Having a sudden flashback or memory (even if you don't remember living that memory) Feeling intense emotions that don't belong to you. This card tells you that youre about to experience Divine love. When they do, these relationships flourish into what was always meant to be! There can be feelings of loneliness or yearning. Tarot | Affirmation Card Holder | 3 Card spread. A card representing how they can support each other in the connection right now. This Tarot spread helps you find your twin flameor identify whether youve already met them. "You'll definitely be sexually attracted to your twin flame," says Mystic Michaela. Describe my soulmate . she suggests asking. Supposedly TF relationships are incredibly rare, but everyone claims to have one nowadays. Walter is a psychic advisor, journalist, and spiritual entrepreneur. There are quite a few Tarot cards that symbolize a twin flame connection. This spread focuses on supposed union with your twin. I like this spread because it forces you to be honest with yourself; what do you want from a reconciliation moment with your supposed twin flame? Have you heard the cliche you cant know where youre going unless you know where youve been? This card can help you to do just that and this can be the key to knowing how you can help both of your journeys further towards twin flame union. Card #1 Past lives connection? Proudly created with. Hearing their voice in your head. Twin flame relationships bring up a lot of emotions and experiences on one's spiritual path, and this can lead to a lot of questions. When you meet your twin flame, it is often indicative that your soul is on its last journey on earth. Your interaction with them can be big or small, long-term or short-term, magical or not. Its often that twin flame relationships are full of fire and intensitybut are not always meant to last. Have I found my soul mate? 3. Position 11: What difficulties are my twin struggling with due to our twin flame connection? Not always. You may have similar childhoods, good or bad, which means you mirror each others trauma on a weird level. Position 5: What outcome can we expect once our twin flame journey is complete? Your twin flame is like your soul mate, but even deeper than that. When the strength of the connection becomes too strong and neither of you is ready for it it creates a kind of spiritual backfire known as soul shock. The rule of thumb in tarot spreads is that the card position that attracts your attention first holds the most significant meaning. . Therefore it can represent a time of reconciliation with your Twin Flame, or when you are hoping to meet them. Its a buzzword that doesnt have an exact definition but one leading theory that raises some red flags. This dude is all about staying emotionally balanced, compassionate, and understanding both sides, no matter how heated the situation is. A twin flames main job is to show you what you still need to learn about yourself. 13) You find yourself near them. Very similar custom tarot spreads. I pulled the Wheel of Fortune for how they really felt about me deep down. You might see the Eight of Swords card in your reading during times that you are confused, unable to make a decision, feeling hopeless, perhaps even betrayed after a separation. We have certain criteria of what the relationship should look . The Tower moment is when Twin Flame journey goes from bliss to chaos, so it can be a strong indication of separation. At the end of the day, the connection has a huge psychological component that is intertwined with trauma, attachment styles, and fear of a deep connection with another person. The core issue is our love/hate relationship. Card #5: How can we make progress from here? They mirror each other and each other's trauma perfectly. What is the core issue in the connection? Our online classes and training programs allow you to learn from experts from anywhere in the world. Because your twin flame is a part of you, meeting them can feel remarkably familiar, electric, magnetic, and potent. Twin Flame Tarot Cards is a deck of 78 cards that will help answer your questions, reveal past or future events, and open the doorways to who you are. Back Free . When you draw the Hanged Man (especially paired with the Devil) you may feel stuck in your journey. While the idea of. Concepts like time and space dont apply to twin flame connections, for youre only apart physically, but your souls are truly just one.. At the same time, the cards call me out by saying that Im ignoring the progress he has made as well. Their connection goes far beyond your first meeting here on Earth and its incredibly likely youve met before over multiple lifetimes. Understand What it is You Really Want in a Relationship. The future of the connection is purely in their hands; they can be anything: friends, lovers, or enemies. Some people might not understand it, but your twin flame is also here to inspire youeven if it means they have to go follow their dreams elsewhere, explains Villanova. So, even if you dont end up being together, you will be forever changed by this connection. I pulled the 9 of Pentacles for what Im not seeing about my DM in this case. With new tarot spread added weekly, there are always new spreads to explore. Whats my twin flame trying to let me see about myself? In the Rider-Waite illustration, 4 wands looks exactly like number 11- a number that commonly known as the numerological symbol of Twin flame connections. "Meeting a twin flame often feels like home," she says. What advice does the universe have for your connection? Bringing guidance of the Tarot to anyone who seeks it. This card tells me it may be time to approach this connection again with compassion. This is especially true for twin flames. Click here to get the 1st 3 minutes of your reading free! Take special note if any of these cards pop up: The Lovers: The Lovers is the ultimate twin flame card. 1: Things will be changing in big ways and you won't be sure why, or what it all means (For example, you might leave your job or be fired) 2: You'll feel like SOMETHING is about to happen. There can be astrological cues that signal you have met your Twin Flame. In simple terms, this card represents acts of a disciple, hard work, ambition, and integrity. From addiction to obsession, to unconditional love. Proudly created with Wix.com. There is instant passion and a sense of knowing this person from lifetimes ago. Emmarie Hodge. My theory is pretty basic, Twin Flames are essentially a soulmate connection, but the universe poured too much spice into the equation. When you have important life lessons to learn that take real concentration, sometimes a Twin Flame will incarnate elsewhere (or not at all, staying on the Astral) so that you can get your work done. Take the time to study it because this might be the most important card of your entire reading. Redeem Coupon, Package, or Gift Certificate. This tells me that Im trying to power walk my way away from this situation. While they may be unaware of the telepathic connection, they will be acutely aware of each others energy and unable to stop thinking about them completely. This is not a normal relationship. For the future of our connection, I pulled the Father or King of Cups. Seeing this card in a twin flame tarot spread reading is a possible sign of synchronicity. Tarot Guide of Twin Flames: 16 Cards That May Surprise You, Minor Arcana Tarot cards can also give you a lot of information about your Twin Flame- especially the Suit of Cups. Because they were probably thinking about you! The masculine is the runner and runs away from the relationship, while the feminine chases the runner, trying to keep the relationship together. There are some obvious cards like the Lovers, and there are some that may surprise you. Lead photo courtesy of RODNAE Productions/Pexels. Twin flame relationships are intense. Just let me know where to send it. I created this tarot spread as a request from a lovely friend on Instagram. You can get a free online tarot reading with this deck on my site Free Angel Card Readings.com. Weve both been maturing and doing our own thing for so quite some time. You can't think of anyone but them. You can design a tarot spread covering various aspects like the Holistic Twin Flame tarot spread mentioned above or focus on a specific theme. It might show you the twin flame reunion card or even a glimpse of your future together. 9oW is about persistence. It shows the cyclical nature of the universe and divine timing, which are crucial aspects of the Twin Flame journeys. Have I met my twin flame? Eventually, things blow up because neither of them has learned how to deal with their own issues and communicate effectively, and both are terrified of the relationship. Also, they're called twin "flames" for a reason, meaning the connection is pretty hot. Im not sure if I believe in the telepathy part, but I do believe there is a stronger connection between these souls. Whats the difference between a twin flame and a soulmate, you ask? This is what many spiritualists believe, it is not proven and fact based as with all topics of spirituality, we have only scratched the surface on many topics. A Twin Flame is a Soulmate, but they don't always come in at the same time you do. If Ive grown so much in 8 years, he likely has too. While its important for you to feel like youre in a healthy relationship, you can look back on those times with the idea that this was a karmic life lesson in the making. Sometimes, one soul is thought to get split into two bodies, or twin flames. Resistance is futile, but theyll learn that the hard way, I guess. Honestly, this card surprised me, but it has some merit. This spread goes a little deeper into where you and your twin are at within the connection, along with advice on how to move forward. Heres a spread to delve deeper into what the relationship is meant to teach you. As it dissolved, I took up new hobbies and started working on myself instead of focusing solely on the relationship. If you are in need of some guidance during this period, this simple tarot spread can help you realign and discover what you need to work on in yourself. Your twin flame releases certain parts of yourself that you didnt know were there in the first place. This meeting with your soul flame will have you . This card can help you to do just that and this can be the key to knowing how you can help both of your journeys further towards twin flame union. Twin flames mirror each other. If you are experiencing conflict in your connection, this reading can help you gain a better understanding of the lessons your souls are both trying to master. It is a highly karmic card, whic is mainly about reaching fairness and equality. According to Savvas, "A twin flame is your own soul, shared across what appears to be two physical beings. Somedays, I dont do much of anything but scroll TikTok and relax; I call those days Sundays. 1111 is a mirror, and Twin Flames are two souls that once were one - and after a traumatic accident or death these souls split into two and reincarnated into different bodies. Tarot Cards that relate to Twin Flame encounters? While it can be saddening to think of a life without your literal other half, twin flames never really leave one another. For example, if you are in separation and you draw the Wheel of Fortune in future outcome position, there is a high chance that you will meet again. They realize they both need to do a lot of work on themselves and dive into healing work; at least, thats the goal anyway. Position 14: Describe the possible outcome of our twin flame journey. The Wheel of Fortune is a card of karma and fated circumstances, so you can expect to see it in all stages of a Twin Flame journey. So it won't take long. Their rising sign, (ascendant). The Wheel of Fortune signifies good luck, karma, the ending and beginning of lifecycles, a turning point, and destiny. The Tower: The Tower is another card that will tell you whether the partnership has turned toxic. What TF article would be complete without one? There are several tarot cards that can represent both a twin flame union and twin flame reunion. It can signify a turning point in the connection- most of the time for the better. This eight-card twin flame spread from Quinn addresses many common twin flame-related questions. Of course they are! Position 1: What effect do my twin flame and I have on each other? That said, you'll want to avoid repeatedly doing the spread if you don't like what the cards are telling you. A card representing the DM energy right now. However, thats no different from many relationships where significant growth occurs. For the DM energy, I pulled the Daughter or Page of Wands. Jan 14, 2018 - We dispel some of the Twin Flame myths and provide a Tarot spread to help see if you are ready for a Twin Flame relationship. For example, if you two had to separate because of mental health issues, you could find yourself being an advocate for those mental health issues down the line. Position 5: What karmic lessons or challenges is my twin flame going through? This is your personal guide to union and its incredibly important that you pay attention to what it has to say. The reason we ask these questions is the more we understand about you the more accurate we can be. Next: 10 Tarot Cards That Indicate Cheating, 2023 by Going Places. Your higher self knows exactly what it takes to reconnect with your mirror soul here on Earth and this card is advice on what to do here and now. If no particular card or group of cards catches your attention, it means the tarot spread highlights balance. You also retain the willpower to leave if things get too abusive.For example, in my supposed dynamic, I always felt like I could, at any point, walk away, and I would be fine. Tarot Spread - Twin Flame. When they meet, there will be an instant sense of knowing and deep mental and physical passion. You can view the Ace of Cups as an affirmation that youd soon meet your twin flame. Position 3: How are we connected in our past lives? I may not call these people twin flames, but people who need to resolve unfinished business with on a spiritual level, perhaps. This is something that you will just know. A 3-card basic check-in, a 5-card dynamic spread (basically a deeper check-in), and of course, a union spread. If you are interested, I have an article that explains. Sarah Regan Signs you will meet your twin flame soon. While she started with reading runes, she quickly made the jump to Tarot for a more in-depth approach to life's many questions. Not everyone has the opportunity to reunite with their twin flame on earth and begin their twin flame journey. What you want to know about your soulmate or twin flame is really the question to ask the tarot reader. I was happy she wanted the spread to . But you could use these handy Tarot spreads to find out for yourself. Watch. Lastly, to move forward, we need to stop cold-shouldering each other and start showing some compassion, no matter how smalltime to start practicing non-threatening smiles in the mirror. Will we know immediately that we are meant for one another? At this point, they may never speak again, but the damage done will be eye-opening. If you find your twin flame, and both of you are ready to face your demons, then it can work. Ill share inside details on this wacky theory, my own take, and of course, cover some of my favorite Tarot Spreads in this Twin Flame Tarot Spread Guide. It could be a twin flame thing. If you truly are a twin flame youre already more attuned to your intuition than most and this is going to help derive messages and guidance from the Tarot deck. Position 5: How does my twin flame regard me? Basically, as the Twin Flames are mirrors of each other- The Devil is the shadow card of the Lovers. Should you want to pull additional cards, Quinn recommends these questions: If you're looking for more insight on how your twin flame feels about you, Quinn suggests pulling three cards to represent what they are thinking (1), feeling (2), and doing (3) when it comes to you. The Divine can help guide you if you are going through a rocky patch. 1. However, if you are looking for confirmation that your love is indeed your twin flame, then this spread may help. Image: Adobe. Reading Summary: This reading suggests that I still have some hope for some form of reconciliation while they are attempting to resist the inevitable. The dynamics of the DF and DM relationship rely on the actions of each party. Twin Flame Mirror - Secret Messages From Your Person - Dialogue Oracle Deck by Dyan Garris. I believe this is heavily due to immaturity and poor communication skills. Were talking about whats inside: the soul. Position 2: How am I affecting our overall twin flame energy? Because your twin flame is a part of you, meeting them can feel remarkably familiar, electric, magnetic, and potent. Card #1: What is the current energy between me and my twin? During this period, the twins telepathically communicate with each other and help each other through the process. A gut feeling. And if you're looking for a bit more guidance than that, Quinn suggests working with decks by artists and creators from marginalized communities, as well as a deck that you have a religious or ancestral connection to. A twin flame, or mirrored soul, is an intense and highly-cosmic relationship that can alter your life. Well, this may well be a good place to start! 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Use tab to navigate through the menu items. Weve had quite a bit of time to develop these skills. Position 1: Whats my purpose in my twin flames life? (GMT-7:00) Pacific Time change. The World: When you meet your twin flame, everything just clicks. Design: Sasha Purdy / StyleCaster. We lived on opposite ends of the planet; We met on Twitter (twin flames usually meet in weird ways) It asks: For the card representing me, I received the Star. The Lovers illustrates Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden- arguably the first Twin Flames. In the meantime, use the Find Your Twin Flame spread to see what your encounter will be like. 2023 Ingenio, LLC. For me, in this position, it says that I want to put an end to painful parts of our connection. Short-Term, magical or not your literal other half, twin flames life a online! Union with your twin flame is your personal guide to union and twin flame on.. 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