Namjoon: Then just fucking leave. Seokjin BTS reaction to you having depression and breaking down and they confess (might be triggering) MTL: MTL to like a girl with thick thighs MTL to date some one who is a tsundere MTL to be ok with having a polyrelationship MTL to love surprise kisses and hugs MTL to date some one 6-10 years younger MLT go to a music festival with you He starts reading it out loudI just watched the new MV from Jimins solo song and I have to say, my crush is real. Your boyfriend walks ahead of you with a confident smirk on his face, then stopping in front of his car to open the door for you so you carefully step in, with Namjoon taking place next to you on the drivers seat. Originally posted by dirtyvocalist-junhoe Suga : He would leave you alone as you cried. I think he would fawn over how sensitive you are. What was wrong? He would be happy and all giddy because now he has someone who is as clumsy as him. Give me your hand! you demand, as he looks up to you with a confused expression. You chuckle and start passing food on his plate I guess youre really hungry then!. He wouldn't hold back and would probably make you suck his thumb or fingers because he KNOWS you suck he cock just as well. He would use his great singing skills and sing softly to you whilst you sat together doing nothing but being there together. Earlier that day you printed some cheesy couple pictures you took together and back home you carefully put them into frames. Just you wait. When they kissbite your neck and thighs because theyre sensitive Jin. Kamila || 18 || Jungkook biased, but s hoe for Yoongi|| Within this pitch black darkness he is my light, saving me. BTS' Reaction To You Being Unintentionally Cute Note: Requests are open !! If you were feeling overwhelmed by feelings, he would comfort you very subtly. Finally he turns around and glares at you Dont bother me. Hoseok look at this! Jimin runs towards him, giggling excited with a tablet in his hand. Lost in the mists of nostalgia, you're startled when another voice joins you, singing along. BTS artist j-hope began the enlistment process for his stint with the South Korean military, his record label announced, making him the second member of the Korean-pop group to do so. Desperately you press your head against the headrest and try to surpress the moans that wanted to leave your mouth so badly for the last hours. He likes hearing you moan and likes knowing how to please you and what pleases you. During the comeback promotion they have a lot of shows with a little talk section in between the dance performances and prepared videos. Thank you guys so much, good luck on your goals. When we face the world together everything will be okay. He would sit with you and talk out the problems and always give you his support. 11 Views. Jin : Jin would wake up to your moans/whines and would turn beet red. Namjoon's first feeling was anger, of course, followed by immense guilt. that all their troubles stem from there. Like whenever someone's hand is even near their back they squirm out of the way, or whenever someone hugs them and presses their face into their neck they kinda squirm/cringe/giggle? 18 Views. Jungkook always did small things to try and annoy you but you would always laugh along with him. As everyone starts to grin, the crowd screams as Taehyung gives up on trying to hit Jimin but Jungkook instead. BTS reaction to you being needy. I know everyone just wants to forget but really..its life. After finishing, he would stutter out anI like you. Hisexcuse meee is now a famous meme. Yes. you chuckle, beaming a soft smile at him as he leans forward to connect his lips with yours for a gentle kiss. Youre just too cute with that expression. Jungkook chuckles and picks up fairy lights, carefully hanging them around the tree. But he'd be slow, making you feel his fingers hit your most sensitive parts over and over again, he'd also eat you out. Lenny Len. People think youre dating lol another comment says. Hey, babe. he says as he steps in and leans down to place a kiss on your forehead. He was just casually relaxing in their shared room dozing off, thoughts wandering around nothing certain as Jimin bursted in. if they want to fix what happened with each other and truly be happy they need to look at themselves first. You two were at the amusement park, having a good time and you totally forgot about every bad thing that had made you feel depressed. Actually, I am only nice to like a few people. V would ask for your time and you would be confused. Jin / Kim Seokjin. Hi can you please do a reaction for BTS when their sos neck is super sensitive. It was then when he tried to pull your sleeve up and you immediately tried to snatch your hand away from his grasp; but he held on tightly while lifting your sleeve. Lets get in! he says and instantly starts to undress himself but as you start to walk out he holds onto your handWhere are you going? Im sorry you had to wait for me, kitten. Shh, hey whats wrong honey? Jimin asks concerned, unaware that they are happy tears. He would find it a little funny when you would get confused about someone telling you to get something and only using a colour to instruct you. That was when he knew he fingers were good afterall. Jin was always confused with you when you would apologize for something he did wrong. Whore, slut, babygirl and kitten is what he'd mainly call you because it makes the two of you even more worked up. Lately Y/N often talks about you on her social network. BTS Reaction to You Moaning. Jhope would blush before trying to go back to sleep. Earlier that day you had been insecure about your body saying that your thighs were too fat along with your stomach and yoongi was not standing for it. A/N: All members reaction to s/o taking their hand and putting it down there while whispering something dirty and needy. and it ends up with jungkook being hit by the car. Just remember you have a lot of people who think youre great. His hand rested on . A small pack of reactions before I go to sleepFluff ahead. Most of his snaps would probably him doing aegyo or him screaming. Here you are! he says after finishing his bath I see you have another surprise for me. I know youre going to be the best mother in the world. Yoongi purrs against your lips, making you smile, then he adds I cant wait to have a baby with you., To celebrate your wedding anniversary you two planned to have a little vacation at Disneyland, enjoying the free time with some fun activities. You open up your purse and silently show him the control of your panties, signaling him why you would rather be alone right now, but Jimin blazingly fast grabs it. Taeyong: "No, Taeyong, I will not fucking go anywhere with you. Bts Reaction To You Having A Sensitive Neck. I swear to god, you will love this one! Jimin nearly screams in excitement. I know its a standard fluff reaction but its cute asf so Yoongi. Jin: We'll work together, and I'll take care of you. In the end, you wouldnt be hurt on your leg, just in your ears by his screaming. BTS reaction to you being chubby and going on a diet. this took me absolutly years to write lmao. ), For example:Moodboard with on a late night trip with purple as main colour.Thank you from Admin Linda and Admin Jasmin! In the end, you would figure it out and assure him that Snapchat isnt a important thing. And this is the one that he always said reminded him of you. BTS reaction to you having a sensitive neck like whenever someone touches your neck you end up hitting them or tensing up. He raises his brows as he gets up, saying Im looking forward to that. before leaving. Namjoon? you shout walking through the hallway as you glimpse into every room you are passing by to find him. Show us the dance move again! Jimin teasingly adds, wiggling his eyebrows in anticipation. Ah I will make sure our child learns all my great jokes Jaygi!. Babe, dont touch that! He yelled, grabbing a towel before running to you and gripping onto your wrist. Jin: You place your from excitement trembling hand on his shoulder, carefully shaking him a little while whispering Yoongi, please look at this. Under your touch he moves a little, mumbling No, not yet. and covers his face with the blanket. You grab the remote, pause the movie and reach for the bowl of little snacks turning back to Jin once you fished something out of it. Smirking, Jin takes a seat on the bed and leans forward to you, faces only a breath apart, leaving you flustered. (Please keep in mind that we dont do memberxmember ships. I think after finding out that you were not injured, hed scold you for being careless when you walked. Perplex you just sit on the edge of the bed, eyes trailing from your test to Yoongi for what feels like ages. "Jimin, it's and old stuff" this has to wait. She gained a lot of popularity during the past months, and her style of producing music is really unique. I consider you deserving of my attention now. he praises while placing his hand on your head, slightly pushing you down. Having enough of the teasing you catiously place his hand under your skirt, moving away the fabric of the underwear and turn your face to his ear whisperingPlease just fuck me Jimin.. Currently you see him getting hyped as he cleans the kitchen, furiously scrubbing the cooktop. Hoseok, its nothing. Jin smiles brighty at you and takes your hand to help you get up, softly whispering Dont worry Y/N.. As he hears that Jin raises his brows as he looks over to the MC. You gently rub his back in response, giving him time to process the message and eventually he starts sobbing. A/N: You've been warned so if you still want to read be my guest but I warned you. You would ask him if he wanted to know the time, which he said no. Your eyes widened, and you tried to take it away from his grasp but he held it up in the air and away from you. You fall asleep to the soft movement of your hair as you laid next to Yoongi. Before you could realize what just happened, you felt one of his hands slapping your exposed cheek, leaving a red mark What did I tell you about touching me, princess?, Since Jungkook has no work today you decided to surprise him with breakfast in bed. Why are you so surprised? Following the questions shown on the screen infront of him, Yoongis mind trails off. If any links dont work please tell me and my requests are totally open again, just read the rules :), React to their crush kissing them on the cheek, React to their gfputting her hands up their shirt, React to their gf giving back their sweater because it no longer smells like them, React to their GF being insecure about her looks, React to their GF being stressed studying, React to their GF getting them a massive teddy, React to their girlfriend being insecure about her looks, Reaction to their S/O having a ticklishneck, React to you being excited for valentines day, countdown to jaehyuns birthday: D-6 a food enthusiast, BTS Reaction to their S/O having a sensitive/ticklish neck, BTS Reaction to finding out you are pregnant, BTS Reaction to a girl drummer joining the band, reaction to their gf giving their sweater back because it doesnt smell like them anymore, reaction to their gf putting her hand up their shirt, reaction to their crush kissing them on the cheek, the not flashback parts of run / i need u. As you slowly get up you realise why you are here and the moment your gaze falls onto Jungkooks soflty smiling face you cant help but smile yourself. BTS Reacts To You Feeding Them BTS Reacts To Kissing You For The First Time (!!) Ehm, well. you begin, suddenly scared to actually tell him that he is going to be a father in a few months. Scrolling through his phone while laying on the couch in the living room, Jimin ended up on Twitter reading comments. Holding the test into Namjoons direction, you cant stop yourself from smiling as you say I cant read this thermometer, can you?. Look at you, youre beaming like the sun!. A/N: Originally posted by bwiseoks. You yelped in pain and he ran to you, hugging you and apologizing to you over and over again. You can feel your palms getting sweaty and your breath hitching every time you think the waiter comes back, unable to handle the tension. :) Kim Seokjin. You just have to look at the comments of your selfies. He would make sure your safe and not bleeding. He might also secretly like to play with your hair, trying to style it and whatnot. Thank you so much.. It wouldn't really phase him and it definitely wouldn't make him love you any less. Y/N, I wanted to sleep longer today. he starts while resting his hand on yours Whats that smell?. You didnt even let me eat the breakfast first.. And as Jimin opens up his arms to engulf you into a welcoming hug, your eyes starts to tear up, unable to control them anymore as you hide your head in his chest, slightly sobbing. let me know if you think there's too much detail bahaha LISTEN TO she works out too much by mgmt TRIVIA stage name y/n birth name kang y/n birthday july 17, 1997 her big three cancer sun & virgo rising height 163 cm or 5'4 You can feel the time passing by as his eyes are glued to the red little letters and he doesnt even blink, none of you moving a single muscle as you wait for him. Sometimes. He rubbed the back of his neck and slowly nodded. If you use a smartphone, you can also use the drawer menu of the browser you are using. Bts arguing with each other But not even a minute later of being introduce to one another, you spoke to him in fluent Korean when you told him how much you looked forward to working together. Jimin : *giggling* Awww, dont be embarrassed! However, you dont plan on going along with what hes trying to make you do and get up on your knees as you take his hand from your head. But we already prepared everything. he chuckles in response to your request. that is until things go wrong again. Chuckling you answer Why are you acting all embarrassed now, just enjoy it! and start unbuttoning his shirt. Hey. you whisper against his lips before you connect them with Jungkooks, glad to finally have him back home. If you feel like this because of what anyone said I will fight them for you. Suga : *wrinkles up his nose* Gross! Depending on how he was feelings, it can go 2 ways. He enjoys to make you suffer so with a sigh you get up and step behind his chair When will you have time for me?. Namjoon, I cant hold back anymore. Obediently you nod your head, moving closer to the edge of the bed hes standing at. yourself highlight reel shows the boys as they try to move on. Hey y/n can you teach me how to play the drums?. If Im wrong you can tell me you know?. Ask: i have a fast metabolism so even though I eat a lot, some time later i'm hungry (again). Based of his pink cheeks, you asked if he wanted to grab food with you which he vigorously nodded in answer to. All of a sudden Yoongi widely opens his eyes and sits up, finally realizing what he saw a minute ago, and pulls you into a deep hug. As they talk about the choreography Hoseok takes the lead of explainingGladly a lot of people seem to like the choreohraphy so far. as the crowd cheers in agreement. Jimin: Jimin would walk over and give you a hug. And Jimin takes the opportunity to tease his best friendI saw a lot of social media posts saying its great. He would start squealing and screaming about how cute it was. Only a few seconds after he realized what happened, he would rush over and take good care of you. Please get comfortable babe, I want you to finally get rid of all the stress you had lately. you shout as you get back to the kitchen. Earlier that day you had been insecure about your body saying that your thighs were too fat along with your stomach and yoongi was not standing for it. Ive never seen you this quiet before, cat got your tounge? the MC teases as everyone starts to laugh. Its been quite some time, since I asked you that, so maybe there are some new artist youre interested in? the interviewer asks with an eager smile on her face. But as you spot the little bowl on the side table, filled with little snacks you have an idea. BTS Reaction to their SO having a sensitiveticklish neck Request. But he would try to take up responsibility when you were gone. With a confused expression he smiles at you, hanging up his jacket as you run through the doorframe towards him. jin, bts. Hoseok: I dont think Hobi would really care. You check every piece of furniture for spiky ends and rearrange some of them, so they wont be a threat when the child crawls through the apartment. Only the best for you! you say as you two sit down at the table, enjoying the food within the lovely atmosphere, clinking glasses at your first sip. Hobi: He would reassure you that you are the best. Im okay, really. You assured him, laughing softly. Bts albums release dates JHope : He would wake up to your whines/moans and would freak out before realizing it was coming from you. but i also think its trying to say that the boys will only feel more pain if they try to take their happiness from being with other people and that they need to work out who they are, what they want and love their own selves before they can fix all that happened when they left the beach, grew up and stopped being kids. Jimin smiles brightly at you and responds You already carry my baby, thats enough., You cant wait to have your baby and lately you feel incredibly restless, perhaps because the expected day of delivery is drawing nearer and nearer, so you ask Taehyung to prepare the childs room together. You take a moment to gaze at his well-toned body and realize you didnt hear is answer Sorry, what did you say?. Jin ( Seokjin ): He would be secretly hurt but try to show a more mature side. (:}, A/N: I was hesitant in doing this reaction but just decided to go on ahead and doing it. Fans calm down until a question related to the western singer pops up: What do you think about Y/N? Not saying were dating tho. while trying not to blush again. Dont worry, its nothing scary or hurting. you slightly chuckle as you gently take his hand in yours, flipping it so his palm lays open in front of you. He positions himself between your legs, back facing you so he can lay down, his head resting on your chest as you start to massage his shoulders. Yes, uhm, I can do this myself, Y/N Hoseok responds and stops your hands from moving any further, not being able to hold back his smirk. His smile grows even bigger as he notices the wetness of your folds and playfully strokes them as he gently bites down on your neckSuddenly so eager, babygirl. Like whenever someones hand is even near their back they squirm out of the way or whenever someone hugs them and presses their face into their neck they kinda squirmcringegiggle. He chuckles and nuzzles his head in the crook of your neck, sending a shiver down your spine. Down your spine tell me you know? crowd screams as Taehyung gives up on trying to style and... Ll take care of you the mists of nostalgia, you asked if he wanted to know time! I asked you that you were feeling overwhelmed by feelings, it & x27... Singing skills and sing softly to you Feeding them bts Reacts to Kissing you the... Slowly nodded looking forward to that of explainingGladly a lot of social posts... Looks up to you having a sensitive neck like whenever someone touches your neck end... His palm lays open in front of you between the dance performances and prepared videos choreography Hoseok takes the to... To please you and gripping onto your handWhere are you going if he wanted to food! 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