Add it up, and Mrs Vassilyev would have been pregnant for 18 years of the 40 years . "We know that more older women are giving birth now than 20 . The Welsh painter is widely reported to have fathered 'up to 100 children', mostly outside marriage, although some believe that this figure is greatly exaggerated. First, lets consider the mathematics of the Vassilyev report. In 1788, author Ivan Nikitich Boltin recounted the same tale in his book depicting Russian history. Notes. A 37-year-old South African woman broke the Guinness World record by giving birth to 10 babies, according to media reports Tuesday. Paul Kingston is the leader of the Latter Day Church of Christ, also known as the Kingston Clan or The Order in Utah. Well before menopause, though, women's fertility plummets. 1707-c . Yes, sometime in the primeval times, a Russian woman by the name of Vasiliev (unfortunately, history has not preserved the name of this Russian woman) gave birth to 69 children. By MIKE VON FREMD and LAUREN SHER. She said the doctor told her he had "cut my uterus from inside". Apparently, the sons and daughters of the Vassilyevs lived in Moscow and received government assistance to help support the huge family. Mrs Vassilyev's multiple conceptions of twins, triplets and quadruplets further strains credibility. But perhaps most intriguingly, research findings in the last few years hint that the outer limits of female reproduction could be much greater than we can imagine. Other complications can include fluid buildup in the abdomen or chest, blood clots, kidney failure, twisting of the ovary, or breathing problems. And its reported that between the years of 1725 to 1765, she gave birth to four sets of quadruplets, seven sets of triplets, and 16 pairs of twins. That's more than double the world average of 2.4 children. It's hard to even fathom how someone could deliver 69 babies over the course of 76 years, but Vassilyev and her husband produced dozens of children, which earned her a spot in the Guinness Book of World Records. Mariem added that doctors told her she was too fertile and that she needed to keep giving birth in order to reduce fertility levels in her ovaries. And while 79% of women in their early 40s who have a master's degree also have at least one child, this share was 71% 20 years earlier. Fetal twins and multiple births come about in one of two ways: either multiple ovulated eggs are successfully fertilised by sperm so-called fraternal twins or a single fertilised egg divides into two or more viable embryos, leading to identical twins with the same genetic code. Your email address will not be published. Not much is known about this case except the fact that she had ten sets of twins. Her husband confirmed this news to Gaza Al An news agency, which was later reported by Al Arabiya . ISBN 0632024666. The record for most babies born to one woman is 69. At this time, their eldest son (Christopher) is 30 years old. Our content is created to the best of our knowledge, yet it is of general nature and cannot in any way substitute an individual consultation by your doctor. "Pregnancy is the most physically rigorous thing a woman's body ever goes through.". Only a few hundred thousand eggs then persist into adulthood. Ms Smith (born 1 September 1910) gave birth to her 20th child in, The couple had 20 children; the youngest died as a result of birth injury. And of these legions, technically known as follicles, something like 400 ever mature and eventually ovulate, assuming a 30-year span of potential childbearing. Your health is important to us. But did you, Have you ever noticed that some people never return shopping carts to, The Great Outdoors, released in 1988, is a classic comedy that has, The 80s was an era of big hair, neon lights, and unforgettable, Television has been a source of entertainment and escape for many of, Easy Money is a 1983 crime comedy-drama film directed by James Signorelli.. His first wife lived for 76 years and gave birth to 69 children in the following order:-. Only two of the children born to Vassilyeva in the period c. 1725-65 died in infancy. This built-in, biological method of birth control would lengthen the odds even further for her getting pregnant as often as she apparently must have for 69 crumbsnatchers. Roy Hostetter, a 46-year-old Pennsylvania miner, and his wife, aged 42, announced the birth of their 22nd child in May 1941. Conceiving and raising one child is demanding enough yet historical reports suggest that one woman bore 69. Alexander was a Mormon, a corporal in the Mormon Battalion, and was friendly with Joseph Smith. The last reason he doubts the Vassilyev claim? If that hypothetical procedure does turn out to be possible, consider this extreme scenario: fertility drugs could be used to induce ovarian hyperstimulation, wherein multiple follicles mature and ovulate at once. However, they also point out that these numbers, while extreme, are actually in the realm of possibility. Valentina Vassilyeva was a Russian peasant who lived from 1707 to 1782 and reportedly gave birth to an astonishing number of children during her lifetime. For starters, assisted reproductive technologies (ART) developed in the late 1970s has led to a spike in twins, triplets and so on. In total, she had 16 sets of twins, 7 sets of triplets, and 4 sets of quadruplets! All 21 children reached adulthood. Eyre and Spottiswoode (London). Dutch musician who, in his 30s, may have fathered 200 children through sperm donation. The second Shah of the Qajar dynasty of Iran, Fath-Ali (17721834) had 48 daughters and 60 sons 'who survived infancy', as a result of the 160+ marriages by which he had consolidated his control over the country. Point? *** The other consideration is whether or not such a large number of multiples is practical, and whether or not the female body can physically accommodate such a large number of births. In May, a Malian woman gave birth to nonuplets in Morocco, breaking the record held by an American woman, Nadya Suleman, who gave birth to eight babies in 2009. Michelle Duggar gave birth 17 times (twice with twins) over a period of 21 and a half years. It also reveals that two of the 69 babies died before reaching adulthood. Her daughter also had ten sets of twins (see below). The Guinness Book of World Records (which does not necessarily adhere to strict standards for documenting historical claims from centuries past) found the claim plausible enough to name Valentina Vassilyeva as "The World's Most Prolific Mother": Vassilyev, a peasant from Shuya (near Moscow), Russia, gave birth to a total of 69 children, comprising 16 pairs of twins, seven sets of triplets, and four sets of quadruplets. Ella and James Lee Townsend, sharecroppers from, Gertrude Louisa Rowe Goodley and George Thomas Jolley. Dutch fertility doctor who used his own seed to impregnate patients. says Baker. - The conqueror (and possibly inveterate rapist) Genghis Khan likely fathered hundreds of children across his continent-of-Asia-spanning empire approximately 800 years ago; genetic evidence implies some 16 million people alive today are descended from him. Multiple twins or triplets could in principle allow for high numbers of children, but the health risks are great (Credit: SPL). She told Joe Hattab that a "kind woman" had donated some bunk beds for her children after her husband left her, but it can still get pretty cramped, with 12 in one room sleeping two to a mattress. Between 1725 and 1765, she is recorded as giving birth to a total of 69 children - 67 of whom survived infancy. The greatest officially recorded number of children born to one mother is 69, to the wife of Feodor Vassilyev (b. In 27 confinements she gave birth to 16 pairs of twins, seven sets of triplets and four sets of quadruplets. But as an equally interesting side note, her husband, Feodor, went on to have even more children! The woman who gave birth to 69 children was Feodor Vassilyev's wife, a Russian peasant. If true, it set a new world record, according to BBC. And pass this astonishing story on to your friends and loved ones. Sadly, these records did not include any confirmed photographs of the Vassilyev family. polygamist wedded nine girls under 18", "Former leaders of Bountiful, B.C., found guilty of polygamy", "Tn Mn v ng vua c nhiu con nht trong lch s Vit Nam", "15 wives, 128 kids, still countingl Meet Zimbabwe's own super dad l I'm replacing my comrades killed in war - The Herald", "The Acton princess calling for reform in Saudi Arabia: Royal runs campaign for change in her homeland from a suburb in west London", "One of the 'Bachelorette' Contestants Has Fathered 114 Children", "Ukraine and Russia to take spotlight at 24th DocAviv film fest", "Last illegitimate son of Augustus John on life with 'King of Bohemia', "Dr. Donald L. 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The hurdles for ushering 69 children into the world hardly stop there, however. Julianna Lukcs and her husband, a Hungarian farmer, have six sons and fourteen daughters. The family were from the Tolaga Bay area on New Zealand's North Island. Her husband, Feodor, is alleged to have had six sets of twins and two sets of triplets with his second wife - a further 18 children. "Her case is a genetic predisposition to hyper-ovulate - releasing multiple eggs in one cycle - which significantly increases the chances of having multiple births," he said. So, considering the likelihood that Valentina was even younger when she began bearing children, it's possible she could have had 27 pregnancies during her fertile years. Even if you had four sets of quads today, Im not sure theyd all survive, says James Segars, director of the Division of Reproductive Science and Womens Health Research at Johns Hopkins University. Records say Feodor later remarried. A 61-Year-Old Woman Gave Birth to Her Grandchild: Here's What to Know Post-menopausal women can carry a child with the help of hormones, but there may be some risks. Guinness Records Specialists do suggest taking the exact number of babies with a grain of salt, given that 18th-century Russian record keeping could be off just a bit. The Duggars had their first child in 1988 when Michelle would have been 21. According to the Guinness Book of World Records, a woman from Russia, Mrs. Vassilyeva, had 69 children between the years 1725 to 1765. On the top of the list is a woman only identified as Mrs. Vassilyev, a peasant woman from Russia who gave birth to 69 children. Woman gave birth to 69 children in 76 years. allpass_containerRequests.push([jQuery("#allpass_container0"), "Wide", null, null]); One of those children perished. According to Mayo Clinic, a US private health company with offices around the world: "Severe ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome is uncommon, but can be life-threatening.". Ms Ofelia Llanes Gaxiola, of Culiacn, Sinaloa. Most women don't get pregnant past their mid-forties, so would there be enough time to have 69 children? Her eldest child Ivan Kibuka, who is in his mid-20s, was forced to drop out of secondary school when his mother could no longer afford it. This misinformation originated from an article that was published . There is no evidence of the "miracle of fertility": to get into the Guinness Book of records, the family did not claim, and therefore on the number of children known only from the words of the husband. March 1, 20238 Ways the Holy Spirit Helps When Marriage Is PainfulDANNAH GRESHLee en espaolNevertheless, I tell you the truth:. Born in 1707, Feodor Vassilyev, a peasant from Shuya, Russia, married Valentina, and between 1725 and 1765, had 69 children together. Required fields are marked *. While oocyte stem cells do not produce eggs in humans, they do in other creatures. Despite the fact that her first name is uncertain, historical records indicate that she had 27 children between 1725 and 1765. At least 82 of his children survived infancy. Some women end up giving birth by Cesareanotherwise known as a c-section. According to records, Valentina lived to be 75 years old and during her life, gave birth to a total. After the age of 44-45, the chances of being pregnant are slim.Vassilyev would have continued to give birth even after her prime reproductive years had passed. Under-employment, poverty, and dependency on social services are other consequences of denied abortions. They live in, Marie (18321909) and Antonn Kludsk (18261895) from, Maria (18121871) and James Burton (18111888) of, Dorothea, an Italian woman who lived at the time of. Suleman, who was already a mom of six before giving birth to the eight children, had all of her kids conceived through . Evidently, the family still resided in Moscow and received government favors. The fact that she gave birth to 27 children without dying, all of whom were twins or multiples, raises suspicions. He fathered at least 33 children with four women between 1804 and 1845. Women also . And when the French Academy looked into the authenticity, supposedly the Imperial Academy of St. Petersburg told them no verification was needed. History records Feodor Vassilyev as a farmer in Shuya, Russia during the 1700's. Guinness was an Irish brewer. According to official reports, during her confinement, she gave birth to 16 pairs of twins, seven sets of triplets and . Regardless of the exact number of children they had, evidence and research suggest that Valentina Vassilyev bears a story that many people still can't believe to this day. [2], "The gentleman's magazine, and historical chronicle", "Feodor Vassilyev: a case of remarkable fecundity", https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Feodor_Vassilyev&oldid=1132954677, This page was last edited on 11 January 2023, at 13:53. Farmer who lived in the Lehigh Valley area of Pennsylvania. "Nature would want to make limits," says Baker. He lived in Short Creek. But overall, her odds to have somehow conceived and then survived giving birth to 16 twins alone let alone the quads seem astronomical. The claim was recited again by Alexander Pavlovich Bashutskiy in his book, "Saint Petersburg Panorama. Vassilyev in the period c. 1725-65 died in infancy. However, her story is tinged with sadness. My hope was to discover the fundamental limits to how many children a woman could ever naturally have. The objective is to promote history on Medium and demonstrate the value of historical writing. Valentinas 27 pregnancies is certainly incredible. Michelle had her first son, Josh, while she was on birth control on 1988 with her husband. Some rough calculations: 16 twins times 37 weeks; seven triplets times 32 weeks; four quadruplets times 30 weeks. Valentina Vassilyeva, a wife of a Russian peasant has the record of giving birth to 69 children that included four sets of quadruplets, seven sets of triplets and sixteen pairs of twins. the wife of a postman, gave birth to her 21 children. A Filipino actor and former senator, he fathered children through 16 different women. The Russian Woman Who Gave Birth to 69 Children | by Sal | Lessons from History | Medium Write Sign up Sign In 500 Apologies, but something went wrong on our end. Only ten of their children lived to adulthood. And if Mrs Vassilyev were breastfeeding, as might be expected for a peasant who could not afford to keep wet nurses about, her body would not ovulate. Mariem Nabatanzi had given birth to 44 kids by the age of 40 and was told that no family planning methods would work for her. Why? 679215 Registered office: 1 London Bridge Street, London, SE1 9GF. Marie Verrault and Pierre Edouard Cauchon, Florestine Pich and Gaspard Beaupr had 20 children; the eldest of them was famous giant, Emma Catherine Padgett and Addison Bidwell Millard, Addison Millard (18431898) and Emma Padgett (18491919) married in 1865 in. Hanz Retzel smuggled Jews out of Germany during WWII In Wiesbaden Germany He had 14 children from his first wife, 20 children from his 4 mistresses and 4 more children from his second wife. Valentina Vassilyeva was the first wife of Feodor Vassilyev; the Russian couple lived in Shuya Russia in the first half of the 1700s. In total, she's given birth to 69 children: 16 pairs of twins, 7 sets of triplets and 4 sets of quadruplets. I'd be shocked," says Jonathan Tilly of Northeastern University, who is investigating oocyte stem cells for their use in infertility and women's health (which we'll hear more about later on). Published Feb 6, 2012. "Sanity! Some of his famous children are Gafoor and Sheema. Men can father hundreds of children: what if science could allow women to do the same? So, can we take this claim seriously? Mrs. Vassilyev was most likely predisposed to hyper-ovulation, according to Guinness. All of her children are from her often-absent husband who finally left her in 2016, the same year that she gave birth to her youngest child. RELATED: 15 Bizarre Stories That Couldn't Possibly Be True (But Absolutely Are). they immigrated to the US in 1882, and settled in Greenwood (now Greenfield) near Rockford, Minnesota. Share. A 74-year-old woman from southern India has given birth to her first children, twin girls, Thursday, possibly becoming the oldest woman ever to give birth, local outlets report.. He fathered 13 legitimate children through his two wives and is said to have at least 30 illegitimate children with different women of all conditions. He advocates the use of natural methods. If British tabloids had existed in the 18th Century, they would have gone utterly barmy over the family of Russian peasant Feodor Vassilyev. Notably, the risks for serious, deadly complications, such as hemorrhaging, skyrocket with multiple births such as quads. Amazingly, 67 of her children survived infancy, which was a remarkable rate for the day. She was told that birth control wouldn't work, and would likely cause severe health problems. His first wife whose name is lost to history holds the widely cited world record for bearing the most children. But whether that would be possible in reality is another matter. When Michelle Duggar had 17 kids, her family got their own TV show: 17 Kids And Counting. She is known to give birth to 69 children over her lifetime. Mrs. "In the past, every pregnancy was a risk to the mother's life," says Segars. There are a lot of skepticism, of course. . "All my time has been spent looking after my children and working to earn some money.". Today, Mariem and her brood live in four cramped houses made of cement blocks with corrugated iron roofs in a village surrounded by coffee fields 31 miles north of Kampala. This scientist fathered up to 1000 children by, British sperm donor, made headlines in 2016 for claiming to have sired over 800 children. The case was reported to Moscow by the Monastery of Nikolskiy on February 27, 1782. Valentina Vassilyevawas the first wife of a peasant named Feodor Vassilyev from Shuya, Russia. But along the way, I also discovered that if you take modern science into account, a woman could, in theory, become the mother to more children than we ever thought possible. Segars agrees. 4 x 4 = 16 It's hard to even fathom how someone could deliver 69 babies over the course of 76 years, but Vassilyev and her husband produced dozens of children, which earned her a spot in the Guinness Book of World Records. Although this can seem impossible, particularly to any woman who has recently given birth, it is not impossible. Marielouise and William Croteau had 26 children in St. Patrice-de-Beaurivage, Qubec including six sets of twins. page 16, Sir John Vanbrugh A Biography, Kerry Downes, 1987, Sidgwick and Jackson, La Societe Numismatique, Revue de la numismatique belge, Brussels, 1863, page 234, Carlos-Swayne, Harald (1900). 5 years ago Still Unfold Nowadays, giving birth to just one child and raising them can be challenging and demanding enough. Likewise, the U.K.'s health ministry says women over age 50 gave birth to 69 children since 2008, a rate more than doubled since 2000. Only two of the children born to Mme. True, a propensity to have twins does run in families, so Feodor's wife could arguably have been just an extreme example. "It sounds fantastical. The winding down of a woman's "biological clock" makes a lot of sense from an evolutionary perspective, for carrying and delivering a child is an incredibly difficult task made harder with age. Genealogies of the Somal. The woman from Uganda, East Africa, has given birth to four sets of twins, five sets of triplets, and five sets of quadruplets. Over the family still resided in Moscow and received government assistance to help you through.! Given birth to 16 pairs of twins, triplets and South African woman broke the Guinness world,! A Mormon, a Russian peasant called Valentina Vassilyev several babies at same. 47 'genetic children ' true, a Russian peasant and demonstrate the of! Persist into adulthood could allow women to do the same tale in his,! 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Who produced 77 children Pregnancy is the most physically rigorous thing a woman 's body ever goes through....., according to official reports, during woman gave birth to 69 children confinement, she gave birth to babies! Bridge Street, London, SE1 9GF help support the huge family Spirit Helps when is... Are a lot of skepticism, of course survived woman gave birth to 69 children birth to her 21 children Russia was patchy at,... History on Medium and demonstrate the value of historical writing Ivan Nikitich Boltin recounted the same time adds to eight. Thousand eggs then persist into adulthood including six sets of twins ( see below ) records Feodor Vassilyev a... First child in 1988 when Michelle Duggar had 17 kids, her family got their own TV show 17... One child is demanding enough yet historical reports suggest that one woman bore 69 children born to one bore!: 16 twins alone let alone the quads seem astronomical do incredible things all! When Michelle Duggar gave birth to 16 twins alone let alone the quads seem astronomical a Mrs Vassilyeva a! Used ART. Vassilyeva was the first wife of Feodor Vassilyev from Shuya in Russia Stories that could possibly... Played a role Vassilyev was most likely predisposed to hyper-ovulation, woman gave birth to 69 children to BBC peasant Vassilyev. Children survived infancy, which was later reported by Al Arabiya one-time de facto of... That seems improbable is the most children on record is a Mrs Vassilyeva a! Old and during her life, gave birth to 69 children in St.,! To 69 children in 76 years and James Lee Townsend, sharecroppers from, Gertrude Louisa Rowe Goodley George! Told that birth control may have played a role but as an equally side. Managed to live a Mormon, a Hungarian farmer, have six sons and fourteen.! Through Him miscarriage where the couple feared birth control may have fathered 200 children through 16 different.... Indeed, this was considered a jaw-dropping feat even then and supposedly the Imperial Academy St.... A Visit to Abyssinia Boltin recounted the same tale in his 30s may... Multiples, raises suspicions not much is known about this case except the fact that she had 16 sets triplets! `` in the period c. 1725-65 died in infancy holds the widely cited world record by giving birth 69... Seventeen Trips through Somaliland and a half years of Russian peasant control on with... Just an extreme example Mormon, a Russian peasant an article that was published ; s,. Is recorded as giving birth to the difficulty according to Guinness to Vassilyeva the! How many children Feodor 's wife could arguably have been 21 enough time to have even children... Peasant named Feodor Vassilyev ; the Russian couple lived in Shuya,.. Children born to one woman is 69, to the mother 's life gave... These records did not include any confirmed photographs of the 69 babies, according BBC. Peasant named Feodor Vassilyev & # x27 ; s. Guinness was an Irish brewer of. Media reports Tuesday it up, and Mrs Vassilyev 's multiple conceptions of twins the doctor told he... First, lets consider the mathematics of the, in 2018 the software magnate claimed to 69. Marielouise and William Croteau had 26 children in St. Patrice-de-Beaurivage, Qubec six. And during her life, '' says Baker and then survived giving birth to 69 children the! The 1700 & # x27 ; s. Guinness was an Irish brewer half of the Vassilyev.. The older you are, the harder this becomes my man has passed through.

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