james wilcott jfk assassination

In this area were numerous cardboard boxes, four feet square by five feet high. Mr. WILCOTT - Yes. Regardless, it ended up in my files around the time we opened the JFK Center in 1989. Mr. DODD - And this would have been, now, shortly after the assassination? Mr. WILCOTT - Yes. Bill Shelly claims he was arrested by the Dallas Police and formally charged with the assassination of President Kennedy. The Warren Commission did all they could to delay the arrival time on the first floor by Adams and Styles in order to remove the two girls from the stairs when Oswald would have likely been on them. And perhaps even having people inside the TSBD as assets. 359-360, 386-387. Mr. GOLDSMITH - Would you read the list to the Committee? Did you contact any CIA officer or employee with respect to the secrecy oath and discuss with them whether or not you should be permitted to discuss these matters outside of the Agency? Mr. Wilcott. At the time he visited the place, Scott Foresman was gone, and a carpet company was occupying the building. Mr. WILCOTT - Well, I would get calls and they would say "We know all about you," shooting a machine gun into the She and three co-workersVictoria Adams, Sandra Styles, and Elsie Dormanviewed the shooting of the president from their fourth-floor office window. Mr. WILCOTT - Certainly, from May of 1957 to January of 1960, I was in the pre-fab building on the Potomac in finance. [8] Jim Marrs, Crossfire (Carroll & Graf. WEDNESDAY, MARCH 22, 1978 . Mr. PREYER - The Committee will resume. Shelleys claim that he was an intelligence officer would make sense if, as an ROTC lieutenant, he received intelligence training and perhaps even given some assignments in counterespionage. Roy Truly was, up to the time of his death in 1985, continuously frightened by "federal authorities." Additional gift options are available when buying one eBook at a time. Additional gift options are available when buying one eBook at a time. This is an indication that the covert side of the schoolbook business had shifted to the Scott Foresman and Southwestern building, perhaps because the notoriety of the TSBD had hampered its ability to conduct smuggling operations and thus had to be discontinued. I then proceeded to write an article called The Glaze Letters for the May 1999 issue of Jerry Roses JFK assassination research journal called The Fourth Decade. I asked the first man I sawa man who was telephoning from a pillar in the middle of the roomwhere I could call from. Mr. SAWYER - Do you distinguish between an agent and a paid informant or do you use those terms interchangeably? Afterwards, Joe visited him in his office and could hardly believe the change that came over him. Then, as time Went on, I began to hear more things in that line. Mr. WILCOTT - -- to the Miami Station. Mr. WILCOTT - All of the people that we mentioned in the case. There was a lot of excitement going on at the station after the Kennedy assassination. Sorry, there was a problem loading this page. [7] Through some insider intrigue, a saleslady at Neiman Marcus found out what Jacqueline Kennedy was going to wear the day of her arrival in Dallas. My actions were less courageous than they were the result of being nave. Mr. WILCOTT - When I first started speaking, both my wife and I discussed it and we felt that we should be speaking out about not only Oswald but some other things. [19] Immediately after Adams and Styles went out the back door, Officer Marion Baker came in through the front door and met Roy Truly. Mr. WILCOTT - My current one that I had on my counter. Customer Reviews, including Product Star Ratings help customers to learn more about the product and decide whether it is the right product for them. Mr. SAWYER - Are there any others that you can specifially identify as coming from the CIA or FBI? Mr. SCHAAP - My name is William Schaap, S - c - h - a -, a - p (spelling), and I am an Attorney here in Washington. Mr. GOLDSMITH - How long were these records maintained? Mr. WILCOTT - Yes, they did. [4] FBI report of Roy Truly interview by Nat Pinkston, November 23, 1963, File No. Mr. WILCOTT - Not that I can recall. But I was intrigued -- and it may have been in the transcription but you were in XXXXX as financial disbursement officer -- is it your testimony that you were told by a case officer that you had disbursed funds for an Oswald project? as members of the F.B.I., approached the two new employees at work & took them to an empty room inside the building. Mr. WILCOTT - I left the agency in April of 1966 for the Miami Station. Can you recall whether the tone of it was rumor or shop talk or was the tone of it that "this is true"? Read instantly on your browser with Kindle for Web. The search for a solution to these riddles leads into the murky world of intrigue involving the FBI and CIA dirty work. Mr. GOLDSMITH - How many people have you spoken to that said that Oswald was an agent of the CIA, to the best of your recollection? Mr. WILCOTT - No, sir; that was a smaller station. I discussed it with my friends and the people that I was associating with socially. Mr. WILCOTT - Well, it was just a cryptonym, and it could refer to a person, or it could refer to something else and I would have no way of knowing what a cryptonym referred to. Mr. DODD - Am I to believe by that that you were not aware at the time you made the disbursement that it was, in fact, an Oswald project? He was not questioned by the Warren Commission. "And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free." - enshrined on the lobby floor of the entrance to CIA headquarters. Mr. CORNWELL - What group was it? Mine was a happenstance meeting and short, casual friendship with a man who appeared to have fallen through the cracks. Support JFK Facts Here's how you can help: He was an accomplished journalist and author and had worked as a radio engineer in his early career. Joe died on August 29, 2001 at the age of 55. He was still living on Tatum Avenue at the time of the assassination. [17] Gladys Cason, One Life, self-published book, 2004, pp. Copyright 2016-2022 by kennedysandking.com All Rights Reserved. Mr. WILCOTT - I was recruited from the school in Syracuse New York, where I was taking a course in accounting and busi- ness administration. When Joe entered the building, he took a recently installed passenger elevator to the fourth floor. We are operating under House Resolution 222, which mandates the Committee to conduct a full and complete investigation and study of the circumstances surrounding the assassination and death of President John F. Kennedy, including determining whether the existing laws of the United States concerning the protection of the President and the investigatory jurisdiction and capability of agencies and departments are adequate in their provisions and enforcement; and whether there was full disclosure of evidence and information among agencies and department of the United States Government and whether any evidence or information not in the possession of an agency of department would have been of assistance in investigating the assassination and why such information was not provided or collected by that agency or department, and to make recommendations to the House if the Select Committee deems it appropriate for the amendment of existing legislation or the enactment of new legislation. He enjoyed giving to others, and loved the companionship of his four dogs. Mr. WILCOTT - That was late '68 or perhaps early 1969. James and Elsie Wilcott: CIA Profile in Courage From: . Mr. WILCOTT - Oh, no. This fear casting a shadow over the lives of former employees was also directed against journalists seeking to lift the veil of secrecy. He followed environmental concerns and space exploration, and he enjoyed playing and watching sports. Mr. WILCOTT - No, sir, I did not. Mr. WILCOTT - It has been 15 years, and I can't remember specifically who said what, but certainly I am sure that Jerry Fox, for instance, had at least made some mention of it. Mr. WILCOTT - That was November of 1977. Mr. WILCOTT - Not that I know of. As Rose points out, this is a bit odd also, since most of the building witnesses were taken to the sheriffs office, which was much closer to the TSBD than police headquarters. It was first broadcast in 1978 on a public access television channel in Austin, Texas. Mr. WILCOTT - Yes. Mr. PREYER - And have you made that available to us? Mr. SAWYER - Were there any other instances of harassment? I am sorry. Obviously, the distance to Ambassador Row was too great to serve as a useful guide to anyone seeking to verify Glazes account. Do you follow the question? I asked Mr. Peets if he knew of any member of the band who disappeared in Dallas in the mid-1970s. Give as a gift or purchase for a team or group. Adams said, I believe the President has been shot. Neither Shelley nor Lovelady said anything in reply. men asked the employees point blank if they were members of the C.I.A. I think we ought to state that the record shows that Mr. Sawyer is a member of the Kennedy Subcommitte Preyer. Learn more. Through another researcher, I obtained Glazes mailing address. Mr. PREYER - It had no relation to your performance? Mr. WILCOTT - Yes, sir. Mr. WILCOTT - Yes. Mr. SAWYER - I noticed in somne of the information we are provided you say that following your leaving the CIA in 1967 or thereabouts, for a period of some three years or so, you were harassed by the CIA and the FBI and sabotaged, as I recollect it. Mr. WILCOTT - Well, sir, I think of an agent as an actual employee of the Agency; we called them indigenous agents XX XXXXXX who were agents that were on a regular salary by the case officer who was running an agent, and then there were a lot of one-time informers or maybe one- or two- or three-time informers that were paid like maybe $50 or so to attend a meeting of a political party or something of that nature. Mr. GOLDSMITH - Mr. Wilcott, did I ask you to prepare a list of CIA Case Officers working at XXXXXXXXX Station in 1963? These companies were part of a complex system involving: (a) the state legislature, which purchased textbooks through a process called adoption, (b) the publishers, who were responsible for maintaining sufficient reserves, (c) the book depositories, which received the books, stored them, and shipped them out as needed to schools around the state. Mr. DODD - As a point of information, are people who work within the Agency fairly careful in their language in describing what the category of certain people are who work for the Agency? Dean was the son of Elzie L. Glaze and Geneva I. Glaze and was born in Lubbock, Texas. John F. Kennedy Subcommittee Mr. GOLDSMITH - I take it, from your testimony, that in November of 1963, you were stationed in XXXXXXXXXXXXX Station, is that correct? Mr. WILCOTT - No; I think that I looked through my advance book -- and I had a book where the advances on projects were run, and I leafed through them, and I must have at least leafed through them to see if what he said was true. Since then, he has written numerous articles on the subject for various periodicals, including The Fourth Decade, Dealey Plaza Echo, and Probe. How long were the XXXXXXXXX cash disbursement files or records retained? Mr. GOLDSMITH - What is that explanation? Please publish modules in offcanvas position. Mr. WILCOTT - No, sir, they did not. phone, and hang up, and I would get notes written in snow or my windshield and I had slips of paper left under my, windshield and this sort of thing. Mr. PREYER - Let me interrupt. Mr. CORNWELL - Do you remember anything about it? She died in 1969. ). About a year or two after her death, while his father was away, someone broke into the house and set it on fire, creating a furious blaze. They appear to be members of the security staff described by Joe Bergin, Jr. Glazes letters add a further detail that they were members of the FBI. Mr. GOLDSMITH - And finally, as I said at the beginning is it fair to say that you are here voluntarily today? Why would anyone share the information that Oswald was an agent with you, Mr. Wilcott? Mr. GOLDSMITH - Mr. Wilcott, you indicated that after receiving this information concerning Oswald's cryptonym, you went back to check some files, is that correct? responsibilities were primarily record keeping and disbursing of funds. Considering what William Harvey wrote about creating phony 201 files for ZR/RIFLE scapegoats, an obvious first question is: How genuine is Oswald's file (or what little we have . Mr. WILCOTT - We were married in 1954, sir. Mr. GOLDSMITH - Were any of these people on your list possible subjects who made references to Oswald being a CIA agent? Mr. PREYER - I believe you have written an article about this, an unpublished article. Mr. WILCOTT - Usually I threw them away at the end of the day or once in a while I would put it in -- I had a little folder where I kept personal things and it is possible I could have out it in there, but certainly it would have bee destroyed when I left. the day we would list all of the advances that were made in an advance book. heard it, that was not the first occasion on which you had seen it or heard it? Mr. WILCOTT - They were retained for approximately one year by the finance office, approximately one to two years, and were destroyed at the time of audit. Mr. WILCOTT - Yes, sir, early 1964. Mr. GOLDSMITH - What is that opinion? (The witness conferred with his Counsel.). Your interest in the work of our Committee is appreciated. 49, No. Mr. GOLDSMITH - Do you remember when specifically this conversation took place? We think our readers would be interested in reading his evidence./p>, (Click here to open the document in another page.). In the decades following that fateful day, former employees of these companies have been reluctant to answer questions. All that I knowand the attending dead endswere passed along to a researcher and author in Dallas a few years ago. Mr. GOLDSMITH - So, you first came across this, information in November of 1963, is that correct? Mr. GOLDSMITH - And when you testified earlier that you learned Oswald's cryptonym, by that do you mean that you learned both Oswald's personal cryptonym and his project cryptonym, or was it one of the two? However, information on the Prayer-man.com website shows that Shelley was indeed an officer during the war, albeit as a lieutenant in the Reserve Officer Training Corps at Crozier Tech. Needless to say, she never did wear that dress. Mr. WILCOTT - In conversation. The specific incident was soon after the Kennedy assassination, where an agent, a Case Officer -- I am sure it was a Case Officer -- came up to my window to draw money, and he specifically said in the conversation that ensued, he specifically said, "Well, Jim, the money that I drew the last couple of weeks ago or so was money," either This employee said that fellow employees were subjected to similar job interviews by government agents. Mr. WILCOTT - No. His wife Mildred refused to talk about the assassination even with members of her own family. Mr. CORNWELL - Did they tell you whether or not you passed the polygraphs? That would have put it into 1964? Dorothy Ann Garner, former staff supervisor of Scott Foresman, thought the move occurred around 1960 or maybe a little later. Mr. WILCOTT - Anything they had there would have -- sometimes they used as many as two or three different cryptonyms and they would have -- it all depended on how far they wanted to isolate it from the original source, from the original source as to where the project was run. Mr. GOLDSMITH - What were these people's names? Mr. DODD - And she was aware of it from 1964 up until 1968 -- It was only my personal He kept his pocket calendars from his years of employment, and he noted when the grocery company moved out of the building to a new facility in another part of Dallas. We appreciate that, and if at, any time you think of any further way in which your testimony can be corroborated or the name of any other CIA man or any record or anything of that sort that might be available we hope you will get in touch with us and let us know about it. Did he say to you, "I think Oswald was a CIA agent," or did that first person say to you that he was a CIA agent? This was about, believe -- about October of 1975. I have some information concerning the assassination of President John Kennedy that I wish to submit for your scrutiny. It was dated December 12, 1977,[11] and, at the bottom, it had the authors full name. Mr. CORNWELL - Last November? Mr. DODD - Was he described as an agent to you or was he described as an operative or a paid informant? I don't know that anyone has ever looked into it. Mr. WILCOTT - Yes. Shelleys second claim was that he joined the CIA. No doubt the police asked Shelley a lot of questions, and it is possible that they kept him in custody until he gave satisfactory answers. Mr. WILCOTT - Yes, sir. After viewing product detail pages, look here to find an easy way to navigate back to pages you are interested in. (Its address, I later learned, was 11310 Gemini Lane.) Mr. GOLDSMITH - And what is the reason for that? During the period, it was unvouchered funds, and my duties were general accounting, and my rate in status was GS-5. Mr. GOLDSMITH - Are you saying, then, that the cash disbursement files as a matter of routine would be periodically destoryed? Mr. SAWYER - What were they? I had been involved at one point with a group civil rights group, and they had investigated it and said that there was no wrongdoing on my part as far a this association with the civil rights group. EXECUTIVE SESSION Top subscription boxes right to your door, 1996-2023, Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates, Learn more how customers reviews work on Amazon, includes free international wireless delivery via. Mr. GOLDSMITH - Assuming that Oswald was an agent for the CIA, would the agency's cash disbursement files have referred to either Oswald or to his cryptonym? Mr. WILCOTT - It was my Request for Advance Book. Mr. CORNWELL - But your testimony or your statements on the subject hadn't been made a matter of publicity on any other occasion? Mr. GOLDSMITH - And for purposes of clarification, now, if Oswald was already dead at the time that you went to this book, why did you go back to examine the book? Below is an obituary from the Austin American-Statesman published on Dec. 15, 2019. However, if you received this information two or three months after the assassination, at a time that Oswald was already dead and had been dead for two or three months, what purpose would have been served by checking records that were only 30 days old? This was all cash payments and record keeping for the station. [18] Carolyn Walther, 24H522; Edwards, 24H207; Fischer, 24H208. As a CIA employee, Wilcott stated under oath that many people told him that Lee Harvey Oswald was an agent of the CIA after the assassination had occurred. Mr. GOLDSMITH - When was that? Mr. SAWYER - Who told this to the community development, people? Mr. WILCOTT - Yes, sir. Mr. GOLDSMITH - Is that list complete and does it have. Mr. WILCOTT - They were maintained on a thirty-day basis, and then they were closed off at the end of the month. From January of 1965 to about March of 1965, I was at Langley in the same area, in finance, policing accounts and auditing of special accounts, and I was promoted up to GS-9. Free shipping for many products! Spaulding Jones, former branch manager of MacMillan, said they moved in around 1957 or 1958. The owner of the establishment, rightwing oil man, D. H. Byrd would have had little problem approving that kind of clearance. Please try again. Oswald was already dead at that time, the book might have contained a reference to either Oswald or the Oswald project and that that reference would have been to a period six months or even a year earlier, is that correct? I was really scared to go to the Government and talk about any of these things. Mr. CORNWELL - The cryptonym -- did you write it down at any point? For many years he assisted organizations that helped veterans, monitored the nuclear power industry, and worked to ensure basic human rights. Mr. WILCOTT - No, sir. Mr. CORNWELL - You had signed a secrecy oath while you were employed with the Agency? Mr. GOLDSMITH - I realize this is testimony 15 years after the fact. There were more people than that that believed it, and six people with any degree of certainty that, you know, I felt from what they were saying that they either had some kind of substantial knowledge, or they had talked to somebody who had some knowledge. Mr. GOLDSMITH - And who made these references to Oswald being an agent of the CIA? There is a vast literature on the assassination of President John F. Kennedy, . When I interviewed him, he was living alone with his three cats, depending for his income on the charity of his father and disability checks. His tires were slashed and sugar was poured into his gas tank. Mr. CORNWELL - Has any representative of the Agency or anyone who you believed might be a representative of the Agency ever come to you and discussed these matters? Mr. CORNWELL - Do you have any knowledge, based upon your tenure XXXXXXX as to who would have trained Oswald in the Russian language if that occurred? Out of curiosity, he opened this door and saw a large storage area that took over half of the square footage of the fourth floor. Mr. CORNWELL - That is, that subject matter, your statement on the Oswald agency matter, be printed or otherwise publicized in a news publication, radio or TV or anything like that on any other occasion? I will help any wayI just want to be forewarned. Mr. WILCOTT - Oh, yes. When, exactly, was the very first time that you heard or came across information that Oswald was an agent? Mr. WILCOTT - Certainly with George Breen, XXXXXXXXXXX the circle of social friends that we had. Consider the following letter: Re: THE ASSASSINATION OF PRESIDENT JOHN F. KENNEDY, While working as a journalist in Dallas late in 1974 and early 1975, I met and spoke with Lee Harvey Oswalds supervisor at the Texas School Book Depository in Dallas, Texas. Mr. WILCOTT - Yes. They received threats over the telephone, even death threats. He asked that a copy of the letter be sent to his homenot to the business addressand after he read it, he would check into it. Mr. WILCOTT - They were extremely vulgar and I don't think that I should give the full context of them. 66-67. I think you are making some important allegations here, and you have been very helpful in giving some witnesses' names through which we might be able to corroborate it, but I think it is very important that we know clearly how much of this was cocktail party talk and how much was shop talk and how much was speculation and rumor and how much was hard fact. Mr. WILCOTT - No, sir. Mr. WILCOTT - Or perhaps January. Confirming these observations were two more spectators, Ronald Fischer and Robert Edwards, who saw a man with light-colored hair and a light-colored open-neck shirt at a window on the fifth floor. Mr. WILCOTT - Yes, sir. Mr. WILCOTT - Surely, sir. I remember hearing about some CIA people who had somehow helped the right-wing Minute Men in Texas to get arms, originally intended for the invasion. Among the Dallas individuals and companies engaged in supplying arms to Cuban exiles and the Minute Men might have been the ones occupying the building at 411 Elm Street. Then in 2009 I read and reviewed James Douglass's masterpiece, JFK and the Unspeakable, and my traumatic memories of 1963 and after came flooding back in full force. Mr. WILCOTT - Yes, sir. He was not questioned by the Warren Commission. Mr. WILCOTT - Yes, sir. A puzzling aspect of Glazes 1989 letter was his reference to the book depository having moved to a location near the intersection of Royal Lane and Interstate 35. Mr. DODD - Am I to presume that you told your wife of the conversation you had with this case officer at the time it occurred? Mr. WILCOTT - Not the files, no. Retired TSBD vice president Ochus Campbell said the move took place about five years prior to the assassination. Mr. GOLDSMITH - Were you ever able to find any indication in any of the XXXXXXX Station's records that Oswald was, in fact, a CIA agent? Mr. WILCOTT - That is right. Present: Representatives Preyer (presiding), Dodd and Sawyer. Mr. WILCOTT - Not directly, no, sir. Please try your request again later. Mr. GOLDSMITH - Was Jerry Fox one of the people that made. My next call was to the Alternative Information Network founded by Doug Kellner and Frank Morrow. Mr. WILCOTT - Well, they were such incidents as the FBI agent that was working with a group -- and this was an established fact that this person was an FBI agent and that he wa working with the group that I was working with an antiwar group and, to my mind, there is a very great likelihood that this person was there to neutralize me, as the CIA term went. Mr. GOLDSMITH - Were there any other times during your stay with the CIA at XXXXXXXXXX Station that you came across information that Oswald had been a CIA agent? Also Present: Michael Goldsmith, Counsel, and Gary Cornwell, Counsel. Mr. GOLDSMITH - Who was George Breen? Mr. WILCOTT - Yes, I was on security duty, and on security duty, agents were coming in and out of the station, and I pulled a lot of security duty, three and four nights right in a row, and pulled as much as 24 hours on weekends, and an agent would come back from meeting with somebody and he would be waiting for his wife to pick him up or would be waiting for a call from one of the indigenous agents that he was running and a lot of times conversations would be talked. [5] Interviews of Ted Leon and Thomas H. Butler. Governor John Connally and his wife, Nellie, sat in front of them. Mr. CORNWELL - On any other occasion? Mr. GOLDSMITH - Did you prepare such a list? Mr. GOLDSMITH - To your knowledge, did the CIA ever conduct an investigation into your allegation that Oswald was an agent? Mr. WILCOTT - That he was a regular employee, receiving a full-time salary for agent work for doing CIA operational work. Mr. GOLDSMITH - Mr. Wilcott after leaving the XXXXXXXXX Station, was there any other time when you came across any information that indicated that Oswald was a CIA agent? It was a guard-type function at the station, which I worked for overtime. Mr. GOLDSMITH - At the time that this allegation first came to your attention, did you learn the name of Oswald's Case Offficer at the CIA? It was an infantry replacement center as well as a German POW camp. Mr. WILCOTT - Yes, I have opinions. [22] And this likely included coaxing Shelly and Lovelady into making an ersatz trip across the street to the railroad yards before their return to the TSBD, which is now when they said they saw Styles and Adams. She & her husband left Dallas shortly afterward. This book provides the first useful, in-depth analysis of the 120 phone calls by LBJ in the week following the assassination regarding such items as the Civil Rights Act, demands made by the military and similar political power plays. Mr. WILCOTT - Destroyed or changed. Unable to add item to List. Mr. GOLDSMITH - What is the basis for that opinion? You may have noticed that at the end of my letter to Alternative Views I carbon-copied to my will. It was intended as a jab at myself lest I get too full of myself rereading it 50 years from now. Here to find an easy way to navigate back to pages you are interested in easy way to navigate to... Fbi report of roy Truly was, up to the Alternative information Network founded by Doug and! Instances of harassment CIA operational work scared to go to the Alternative information Network founded Doug! Needless to say, she never did wear that dress the murky world of intrigue involving FBI! Seen it or heard it, that was not the first occasion on which you had seen it heard! List of CIA case Officers working at XXXXXXXXX station in 1963 the subject had n't made... 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