ifugao culture slideshare

Dumia, Mariano A. Ellis, George. Their duel ends only when Aliguyon asks his comrades to take his hip bag to Pumbakhayons house as a sign that he wants Pumbakhayons sister, Bugan, for his wife. Sometimes the tale is about another Wigan, a brother of Bugan who represents the relative of either husband or wife. Handbook of Philippine Language Groups. Tokyo: Charles E. Tuttle Co. The pacification did pave the way for foreign missionaries to enter the Ifugao heartland. In wedding rituals, the mombaki inspects the bile of the sacrificial animals to read the wishes of the gods. Cimatu, Frank. In the Kiangan district, the rich are composed of three groups: the kadangyan, ordinary rich; the ballihung or immuyya-uy, the middle elite; and the himagabi, the wealthiest. Quezon City: Ateneo de Manila University Press. The huop, a square-covered bamboo basket with a tight-fitting cover used to store cooked rice, is placed over the fire to help preserve the freshness of the rice. Although the social organization of the Ifugao differs remarkably from the Balinese, the intensive agricul-tural system and management of irrigation are similar. 1906. Clipping is a handy way to collect important slides you want to go back to later. The initial work of preparing the paddies is strenuous. . Jenista, Frank. The thatch prevents the suns heat from penetrating but also allows the rain to slide down. Newly married couples live separately from their parents to ensure mutual respect and cooperation. 1909. Accessed 5 November 2014. http://www.census.gov.ph/sites/default/files/attachments/hsd/pressrelease/Cordillera%20Administrative%20Region.pdf. It is believed to hasten the ripening of the rice grains. During harvest rituals, the libbit, a small conical drum, is added to the ensemble. The Philippines: Past and Present. The system ensures conservation of the forest for fuel, housing, and irrigation for the terraces. But as the traditional political governance became integrated into the national political system, local elections dealt a big blow to warlordism. Recitation of hunting myths follows the rites. We've updated our privacy policy. After Aguinaldos capture in Palanan, Isabela, in 1901, American troops continued to explore the Cordillera mountains. By 2001, worm infestation, the lack of water, and neglect had caused the terraces to be added to the, Ifugao warrior (National Geographic, 1913, Mario Feir Filipiniana Library), Ifugao ritual in Batad, circa 1980 (SIL International), Bulul, Tuwali, Ifugao, circa 1980 (SIL International), Ifugao house bale with rat guards (National Geographic, 1913, Mario Feir Filipiniana Library), Ifugao woman using a traditional loom, 1990 (CCP Collections), Ifugao headgear with kalaw beak, 1990 (CCP Collections), The ulbong, a rice storage basket, circa 1970 (UP Diliman Anthropology Museum), Cordillera bulul (David Baradas Collection), Ifugao epic hero Aliguyon commanding crocodiles to form a bridge for him (Illustration by Benedict Reyna), A pregnant Bugan diving into the sea in search of Ngilin Mangongols rice granary (Illustration by Benedict Reyna), Ifugao children singing the Hudhud, 1993 (Museo Pambata), Ritual dance, Imelda Park, Baguio City, circa 1990 (CCP Collections), Poster of Benjie Garcias Batad: Sa Paang Palay, 2006 (Vic Acedillo, photo courtesy of Benjamin Garcia), McKay, Deirde, and Padmapani L. Perez. An origin myth about the peopling of the earth takes pains to justify incest, which is shown to be the only way in which the human race could have multiplied. The Kiangan Ifugao weave six types of G-strings. Two or three men chant, march around, and spear the pig. It appears that you have an ad-blocker running. [Candle]). The Ifugao, however, sheltered Filipino guerrillas, keeping silent on their presence, despite the brutal methods with which the Japanese tried to extract information from them. The pinugo is part of a strict tribal law designed to protect the environment. A ritual invoking the gods was performed before the start of ug-gub or the bultong. Another commonly used material is the kokolongkoy vine, which is naturally shiny and elastic, and woven with a twill technique. Deities are called upon in the forest to approve of the type of tree to be used for the carving. Quezon City: Ben-Lor Publishing. In 1847, the military governor Mariano Oscariz carried out expeditions in Mayoyao, Alimit, and Kiangan, burning crops, destroying terrace walls, and executing three Ifugao for every Spaniard killed. Baguio City: The Catholic School Press. Travelers began to flock to the province, with Banaue emerging as a tourism center in the 1980s, despite the presence of similar terraces in the other municipalities. Washington, D.C.: Catholic Anthropological Conference. A ginuttu (belt), worn on special occasions, is made of small, round, white shells strung together with a dyed red rattan string. Accessed 10 August 2014. http://cinemarehiyon.com/. Scott, William Henry. A platform supported by the beams or rafters underneath the roof is where palay (unhusked rice) is stored. This was reflected by the victory of independent candidates for mayoral positions. When the earth is dry again, they go down to Otobon Valley and settle on the hill of Kiangan, where they live undisturbed with their many children. 1912. CICM priest Father Francis Lambrecht conducted studies on the hudhud epic and Ifugao languages. In the story, the hero Aliguyon arrives at the bank of the Lobong ad Lagud (Lake of the Downstream Region) to which the water of all rivers flow. The conversion of recent generations of Ifugao to institutional religions, such as the Pentecostal movement and Iglesia ni Cristo, has diminished the importance of these indigenous beliefs and the practice of their rituals. The hape, which is for the wealthy, is usually worn by the young and has three pieces. Wisconsin: American Anthropological Association. Batok is the male practice of tattooing, commonly done on the chest, shoulders, and arms. Meat is also stored in these baskets. Dolor, Danny. One officer, Lieutenant Jeff Gallman, was considered by the Ifugao as their greatest apo because of his bravery and gallantry. Kadangyan males wear the kango or yang ngoh during weddings and funerals. We've encountered a problem, please try again. The brass bikkung is slightly thinner than the bamboo bikkung but serves the same purpose. The father has the final say in family activities such as work in the fields, childrens care and training, and feasts. , UNESCOs List of World Heritage in Danger, Apocalypse Yesterday Already! The Ifugao practice a centuries-old forest management system called pinugo or muyong. The intinlu is made of three pieces of cloth, joined together by a takdog or takdang and other stitches, which are made using a black thread alternating with white. Pumbakhayon returns to his village with Aginaya to celebrate their own marriage. More incantations and bile examination are conducted before the couple is asked to dance. A ceremony is held upon the bulols arrival at the owners house. The men beat curved instruments with sticks and make resonant sounds. Another kind of armlet is made of a pair of boar tusks that are tied at the broader ends with rattan string, with the pointed ends touching to form a circle. . 1974.Customs and Culture of the Philippines. During the First Golden Age of Philippine Cinema, Gerardo de Leon made Ifugao, 1954, an adaptation of a series in Hiwaga Komiks. The ayyuding and babbong are string instruments. Field Sports among the Wild Men of Northern Luzon. National Geographic Magazine 22 (March): 215-267. The rite against sickness is called agba, which determines which deity is causing a persons sickness. Cordillera: Diversity in Culture Change, Social Anthropology of Hill People in Northern Luzon. Quezon City: The Council for Living Traditions. Sam Isleta. These figures are venerated and passed down for generations. Among the Mayoyao Ifugao, the abuwab (magical tales) are believed to possess mystical powers similar to requests granted through prayers. The bulol is bathed in pigs blood before it is placed at the house or granary. Manila: Bureau of Printing. Unlike the Wittfogelian model, http://www.nnc.gov.ph/related-links/item/1403. Ifugao culture (like Cordillera and non-Christian cultures more generally) has contributed key icons to the national identity of the predominantly Christian and Hispanized Philippines: in 1995 the rice terraces of the Cordillera (the most renowned of which are those built by the Ifugao at Banaue) were declared UNESCO World Heritage sites and in The piniwa G-string is different from the piniwaan nilihha only because the formers design is made through dyeing. Beyer, Henry Otley. The upper part reaches to a little above the head. Igorot: A People Who Daily Touch the Earth and the Sky. They are represented as humans, cocks, boar, or ducks that serve as the medium of the deities. Keesing, Felix M. 1962. . Over this, three big stones are arranged in a triangle, over which a pot may be placed for cooking. Ifugao songs can be classified into ritual songs and non-ritual songs. 1978. National Economic and Development Authority-Cordillera Adminsitrative Region. 1966. Possession by the deities occurs after the pig or other sacrificial animal has been offered. A blanket may also be worn around a mans head like a turban. Jars and plates are placed on a shelf attached to a wall. The dance dinuyya is performed by any number of men and women during major feasts in the municipality of Lagawe. Daguio, Amador T. 1952. The Tuwali and the Henangas weaving designs and colors differ. The term Ifugao is composed of the prefix i meaning people of and pugaw meaning the cosmic earth. It could also have been derived from the term ipugo, which means from the hill. Ifugao mythology, however, says that ipugo is a type of rice grain given to the people by Matungulan, the god of grains. New York: The MacMillan Co. Zabilka, Gladys. The Great Flood is the story of Kabigat and Bugan, as told by the Kiangan Ifugao. The wanno or g-string is the traditional attire of male Ifugaos. Studies on Kalinga Ullalim and Ifugao Orthography. Wind instruments include the ungiyong (bamboo nose flute); the tongali (mouth flute), which has six holes and can be blown from both ends of the flute; and the hupip (mouth flute), which is made of runo reed as thin as a pen. At harvest, workers are paid in shares of sheaves of rice plus meals. The Spaniards could not end the Ifugao practice of headhunting completely despite attempts to do so, and the Ifugao continually attacked Spanish garrisons and troops. Additional Information? Ifugao social organization counters Wittfogel's (1955) hydraulic theory, but may be productively compared to Lansing's (1991) Balinese case study. Rattan is the material used for household baskets. Philippine Basketry: An Appreciation. For two centuries even as the lowlanders were under Spanish domination, Ifugao life remained undisturbed. It is a pair made of straight or boomerang-shaped wood. 32 slides Folk arts and design of luzon Lucille Ballares 191.4k views 12 slides MAPEH 7 : ARTS (First Quarter Jo Anne Buenafe-Milladas 102.3k views Slideshows for you (20) Arts 7: Personal Ornaments of the People of Luzon AillineLeonador2 4.1k views Arts and crafts of mindanao John John 251.1k views Folk arts and designs of luzon 1 Rice production systems in Ifugao terraces in Philippines are cultivated by indigenous Ifugao people in the country. All the regions of the universe are inhabited by thousands of deities and spirits; yet, there is no supreme deity. After the war, Ifugao families went back to their fields while roads were being repaired. , National Economic and Development Authority-Cordillera Adminsitrative Region. Bangkok: UNESCO Bangkok. The rice fields may also be planted with legumes or vegetables after the harvest, so even the embankments are useful. Later, it is placed next to the first bundles of rice harvest. A ritual may consist of the following steps: the gonod or invocation to the deities or ancestors by name; the dayum or prayer to the deities; the aiyag, in which the mombaki invites the ancestors to come and possess him; the hikkop, in which an ancestor or deity possesses the mombaki; and the tobal, in which the mombaki exhorts the possessing deity or ancestor by expressing the purpose of the feast and the will of the people. It is taboo for the people, even for the mombaki, to eat this part of the pig. The interior of an Ifugao house is more round than cube-shaped and is windowless. For every type of crime, there is a corresponding punishment. The bayaong, if worn, covers the upper torso from the neck to the waistline. National Nutrition Council. Carrying baskets have been so designed as to leave a persons hands free to carry other loads. At the right hand corner of the house, a few inches lower than the floor, is a fireplace under and around which soil is spread out. The poor mans G-string is the plain white tinannong, about 2 meters long and 15 centimeters wide. The Americans gave the leaders of the community silver-topped canes, which were gifts that added prestige to the latter. 2004. It consists of 11 municipalitiesBanaue, Hungduan, Kiangan, Lagawe, Lamut, Mayoyao (Mayaoyao), Alfonso Lista (Potia), Aguinaldo, Hingyon, Tinoc, and Asipulowith Lagawe as the provincial capital. California: Stanford University Press. Songs about love became popular during the American occupation, and some have adopted common tunes like the Leron, Leron Sinta.. These deities are known only to the mombaki, whose training and preparation for this position take a number of years. Portions of the uncooked meatknown as watwat in Tuwali and togma in Henangaare given to the relatives of the dead to take home. When in groups, the Ifugao use proverbs to give advice to the young. Other economic activities include fishing in the streams and ponds, pottery making, basketry, and wood carving. When the hunter arrives home after the first kill of the season, he performs the dalulag. All these different types of instruments are used to express personal feelings. Adogna, the blankets right-side up, is considered its back; and putuna, its reverse side, is its stomach. There are several types of blankets. There are six types of wanno, which are used depending on the occasion or the man's social status. A very popular form of Ifugao art is sculpture. Barton, Roy F. 1930. Many Ifugao, however, either refused to submit themselves or continued to attack Christian towns. 1974. Sons are encouraged to marry young so that their parents may see their grandchildren before they die. Their domesticated animals are chickens, pigs, and ducks. Radyo Kiphodan DZNC-FM 99.1 is run by the National Nutrition Council (NCC) for its Nutriskwela Radio Network Program. Weeping, she walks along the river until she reaches the sea. When the American troops came, the Ifugao were astonished at the difference between them and Aguinaldos troops. Butch Perezs Mumbaki, 1996, narrates the story of an Ifugao chieftains son who is torn between leaving the country to work as a doctor and staying in their homeland to fulfill his responsibilities. Some songs require responses while others are extemporaneous. The Ifugao do not have a systematic form of writing, but their oral literaturerecorded traditions, beliefs, and ritualsattest to the vast wealth of literary arts in the region. The Ifugao house consists of three levels: the stone pavement, the main building, which stands on the pavement, and the roof. Those who were captured during head-taking excursions belong to the nawotwot (lower class). the Ifugao to begin to migrate to the lowlands and abroad in search of paid work. The bulol, commonly known as the Igorot rice god (Baradas 1991, 10-11), assumes central importance among Ifugao ritual objects. This film has been criticized for its narrative loopholes, such as the unclear cause of the Ifugao boys desire to possess a new pair of shoes. These elaborate rice terraces are cultivated by the Ifugao people in the mountains of northern Luzon, in the Philippines. The babbong is a rattan strip instrument usually played by children before harvest time. 2004. Certain omens at the wedding, such as the bride slipping or dropping something, can void a marriage. If the bile shows a bad omen, the ceremony is repeated until a favorable signal is finally made. Songs are also known according to the historical period they represent. Filmography of Filipino Films 2011. Plaridel 9 (2): 115-54. They used hardwoods and timbers for their post. The more important rites involve stages in the Ifugao life cycle: rice planting, rice harvesting, sickness, weaving, hunting, acquisition of prestige, marriage, and death and burial. New York: University Books. Ifugao workers improved their economic condition, and disparities in wealth were not very significant. Rice Gods of the Ifugao. Arts of Asia 4 (January-February): 20-29. The bulol are carved as seated or standing human figures, although in some areas, figures of pigs are also carved. 1955. The most distinct change was the elimination of the centuries-old practice of headhunting. Funi or buni derives from kabunian or abniyan (skyworld). Another percussion instrument is the bangibang or pattong. Cole, Mabel Cook. The Ifugao peoples response to the public outcry was this: While non-Ifugao Filipinos look upon these terraces as a national symbol and hold them responsible for the maintenance and preservation of these, they, on the other hand, must go where economic security beckons. Myths are generally told in the present tense although the narratives take place in the past. Its highest elevation is at 2,523 meters, and its waters flow toward Magat River, a tributary of the Cagayan River. The alim is a narrative chanted by the rich during prestige rituals or the funeral of a prominent person. Lambrecht, Francis. Weaving is traced to a certain deity called Punholdayan. The Unpublished Dances of the Philippines. The Ifugao mark stages of their life cycle with rituals and ceremonies invoking the gods and deities. This is considered highly indecent. Headhunting, for example, was a ritualized means of attaining vengeance and glory. 2014. Sayaw: A Video Documentary on Philippine Dance. Chanted by two groups of male singers representing male and female personae, the alim sings of the virtues of the rich, and when performed at wakes, narrates the life and achievements of the dead person. In central Ifugao, instead of myth characters being taken from place to place, a ritual object, such as a bulol, is carried from the ritual venue to the setting of the myth narrative in a relay system: One person takes the ritual object home, where it is believed to give benefits to the residents of that home, then another person borrows the object and takes it to his own home, and so on, until it is brought to the home of the person for whom the ritual is performed. 2012. But when a custom or law is violated, the victim must seek justice. Styles vary among Ifugao living in different places: The sitting types are found in Banaue and Mayoyao; the standing types with hands resting on thighs in Hungduan; the flat or uncarved backs in Lagawe; and the dancing type with hands stretched sideways in Kiangan. Myths relate incidents that happened at a time when the world had not yet been created and man had not yet taken full control of its material possession, arts, and culture. Other independent films about the Ifugao are Cyrus Dan Caaress Ifugao Homecoming, 2004; Chris Reyess Batang Ifugao (Ifugao Youth), 2011; and Robert Martins Banaue Boy, 2014. The traditional Ifugao hamlet or village is small; thus, chiefs and heads develop very few followers. But air circulates freely through two doors, one in front and the other at the back.

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